FAIRBANK (see below)
Asahel Jr. and Mary A. Chapin of Windham, Vt., int. Jan. 3, 1835.
Huldah and Newel Cutler, int. Aug. 25, 1821.
Lavina [Lovisa in int.] and Silas Barlow, Oct. 23, 1823. P.R.
Persis and Keyes Tyler, int. April 21, 1822.
Sophia and Sullivan Alexander of Brimfield, int. March 17, 1832.
FAIRBANKS (see above)
Asahel and Lucy Ann Hubbard of Brimfield, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Asa and Diadema Gleason of Brookfield, Oct. 16, 1796. In Brookfield.
Betty and Timothy Packard of Brookfield, int. Nov. 5, 1773.
Johnothan of Athol and Wid. Lydia Bellows, int. March 20, 1817.
Dr. Abner and Lucy Lincoln, Jan. 23, 1803.
Horace of Belchertown and Elizabeth Jackson, int. April 4, 1822.
Polly and Solomon Dunham of Brimfield, int. Dec. 5, 1800.
FARREL (see Ferril)
[Ferrill in int.], Isaac and Sarah McNitt of Palmer District, April 27, 1762. In Palmer District.
William and Mary Canely, int. July 2, 1839.
Francis of Acton and Rebecca Keyes, int. Feb. 24, 1759.
Charlotte of Hardwick and Lewis R. Foster, int. March 10, 1837.
Easter of Brimfield and Joel Barrous, int. Sept. 3, 1791.
Fanny of Brimfield and Levi Parker, Aug. 28, 1806.
John of Sturbridge and Caroline A. Rich, Nov. 29, 1832.
Asa E. of Jamaica, Vt., and Mary R. Ellis, int. Dec. 3, 1836.
Elisabeth T. of Canton and Roswell Blair, int. Aug. 3, 1844.
FERRIL (see Farrell)
[Farrell in int.], Gideon and Sally Moore, March 21, 1802.
Sarah and Joshua McMaster of Palmer, int. Sept. 18, 1762.
Asher and Asseneth Neckals of Brimfield, int. May 6, 1813.
FIELD (see Fields)
Abigail and Cyrus Rich, int. Jan. 16, 1768.
Abigal of Oakeham and Pliny Davis, int. Dec. 10, 1802.
Asa K. and [Mrs.] Sally Brown, Oct. 11, 1798.
Eliza Ann (d. Joseph and Eliza, a. 20) and James C. Richardson, Jan. 17, 1847.
Joseph and Eliza Josselyne, int. April 21, 1821.
Joseph and Mrs. Mary Ann Grant of Westfield, int. March 8, 1834.
[Wid. in int.] Mary and Joseph Stone of Shrewsbury, Dec. 31 [1788].
Mrs. Nabbe of Oakham and Daniel Stone, int. April 1, 1798.
Polly and John Adams of Oakeham, June 13, 1803.
Roburt of Hardwick and Sally Tyler, May 4, 1803.
Wid. Sally and Jonathan Gillet of Winterbury, May 11, 1808.
FIELDS (see above)
Lt. Ebenezer and Mary Keyes, int. Feb. 7, 1778.
Darcus of Willington and Asa Brooks, int. Oct. 21, 1796.
Esther of Willington and Benjamon Brooks, int. Oct. 19, 1799.
Joseph of New Marlborough and Mary Makepeace, int. July 19, 1766.
Lucy and Elisha Pratt, int. Nov. 27, 1756.
Charles A. of Spencer and Elizabeth F. Brownell, int. March 7, 1835.
Jonathan and Mercy Lenord of Hardwick, int. April 11, 1772.
Lucy of Reading and Dr. Edmund Buxton, Dec. 24, 1797. In Reading.
Jonas and Martha Blake, Aug. 14, 1821.
FORSTER (see Foster, Fostor)
Nathan and Wid. Betty Pratt, int. Dec. 28, 1797.
FOSGET (see below)
Dwight and Rebecca Mills, Nov. 29, 1815.
Dwight A. and Nancy Mills, int. Aug. 21, 1817.
FOSKIT (see above)
Alvah H. and Hannah Holmes, Feb. 22, 1842.
Loron F. (s. Dwight and Nancy, a. 23) and Sophia Livermore, Nov. 27, 1845.
Marcus and Fanny Smith, Nov. 13, 1833.
FOSTER (see Forster, Fostor)
Betsey of Newbrantree and Harvey Lincoln, int. Feb. 3, 1804.
Rev. Daniel of New Brantree and Mrs. Betsey Read, int. Nov. 21, 1778.
Eliza A. and Luke T. Draper, Jan. 1, 1834.
Lewis R. and Charlotte Fay of Hardwick, int. March 10, 1837.
Rev. Luke of Rutland and Eunice Knight, int. March 30, 1813.
Lydia and Calven Bellows, July ----, 1794.
Nathan [Jr. in dup.] and Abigail Seeley, int. Sept. 11, 1773.
Nathan and Betty Blackmer, Jan. 4, 1798.
Selina of Palmer and Shepard Blair, int. Dec. 28, 1831.
Sherlock and Tammy Read, June 4, 1812.
Sherlock and Abigail Bradford of Southbridge, int. Sept. 18, 1819.
FOSTOR (see Forster, Foster)
Betty and Nathan Wood, int. Sept. 11, 1773.
Zube and Caleb Rogers of Sturbridge, int. Nov. 14, 1771.
Frederick of North Brookfield and Lucy Ann Olds, int. Oct. 27, 1836.
Michael of Boston and Bethiah Right, int. May 9, 1772.
Samuel of Lescester and Loes Rusel, April 5, 1802.
Olive and Benjamin Blair, int. April 18, 1830.
Laurilla and Elbridge G. Gibbs, both of Barre, Nov. 29, 1832.
[Mrs. in int.], Eliza and Abner Kelly, June 26, 1839.
Earl W. of Brookfield and Malinda Pierce, int. Feb. 24, 1827.
Clarisa and Whelock Thayer, int. Nov. 18, 1816.
FULLER (see above)
Elethere of Ware and John Josselyn, int. Aug. 9, 1813.
