INDEX WOBURN, MIDDLESEX CO., MA, 1640 to 1873, 1670-1850 [Transcribed by Dave Swerdferger] 1640-1873 Births - ABBOTT to BURTON Births - BUSS to CONWAY Births - COOK to DWYER Births - EAGER to GUSTIN Births - HABER to JOHNSON Births - JOICELIN to LYONS Births - McARTHUR to MURRAY Births - NASH to POWERS Births - PREIST to RICHARDSON Births - RICHARDSON (1825) to SPRING Births - STACKPOLE to WAYLAND Births - WEAFER to YOUNGMAN Marriages - ABBOTT to BYRNE Marriages - CABOT to CYERS Marriages - DAILY to EVERETT Marriages - FAIRBANKS to GYE Marriages - HACKETT to JOHNSON Marriages - JOHONNOT to LYON Marriages - McAFEE to MYERS Marriages - NASH to PUTNEY Marriages - QUEENAN to RYDER Marriages - SALISBURY to SYMMES Marriages - TABOR to WEYMOUTH Marriages - HALEN to YOUNG Deaths - ABBOTT to CLOUGH Deaths - COAKLEY to EVANS Deaths - FALEY to HYDE Deaths - INGERSON to LYONS Deaths - McAULTY to OYSTEAD Deaths - PADEN to RYDER Deaths - SALMON to TYNG Deaths - UNDERWOOD to YOUNG 1873-1890 Births - ABBOTT to CAULFIELD Births - CHALLIS to DYER Births - EAGAN to GUSTAFSON Births - HACKETT to KYLE Births - LA CASSE to McISSAACS Births - MACK to NUTHALL Births - O'BRIEN to RYERSON Births - SANBORN to YOUNG Marriages - ABBOTT to CONWAY Marriages - COOK to FYRA Marriages - GAFFNEY to JUDGE Marriages - KANE to MITCHELL Marriages - MOBALL to RYAN Marriages - SALMON to YOUNG Deaths - ABBOTT to CHURCHILL Deaths - CLAPPERTY to DWYER Deaths - EAGAN to GUTTERY Deaths - HACKETT to JOYCE Deaths - KANE to McWAM Deaths - MADAN to OYSTEAD Deaths - PAGE to SMITH Deaths - SNELL to YOUNG MA INDEX