Laura A. of Brimfield and Sewell Phillips, int. Sept. 1, 1837.
Sibbel and William Lovelow, int. June 7, 1783.
Sylvanus D. of Mendham, N. J., and Hannah Marsh, int. March 17, 1821.
Dolly of Winstead, Ct., and Eli Johnson, int. Sept. 24, 1842.
Mary L. of Rutland and James R. Clapp, int. April 12, 1845.
GEASON (see Gleason, Glezen, Glezon)
Huldah and James Tyler, Feb. 20, 1812.
David A. of [Boscawen in int.] N.H. and Elizabeth Putnam, Oct. 1, 1841.
Thomas of Boscowen, N.H., and Betsy Patrick, int. Sept. 28, 1822.
Betsey and Royal Stone, Oct. 30, 1832.
Elbridge G. and Laurilla Frost, both of Barre, Nov. 29, 1832.
Joseph of New Marlborough and Lydia Blair, int. Dec. 16, 1772.
GILBARD (see forms below)
Abigaal and Joseph Trumble, int. Feb. 25, 1743-4.
GILBERT (see above and below)
Freeman and Abagail B. Demond of Ware, int. Oct. 22, 1841.
Lucy and John Cowee, Aug. 13, 1794.
Luther and Hannah Stone, May ----, 1840.
Maria B. of West Brookfield and Ransaler Bliss, int. Aug. 27, 1824.
Mary Ann of Brookfield and Asa Patrick Jr., int. Jan. 3, 1829.
Miram and Isaac G [---], int. Jan. 5, 1782.
Nabby and Asa Bowen of Spencer, int. Jan. 3, 1791.
Nathaniel of Brookfield and Lucy S. Rich, int. March 6, 1835.
Olive and Capt. Joseph Goulding, Oct. 24, 1793.
Sophia M. of Ware and Alden A. Wilder, int. Sept. 19, 1840.
William S. of Endfield [Enfield in int.] and Maxiah Cummings, Dec. 23, 1841.
GILBURT (see forms above)
Cynthia and Solomon Glezen, Nov. 26, 1789.
Lt. David and Wid. Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. Oct. 5, 1771.
Dea. John of Brookfield and Mrs. Sarah Dunton, int. Sept. 24, 1763.
Lucy of Brookfield and Oliver Arnold, int. May 9, 1807.
Lusinda and Josiah Austen, int. Nov. 14, 1782.
Martha of Brookfield and Jonas Hayward, int. Nov. 1, 1757.
Nancy of Brookfield and Samuell Stoel, int. Aug. 10, 1797.
Orsimus [of Framingham in int.] and Annius Blair, June 27, 1793.
Warren and Marcy Rusel of Brimfield, int. July 23, 1791.
Whitmon of Richmon and Lucy Arnold, int. Nov. 14, 1806.
Hannah and Samuell Bascom, Oct. 25, 1786.
Sybil and Prince Aspinwall of Brimfield, July ----, 1810. [Int. July 4.]
Jonathan of Winterbury [Windsor in int.] and Wid. Sally Field, May 11, 1808.
Sally and Daniel S. Nickols of Brimfield, June 12, 1814.
GLEASON (see Geason, Glezen, Glezon)
Charles E. and Emily Lincoln, int. April 28, 1836.
[Wid. in int.] Charlotte and Gilbert Marrs, July 9, 1820.
Diadema [Dima in int.] of Brookfield and Asell Fairbanks, Oct. 26, 1796. In Brookfield.
Guy of Windham [Williamantic in int.], Ct., and Pamelia Combs, Dec. 31, 1832.
Huldah A. and Daniel Stone of Charlton, int. Feb. 4, 1837.
Jason and Olive Draper of Sturbridge, March 9, 1789. In Sturbridge.
John B. and Susan M. Hamilton, int. May 31, 1823.
Julia A. and Amasa Stone of Springfield, Jan. 23, 1842.
Russell T. and Emily Smith of Palmer, int. Oct. 14, 1843.
Stephen of Brimfield and Lucy Tyler, int. March 15, 1823.
[Mrs. in int.], Susan M. and David A. Bemis, Dec. 2, 1830.
GLEZEN (see above)
Abigal and Serrel Burly of Union, Feb. 24 1791.
Hannah and James Shermon of Brimfield, int. Sept. 1, 1775.
Hulda of Brookfield and David Burrough Jr., int. Sept. 11, 1802.
Isaac and Hulda Rich, Jan. 24, 1771.
Isaac Jr. of Brookfield and Ruth Burroughs, int. Dec. 20, 1800.
Isaac Jr. and Margaret Burroughs, March 30, 1809.
Jerusha and Nathan Chadwick, int. June 14, 1761.
Joanna [Anna in int.] and William Collester, July 10, 1793.
John and Zuba Hitchcock of Wilbraham, int. Sept. 25, 1771.
Jonathan and Polly Alles of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 25, 1785.
Joseph and Hannah Bliss, int. July 14, 1754.
Joseph and Sarah Blair, Nov. 26, 1771.
Joseph and Wid. Hannah Cheney, int. Oct. 8, 1776.
Lovisa of Brookfield and Vespasian Randill, int. Oct. 11, 1805.
Lucy and Simeon Parker, Feb. 6, 1806.
Mary and Samuell Bliss, Feb. 1, 1759.
Rachel and William Crosman, July 28, 1796.
Solomon and Cynthia Gilburt, Nov. 26, 1789.
GLEZON (see above)
John B. and Cynthia Hamilton of Brookfield, int. June 15, 1816.
Mary and Thaddeus F. Parker, int. Feb. 8, 1817.
Asa of Brookfield and Tamsen Bellows, int. Dec. 24, 1785.
Ezekiel of New Salem and Martha McComb, int. April 25, 1772.
Jonathan [of New Salem in int.] and Sarah McComb, March 21, 1771.
Lucretia of Boston (d. Stephen, a. 34) and Elbert Clapp, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Hope of Charlton and James Dexter, int. Jan. 17, 1813.
Hubburt [Hubburd in int.] of Brookfield and ThankfulL Boles, Jan. 18, 1769.
Jeremiah of Stoughtenham and Mary Putnam, int. Aug. 30, 1777.
Jerusha and Seth Marsh of Monson, ---- ----, 1788. In Brookfield. [Int. Dec. 15, 1787.]
Joseph of Suth Brimfield and Jemima Lyon, iNt. Feb. 16, 1789.
Samuel of Ware and hANNAH Nevens, int. Sept. 28, 1811.
Capt. Joseph and Olive Gilbert, Oct. 24, 1793.
Julia and Ashal Dorr of Brookfield, Aug. 18, 1796.
Percies and Solomon Chadwick, March 23, 1800.
GRAHAM (see Grayham)
Sarah of South Brimfield and Richard Cada, int. July 23, 1768.
Mrs. Mary Ann of Westfield and Joseph Field, int. March 8, 1834.
GRAY (see Grey)
Almira and James Shaw Jr., int. April 26, 1823.
Eliphelet and Lydia Manson, Nov. 28, 1784.
George W. and Lexannah Lawton, int. Dec. 15, 1832.
Mary and John Osbon of Royalston, int. March 25, 1775.
Mathew and Sarah Pooler, int. April ----, 1765.
Sally and Lemuel Andrus, int. June 6, 1807.
Samuel and Easther Hardy of Northamton, int. Feb. 11, 1802.
Samuel 2d and Lydia King, Aug. 26, 1804.
Sophira and Isaac Carpenter, int. May 2, 1816.
Tamson of Belchertown and Ebenezer Marsh, int. Aug. 25, 1785.
GRAYHAM (see Graham)
Almina and Emilius Bond of Palmer, int. June 4, 1827.
Benjamin of Stafford and Elenor Patrick, int. Sept. 29, 1753.
Benjamin and Jane Roberson of Palmer, int. July 14, 1764.
Elisabeth and James McCartney of Palmer, int. Sept. 19, 1772.
Lydia A. of Salem (d. William. b. in Chester, N.H., a. 22) and Pardon P. Allen, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Betsy of Rutland and Franklin Brown, int. Feb. 17, 1821.
GREY (see Gray)
Betsey and Jonas Barter of Spencer, int. Feb. 17, 1816.
[Grady in int.], Lot and Betsey Woolcut, July 4, 1809.
Samuell and Mille Moffet of Killingsley, int. Dec. 20, 1766.
Margret of Brimfield and Robert Whelor, int. Oct. 18, 1760.
Stephen of Hubburtstown and Zipporah Wheelor, Nov. 15, 1770.
Lucy M. and William C. Miller, int. May 31, 1840.
G[----] -
Isaac and Miram Gilbert, int. Jan. 5, 1782.
Nathan of Winser, Vt., and Ruth Tyler, int. Sept. 6, 1799.
Betcy L. of Spencer and Augustus Cutler, int. Jan. 21, 1836.
Eliza and Edward Welch, int. Oct. 28, 1839.
Francis of Brookfield and Mrs. Lydia Lawton, int. March 27, 1841.
Tim and Cimony Brunson, living in Western, int. Nov. 17, 1794.
HAMBELTON (see forms below)
Wid. Mary and William Virgin, int. June 18, 1779.
Betsey and John Wicks, July 30, 1797.
HAMILTON (see forms above)
Amos of Brookfield and Lydia Chadwick, int. March 1, 1744.
Clarissa and Joel Olds, May 17, 1812.
Cynthia of Brookfield and John B. Glezon, int. June 15, 1816.
Isabel of Blanford and William Marrs, ---- ----, 1770. In Blanford. [Int. June 8. 1770].
Jesse and Lucy Nutlen of Brimfield, int. March 4, 1816.
Juliann of Brookfield and George W. Read, int. Feb. 12, 1825.
Obediah and Mrs. Hannah Smith, int. June 3, 1798.
Selesta and Waldo Read, int. Nov. 23, 1822.
Susan M. and John B. Gleason, int. May 31, 1823.
[Hammond in int.], Ira of Wilbraham and Cynthia Sole, May 29, 1803.
[Harmon in int.], John and Miriam Woolcote of Brookfield, Jan. 10, 1788. In Brookfield.
Sarah of Wrenton and Nathaniel Chickring, int. May 16, 1781.
Elizabeth of Sutton and Eli Putnam, March 12, 1778. In Sutton.
Henry B. of Sutton and Polly Belloss, int. Aug. 26, 1822.
Polly and John Mill, March 12, 1789.
Thankfull of Sturbridge and Edward Brooks, int. Oct. 8, 1787.
Easther of Northamton and Samuel Gray, int. Feb. 11, 1802.
Hannah and Reufus Rice of Brookfield, int. Nov. 23, 1816. Cancelled in original.
Anna and Silous Swycher, int. May 9, 1794.
John of Oakham and Mary White, int. Aug. 15, 1772.
Polly and James Stepens, Dec. 31, 1797.
HARRINGTON, see Hearington, Herrington.
HARTHEWAY (see Hathaway)
Asehal of Suffield and Mrs. Anna Dwight, int. March 28, 1778.
John of Windsor and Wid. Abigal Thayer, Jan. 8, 1792.
Rosetta K. of Sturbridge and Eli K. Lincoln, int. March 31, 1849.
Alma of Bolton and John Barrus Jr., int. Feb. 9, 1765.
HASKELL (see above)
Eunice of Hardwick and Chester Powers, int. Sept. 8, 1805.
Joanna of Hardwick and Capt. Chester Powers, int. Aug. 15, 1830.
Altania of Palmer and William A. Shepard, int. Nov. 8, 1834.
Anna of Suthampton and Rev. Sylvester Burt, int. Aug. 31, 1806.
HATHAWAY (see Hartheway)
Ann P. and Washington Hill, April 22, 1830.
Daniel A. and Harriet A. Chapin, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Edwin and Sarah C. Keith, Sept. 4, 1832.
Ezra and Eunas Chadwick, int. April 17, 1790.
Ezra Jr. and Samantha Sikes, int. Nov. 6, 1824.
Hariat and Eben Cutler, int. Sept 26, 1840.
Livia and Erwin Merrit, May 26, 1824.
Wary [Mary J. in int.] and William Cowee, May 17, 1827. P.R.
Nathan of Brookfield and Lydia Alexander, June 30, 1796.
Nathan and Elizabeth Olds of Brookfield, Oct. 31, 1815.
Oliver and Polly Sherman of Ware, int. March 10, 1827.
Peres Morton (s. Nathan and Lydia, a. 30) and Cynthia Olds, April 18, 1847.
Ruth E. (d. Nathan, a. 23) and Winsor Drury, Dec. 24, 1844.
[Mrs. in int.] Sarah and Ebenezer Marsh, Jan. 11, 1841.
John of Houston [East Windsor, Ct., in int.] and Nancy Read, Sept. 12, 1836.
Harriat and Elbridge G. Rich, Sept. 27, 1838.
Betsey of Brimfield and Caleb Bascom, int. Aug. 16, 1823.
George and Sarah Brooks, int. Feb. 9, 1760.
Hannah and Robert Blair, Aug. 14, 1769.
Hannah and Robert Blair Jr. of Branford, int. June 8, 1770. [Perhaps same as above.]
Joanna and Francis Blair, int. Jan. 23, 1768.
John and Elisabeth Brooks, int. Aug. 6, 1757.
John and Eunice Hitchcock, Nov. 20, 1794.
Jonas and Martha Gilburt of Brookfield, int. Nov. 1, 1757.
Josiah and Mary Ellis of Brookfield, int. Sept. 28, 1822.
Lucy and Jacob Allin of Sturbridge, int. April 8, 1758.
Ruth and Joseph Wood, Dec. 12, 1785.
Hannah and Patrick Dogan, int. July 10, 1839.
John (s. Thomas, a. 31) and Elizebeth Wise, Feb. 9, 1845.
Malchem of Oakham and Dorothy Blair, int. Oct. 9, 1762.
Sally [Lucy Hinher in int.] of Brookfield and William Primer, Aug. 31, 1794. In Brookfield.
Joshua of Brookfield and Phebe Read, int Jan. 13, 1754.
Lydia and Daniel Kinney, int. Aug. 15, 1772.
Rebeckah of Ware and Solomon Blackmer Jr, int. Jan. 3, 1784.
Fanny and Willard Barns, Sept. 10, 1829.
Faulkner and Rachael Dearth of West Brookfield, int. April 25, 1835.
John and Lucy Lincoln, Feb. 5, 1795.
Sally, now Resident in Western, and Reuben Pattrick of Brimfield, Aug. ----, 1786.
Washington and Ann P. Hathaway, April 22, 1830.
William and Sarah White, int. March 15, 1779.
Joseph Obry [Joseph O'Brien and Elisebeth McKinstey, of Sturbridge, int. May 11, 1787.
Phene and Phenehas Walker, int. Aug. 12, 1775.
Tryphena and Moses Tylor, int. June 12, 1762.
Abijah and Wid. Achsah Ludden of Williamsburg, June 26, 1788. In Williamsburg.
Daniel and Polley Marsh, int. Aug. 23, 1812.
David of Brookfield and Martha Keyes, int. Dec. 17, 1763.
Eli and Abagail Olds of Brookfield, Dec. 23, 1776. In Brookfield.
Eunice and John Hayward, Nov. 20, 1794.
John Jr. and Lucy Colton, March 7, 1771.
Joseph F. and Mary Bliss, int. Aug. 26, 1837.
Laura A. [Ann in int.] and Edwin Benson, Oct. 16, 1842.
Laura A. and Hollis Loring of Marlborough, Oct. 20, 1842.
Louisa and William Atwood of Belchertown, April 6, 1831.
Lucy of Brimfield and Samuel H. Bliss, int. Jan. 30, 1831.
Luke and Susanna Crosmon of Chester, int. Dec. 10, 1783.
Marcus of Brimfield and Patty Bliss, int. Jan. 28, 1832.
Mary F. and William P. Dean of Provedence, R.I., July 19, 1843.
Noah of Brimfield and Wid. Margret Brown, Dec. 20, 1792.
Noah of Brimfield and Wid. Sarah Wood, Jan. 26, 1809.
Oorin and Sarah Moore of Palmer, int. Jan. 1, 1818.
Peter of Brimfield and Ruth Bliss, int. April 7, 1776.
Reubin and Eunice Old of Brookfield, int. Nov. 26, 1774.
Ruth of Brimfield and Isaac Bliss Jr., int. Nov. 15, 1783.
Sally and Simeon Trusdell of Munson, Sept. 24, 1805.
Sarah of Brimfield and Joseph Tidd, int. Nov. 8, 1787.
Sarah Jane (d. Caleb and Betsey, a. 21) and George Burbank, Aug. 30, 1848.
Triphene of Brimfield and Nathan Addoms, int. Sept. 18, 1782.
Zuba of Wilbraham and John Glezen, int. Sept. 15, 1771.
Wid. ---- of Brimfield and Lt. David Gilburt, int. Oct. 5, 1771.
HOAR (see Hore)
David and Mrs. Mary Bridges, May 21, 1829.
Emma of Brimfield and Moses Tyler, int. Sept. 3, 1819.
Linas and Betsy Bond of Gilsum, N.H., int. April 6, 1818.
HODGES (see Hoges)
Adolphus and Tryphena Tyler, March 31, 1808.
Adolphus and Charity Durfee, int. Sept. 15, 1841.
Augusta (d. Cheney and Olive, a. 25) and Leonard Warren of Spencer, Sept. 2, 1846.
Chany and Olive Tyler, int. April 19, 1805.
Daniel Jr. and Eliza Baker of Brimfield, int. March 11, 1819.
George and Nancy More, int. April 3, 1815.
Lucian and Sarah H. Philips of Grafton, int. Dec. 8, 1837.
Mary and Baxter O. Mynott, Oct. 19, 1817.
Seraph and Holmes Ammidown of Southbridge, int. Oct. 16, 1825.
Susannah and Thomas Tyler, July 7, 1808.
Amos and Jemima Stone, Feb. 17, 1784.
Eleanor M. and Lyman A. Nelson, int. Dec. 7, 1839.
Rachel and Oliver P. Whitemore, both of Brookfield, Oct. 8, 1840.
HOGES (see Hodges)
Daniel and Rachel Rich, int. May 19, 1781.
HOLBROOK (see below)
Ebenezer and Mary Chamberlain, March 31, 1813.
Joseph of Sturbridge and Nancy Lampson, Dec. 30, 1830.
[Lucy in int.] and Thomas Lincoln, May 20, 1790.
[Holden in int.], Rufus and Phila Webber, Aug. 4, 1814.
[Holton ?], Jeremiah and Elizebeth Brinley, int. Dec. 30, 1779.
Anna [Thankfull in int.] of Spencer and Solomon Davis, Nov. 20, 1794. In Spencer.
Charlotte (d. Hartwell and Amanda, a. 17) and Joseph L. Walker of North Brookfield, Nov. 14, 1848.
Hannah and Alvah H. Foskit, Feb. 22, 1842.
Daniel and Frances Brigham of Brookfield, int. Sept. 16, 1820.
Wallace (s. Elihu and Persis, a. 27) and Charlotte Metcalf, Jan. 2, 1849.
David and Nancy Willard of Brimfield, int. April 12, 1829.
HORE (see Hoar)
David [of Brimfield in int.] and Katy Patrick, April 29, 1790.
Joseph Jr. of Brimfield and Anna Brown, Feb. 22, 1803.
Ruth of Brimfield and Asa Patrick, int. Feb. 17, 1787.
Cate of Brimfield and Amasa Tinny, int. April 18, 1799.
Eliphlet and Susanna Winter, Nov. ----, 1809. [Int. Nov. 12, 1809.]
Elisabeth of Belchertown and Timothy Rice, int. Nov. 17, 1770.
Elisha and Eunice Webber, Nov. 22, 1810.
George of North Brookfield and Elizabeth W. Pepper, June 30, 1836. In Brookfield.
[Howland in int], Timothy of Brookfield and Lydia Putnam, Feb. 3, 1802.
HUBBARD (see forms below)
Ester of Brimfield and Edmund Demon, int. Oct. 31, 1761.
Lucy Ann of Brimfield and Asahel Fairbanks, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Gideon of Leuerett and Esther Mills, int. Feb. 2, 1784.
[Hubbard in int], Thomas [of Brimfield in int.] and Polly McCallester, Oct. 21, 1790.
Mary and Rice Wheelor, int. July 10, 1773.
HUTCHINGS (see Hutchins)
Cyrus and Mary Knight, int. June 26, 1817.
HUTCHINS (see Hutchings)
Ann of Killingly and James Blair Jr., int. Oct. 24, 1815.
Ezra Esq. of Killingly and Wid. Nancy Stone, int. Aug. 25, 1814.
Asa and Susanna Willis of Brookfield, March 23, 1788. In Brookfield.
Elizabeth and Horace Fairfield of Belchertown, int. April 4, 1822.
Nancy F. of Brimfield and John Ross Jr., int. Oct. 25, 1829.
Timothy [of Brookfield in int.] and Lydia Tyler, Nov. 1, 1818. P.R.
Dana Jr. (s. David and Lucinda, a. 25) and Sarah S. Nichols, Nov. 30, 1848.
James [of North Brookfield in int.] and Fanny Lincoln, Oct. 16, 1838.
Martin of North Brookfield and Fanny Pepper, int. March 6, 1835.
Jerusha and Robert Tudnum, int. Dec. 9, 1779.
Jonathan of Brookfield and Mary Bliss, int. Jan. 12, 1791.
Eli and Dolly Gardner of Winstead, Ct., int. Sept. 24, 1842.
James and Jane S. Morris, int. July 24, 1842.
Wid. Martha of Brooklin, Ct., and John Brooks, int. Sept. 30, 1816.
Robert and Irena[?] Tayler of Brimfield, int. Dec. 26, 1810.
Robert Jr. (s. Robert and Phila, a. 29) and Lucy O. Morris, March 19, 1848.
Sarah of Westborough [Westbury in int.] and Thomas Patrick, Feb. 18, 1745-6. In Westborough.
[Jonson in int.], William and Miriam Walker of Brookfield, ---- ----, 1788. In Brookfield.
JOISLEN (see Josling and various spellings)
Roland and Polly Cbeasbrooks of Bolton [?], int Oct. 1, 1800.
JOISLIN (see Josling and various spellings)
Thankfull of New Brantree and Daniel Pattin, int. May 1, 1779.
Rev. Isaac and Mrs. Elizabeth Coit of Plainfield, int. Nov. 15, 1779.
[Joines in int.], Joseph of Newfain and Lovisa Maynard, Jan. 16, 1806.
Maj. Joseph and Sophia Jones of Hindsdal, int. April 18, 1788.
[Janes in int.], Ensign Orsamus of Brimfield and Ruth Shepard, April 7, 1803.
Sarah of Worcester and Daniel Tyler, int. Feb. 15, 1817.
Sophia of Hindsdal and Maj. Joseph Jones, int. April 18, 1788.
Thankfull of Brimfield and Amos Sheapard, int. March 1, 1792.
JOSLING (see Joislen, Joislin and forms below)
Polly and Lemuel Parker, int. June 26, 1814.
Mary and John Blair, int. Oct. 17, 1816.
[Joslyn in int.], Nabby and Allen Chapin, Oct. 10, 1810.
JOSSALYN (see above and below)
John and Elethere Fuller of Ware, int. Aug. 9, 1813.
Nancy and Wheelock Thayer of Winchester, Ct., July 20, 1831.
Orrilla [Auarelia in int.] and Thomas Cutler, May 26, 1811.
Eliza and Joseph Field, int. April 21, 1821.
[Joislen in int.], Sage and William Cowee, July 2, 1795.
JOYLYN (see forms above)
[Goslen in int.], William and Becka Colsom of Palmer, Feb. 1, 1794. In Palmer.
Irena and Ira Bacon, int. Aug. 7, 1825.
Joseph of Windham, Ct. and Sarah Cheney, int. Oct. 17, 1778.
Lucy of Monson and Alvin B. Bliss, int. May 23, 1840.
Polly and Epherim Bliss, "Late from Western and now Reside in Carsanove," Feb. 7, 1803.
Sarah C. and Edwin Hathaway, Sept. 4, 1832.
Thomas and Mary Bemis, Dec. 20, 1832.
KELLEY (see Kelly)
Lydia of Charlton and Isaac Patric, Dec. 12, 1793. In Charlton.
[Kalley in int.], Robert of Cherlton and Lydia Marr, Oct. 22, 1771.
Chester and Polly Stone, Feb. 18, 1802.
Medad of Brookfield and Anna Brooks, June 13, 1777. In Brookfield.
Susan of Brookfield and Thomas C. Nye, int. Nov. 23, 1839.
KELLY (see Kelley)
Abner and Betsy Clemmons, March 18, 1807.
Abner and Eliza Fry, June 26, 1839.
Eliza and Charles Conant of Oakham, March 31, 1829.
Lydia and Zadock Bellows, July 12, 1795.
KENDALL, see Kindall
KENNEY (see Kinney)
Daniel Jr. of Sutton and Abigail Davis, April 29, 1751. In Sutton.
Capt. Elihu of Suffield and Sibbil Dwight, int. Dec. 25, 1773.
Clarissa of Belchertown and David Lampson Jr., int. Jan. 24, 1824.
Anna and Nathaniel Read 2d, int. Feb. 47 1784.
Asa and Phebe Smith, int. Oct. 28, 1753.
Danforth and Sarah Cutler, Dec. 6, 1764.
Danforth (s. Pardon and Martha, a. 27) and Eliza Lincoln, Sept. 8, 1843.
David and Submit Belding of Northfield, int. July 30, 1757.
Justice and Betsey Chonee of Sturbridge, int. March 29, 1806.
Martha and David Hitchcock of Brookfield, int. Dec. 17, 1763.
Mary and Lt. Ebenezer Fields, int. Feb. 7, 1778.
Pardon and Martha Davis of Brookfield, int. April 19, 1812.
Phebe and Thomas Lincoln, int. June 1, 1779.
Rebecca and Francis Faulkner of Acton, int. Feb. 24, 1759.
Sally and William Tufts of Newbrantree, int June 3, 1807.
Sarah and Jonathan Belding of Northfield, int. Feb. 3, 1759.
Solomon and Thankfull Lincoln, March 23, 1785.
Warren and Cynthia Bon(?), int. April 13, 1815.
Samuel L. and Abisha S. Allen of Monson, int. Dec. 22, 1840.
Venner S. of Holden and Mary Ann Thompson, March 13, 1833.
Mary, late of Ashford, and now resident in Western, and Benjamin Reed, int. Nov. 12, 1743.
Abby of Palmer and Gershom Makepeace, int. June 18, 1814.
Isaac of Palmer and Abigal Cutler, int. April 3, 1817.
John of Palmer and Betsey Brown, April 29, 1802.
Lydia and Samuel Gray 2d, Aug. 26, 1804.
Sally and Willard Blackmer, int. Dec. 22, 1798.
Vise of Palmer and Lemuel Blackmer, int. March 25, 1788.
Charlotte A. of Framingham and William B. Bliss, int. Feb. 15, 1845.
KINNEY (see Kenney)
Daniel and Lydia Herrington, int. Aug. 15, 1772.
[WId. in int.], Persis of Brookfield and Jason Makepeace, Dec. 3, 1795. In Brookfield. [Int. Dec. 5, 1795.]
Eunice and Rev. Luke Foster of Rutland, int. March 30, 1813.
Mary and Cyrus Hutchings, int. June 26, 1817.
Theophilus and Theodosha Bliss, int. April 3, 1813.
Norman (s. Nathaniel and Temperance, a. 26) and Orrill M. Damon, Nov. 25, 1846.
Anna and Stephen Parker, int. Nov. 19, 1768.
Leonard and Patience Dunbar of Charlton, int. Oct. 16, 1830.
LAMB (see Lamm)
Harriet (d. Luther and Mary, a. 27) and Enoch Benson, Jan. 9, 1848.
Sally and Elihu Adams of Brookfield, May 3, 1807.
Sarah A. [B. in int.] and David E. Benson, Nov. 25, 1841.
Cynthia and Lemuel Smith of Bethlehem, Sept. 12, 1808.
LAMM (see Lamb)
Daniel D. and Martha Meritt of Palmer, int. Oct. 27, 1817.
LAMMON (see below)
Jennet of Rutland and John Crawford, int. May 13, 1758.
[Lamon in int.], Ruth and John Bannister of Brookfield, Feb. 7, 1771.
Archipus and Mary Blackmer, int. Oct. 14, 1775.
LAMPSON (see below)
David Jr. and Clarissa Kentfield of Belchertown, int. Jan. 24, 1824.
Jonas of Concord and Mary Luce, int. Sept. 6, 1755.
Lucy of Concord and William Luce, int. May ----, 1757.
Nancy and Joseph Holbrook of Sturbridge, Dec. 30, 1830.
Solomon of Acton and Louis Virgin, int. Sept. 4, 1757.
LAMSON (see above)
David and Sarah Bliss, Nov. 2, 1790.
Wid. Mary and Jacob Parker of Suffield, int. Feb. 21, 1780.
Fanny of Brookfield and John Burbank 2d, June 6, 1832.
Capt. John Jr. of Hardwick and Mary Dwight, int. Dec. 29, 1819.
Lexannah and George W. Gray, int. Dec. 15, 1832.
Mrs. Lydia and Francis Hall of Brookfield, int. March 27, 1841.
LAY[?] -
Jonathan Jr. and Barshaba Wibber, int. May 26, 1804.
Benjamin and Percis Read, int. May. 2, 1767.
Jerusha and Abel Simons of Enfield, Sept. 19, 1771.
Seth of Barry and Anna Patrick, Dec. 17 [1795].
Ester and Moses Shepherd, int. Feb. 8, 1772.
Mercy of Hardwick and Jonathan Flint, int. April 11, 1772.
Alvin of Ware and Ruth Combs, April 16, 1833.
LEVERMORE (see Livermore)
Elisha and Wid. Chariot Dunnam of Brimfield, int. Feb. 11, 1809.
Abigal and Thomas Deamon, Nov. 21, 1804.
Albert W. and Mary Ann Blair, Nov. 17, 1841.
Ann M. (d. Eli and Polly, a. 23) and Alden B. Chaffee of Worcester, int. Nov. 30, 1846.
Asa and Esther Miller of Holeston, int. Feb. 9, 1788.
Betsy and Thomas White of Brookfield, March 1, 1790. In Brookfield.
Edwin A. [H. in private record] of Ashburnharn and Amanda Drury, Sept. 4, 1833.
Eli and Polly Bliss, int. July 19, 1807.
Eli K. and Rosetta K. Harwood of Sturbridge, int. March 31, 1849.
Eliza (d. Warren, a. 20) and Danforth Keyes, Sept. 8, 1843.
Emily and Charles E. Gleason, int. April 28, 1836.
Fanny and Joseph Page of Hardwick, int. March 15, 1816.
Fanny and James Jenks, Oct. 16, 1838.
George W. of Brookfield (s. Ives and Sally, a. 30) and Mary M. Moulton, int. Nov. 22, 1845.
Harvey and Betsey Foster of Newbrantree, int. Feb. 3, 1804.
Ivers and Esther Bridges, Jan. 21, 1808.
Ivers and Sally Bridges, April 16, 1811.
Levi and Sophia Demond, April 13, 1809.
Lovisa and Leonard Marsh of North Brookfield, int. March 11, 1832.
Lucy and Simeon Rich, int. March 2, 1776.
Lucy [Sally in int.] and John Hill, Feb. 5, 1795.
Wid. Lucy and Isaac Tyler, Feb. 9, 1795.
Lincoln Lucy and Dr. Abner Fairfield, Jan. 23, 1803.
Lydia and David Combs, int. March 11, 1837.
Mary and Foster Walker of North Brookfield, Dec. 25, 1832.
Mehetable and John Rusell, int. April 10, 1746.
Polly and Asaiph Perry of Brookfield, Dec. 23, 1802.
Ruth P. (d. Levi and Sophia, a. 27) and William G. Tarbell of Brimfield, Nov. 28, 1848.
Seth Jr. and Jemima Miller of Holliston, int. Aug. 15, 1779.
Thankfull and Solomon Keyes, March 23, 1785.
Thomas and Phebe Keyes, int June 1, 1779.
Thomas and [Lucy in int.] Holdbrook, May 20, 1790.
Warren and Dolly Warriner of Wilbraham, int. July 17, 1813.
Warren 2d and Bethiah Tyler, March 11, 1840.
William and Elizabeth Ellis, April 18, 1839.
Zebina C. of Grafton (s. Benjamin and Mary, a. 38, widr.) and May M. Tripp, Nov. 17, 1847.
LION (see Lyon)
David and Patty Nevins, April 11, 1816.
LIVERMORE (see Levermore)
Abigail C. [R. in dup.] and Samuel Perry of Spencer, April 15, 1842.
Sarah C. and Abijah Mills, June 12, 1832.
Sophia (d. Emory and Martha L., a. 28) and Loron F. Foskit, Nov. 27, 1845.
Polly and Joel Blair, int. Aug. ----, 1786.
LOMBARD (see Lumbard)
Mary [Mary Ann in int.] and John Moore, July 2, 1827. P.R.
Hollis of Marlborough and Laura A. Hitchcock, Oct. 20, 1842.
Lucy of Palmer and Ebenezer Bugbee, Dec. ----, 1799. In Palmer.
Mrs. Betsy of Midway and Rev. Stephen Baxter, int. July 22, 1791.
William and Sibbel Fuller, int. June 17, 1783.
Ebenezer Jr. and Margret Mathews, int. June 22, 1771.
Mary and Jonas Lampson of Concord, int. Sept. 6, 1755.
Sarah and Joseph Byam of Hubburtstown, April 25, 1769.
William and Lucy Lampson of Concord, int. May ----, 1757.
Wid. Achsah of Williamsburg and Abijah Hitchcock, June 26, 1788. In Williamsburg.
LOMBARD (see Lombard)
Elijah and Thirse Brown, March 21, 1805.
Elijah of Brookfield (s. Aron, a. 45, widr.) and Elmira Dunham, Oct. 2, 1844.
Harriot and Nathan Richardson of Boston, int. Oct. 11, 1835.
Joseph B. and Allice A. Chapin, Nov. 29, 1838.
[Simns in int.], Benjamin of Petersham and Prudence Tylor, Sept. 14, 1792.
Stephen of Murreysfield and Anna Blair, Oct. 23, 1770.
John of Brookfield and Sarah Warner, int. March 24, 1770.
Betsey and Thomas Brown, int. Jan. 15, 1791.
LYON (see Lion)
Henry Jr. and Elvira Blodget, Jan. 7, 1830.
Jemima and Joseph Gould of Suth Brimfield, int. Feb. 16, 1789.
Jemima of Holland and Isaiah Dows Jr., March 8, 1790. In Holland.
Lemuel of Chesterfield and Mary Wheelor, Nov. 1, 1770.
Richard and Abigail Bridges of Palmer, int. May 4, 1833.
[Collester in int.], Hannah and Seth Blair, Oct. 11, 1787.
Sammuell and Mary Marr, int. March 1, 1756.
Polly [Molly in int.] and Thomas Hubburt, Oct. 21, 1790.
James of Palmer and Elisabeth Green, int. Sept 19, 1772.
[Maclintie in int.], Clarisey and Loring Chapon, Dec. 2, 1806.
McCOMB (see below)
Martha and Ezekiel Goodale of New Salem, int. April 25, 1772.
Sarah and Jonathan Goodale, March 21, 1771.
Margaret and Eliacam Phelps of Betchertown, int. Nov. 21, 1778.
Elizabeth [of Brimfield in int.] and [Dr.] Nelson Carpenter, June 6, 1841.
Elisabeth of Worcester and John Partrick, Oct. 14, 1772. In Worcester.
Elisabeth of Sturbridge and Joseph Obry Him, int. May 11, 1787.
Clark of Palmer and Orpha Blair, int. March 4, 1829.
Joshua of Palmer and Sarah Ferril, int. Sept. 18, 1762.
Mary of Palmer and Philip J. Blair, int. March 28, 1836.
[McNut in int.], Sarah of Palmer District and Isaac Farrel, April 27, 1762. In Palmer District.
MAKEPEACE (see forms below)
Abigail and Ensign James Steel of Tolland, int. Dec. 17, 1774.
Eliot and Lucy Brinton of Brookfield, int. Aug. 26, 1779.
Elisebeth and Jonathan Warner of New Marlborough, Dec. 8, 1768.
Gershom Jr. and Lydia Night of Killyngsley, int. March 9, 1765.
Gershom and Abby King of Palmer, int. June 18, 1814.
Jason and Persis Kinney of Brookfield, Dec. 3, 1795. In Brookfield. [Int. Dec. 5, 1795.]
Lydia and Guiden ELsworth of Winsor Goshen, int. Feb. 1, 1772.
Marcy and Samuell Walker of Brookfield, int. March 6, 1757.
Mary and Joseph Fitch of New Marlborough, int. July 19, 1766.
Olive and Samuel Allis Jr. of Somers, int. Nov. 22, 1766.
Rachel and Charles Elsworth Esq. of Winior Goshen, int. Feb. 23, 1771.
Sarah Jane (d. Gershom and Abby, a. 29) and Osgood Bradley, Feb. 9, 1848.
Sukey and David Batchellor, Jan. 29, 1812.
Dolly and Moses Dresser of Charlton, April 21, 1813.
Maj. Gershum and Wid. Mary Weakes of New Brantree, int. April 8, 1782.
MASPEES (see forms above)
Abial and Isaac Brintnell of Pitstown, Vt., int. Dec. 22, 1781.
Thomas of New Brantree and Thankfull Blair, int July 28, 1776.
Nathaniel F. (s. Felix and Martha, a. 25) and Mary Smith, Nov. 24, 1847.
Jacob Esq. and Fanny Cutler of Brookfield, int. July 24, 1819.
[Munson in int.], Lydia and Eliphelet Gray, Nov. 28, 1784.
John and Patty Bascom, Dec. 1, 1796.
John A. Jr. of Brookfield (s. John A. and Sabina, a. 27, widr.) and Sarah Jane Bowen, June 20, 1848.
Adonijah and Sarah Rice, int. Sept 30, 1759.
Adonijah and Betesy Wood, Feb. 11, 1790.
Judeath and John Bellows, March 14, 1786.
Martha and Joseph Tamage of Williams Town, int. Oct. 24, 1766.
Mary and Daniel Burbank, int. May 19, 1764.
Mireoum and Gideon Davis, int. June 18, 1779.
Olive and Richard Mason, int. Nov. 2, 1771.
Sally and Elisha Orcott, May 10, 1787.
MARR (see below)
Agniss and William Blair, int. Nov. 9, 1754.
Elizebeth and Allexander Blair of Glascow, int. Sept. 24, 1762.
Hannah and Samuell Merritt, int. Aug. 25, 1764.
Lydia and Robert Kelley of Cherlton, Oct. 22, 1771.
Martha and Isaac Merrit, int. March 18, 1758.
Mary and Samuell McAllester, int. March 1, 1756.
Sarah and Mathew Cammel of East Winsor, int. June 26, 1773.
MARRS (see above)
Gilbert and Charlotte Gleason, July 9, 1820.
Isabel [Isabella in dup.] and Prosper Brooks, April 22, 1819. [1818 in dup.]
Nancy and Prosper Brooks, Dec. 30, 1811.
[Marr in int], William and Isabel Hamilton of Blanford, ---- ----, 1770. In Blanford. [Int. June 8, 1770.]
Caroline and Almon Riddle of Newbury, O., int. July 6, 1837.
David I. and Calista Carpenter, int. Aug. 17, 1822.
Ebenezer and Tamson Gray of Beltchertown, int. Aug. 25, 1785.
Ebenezer and Rebecca Thomas of Brookfield, June 27, 1793. In Brookfield.
Ebenezer and Jemima Bliss, int. Aug. 24, 1813.
Ebenezer and Sarah Hathaway, Jan. 11, 1841.
Elizebeth and Calvin Rockwood of Medway, int. March 23, 1828.
Ephraim of Sterling and Lucy Dunster, int. Feb. 24, 1821.
Hannah and Sylvanus D. Fuller of Mendham, N.J., int. March 17, 1821.
Katee and Berzaeel Sharmon, int. April 1, 1797.
Leonard of North Brookfield and Lovisa Lincoln, int. March 11, 1832.
Moses of Ware and Hannah Dunster, int. Aug. 18, 1820.
Polley and Daniel Hitchcock, int. Aug. 23, 1812.
Seth of Monson and Jerusha Gould, ---- ----, 1788. In Brookfield. [Int. Dec. 15, 1787.]
Silas and Joanna Powers of Hardwick, Aug. 4, 1787. In Hardwick.
Sylus and Hannah Wicks of Hardwick, int. Jan. 31, 1802.
Richard and Olive Marks, int. Nov. 2, 1771.
MATHEWS (see below)
Hannah S. [d. Elisha P. in dup.] and Lucius D. Barrows of Milton, Nov. 30, 1843.
Margret and Ebenezer Luce Jr., int. June 22, 1771.
[Matthers in int.], Osee [Asa in int.] of Chester and Patty Bell, March 7, 1805.
Lydia L. of Brookfield and Ariel H. Davenport, int. Sept. 1, 1837.
Louisa and Joseph Jones of Newfain, Jan. 16, 1806.
Sophia [Sophia R. in int.] and Ambrose Bliss, May 7, 1843.
William and Wid. Sally Tid, int Nov. 25, 1798.
MEACHAM (see below)
Isaac and Abigail Seely, int. May 19, 1764.
Polly and Nathan Champney of Southbary, int. April 6, 1782.
Tamsin of Enfield and Reubin Reed, int. Nov. 3, 1754.
Harriet A. [S. ? in int.] (d. Stephen and Mary, a. 18) and James M. Ward of Springfield, Nov. 26, 1846.
MERRIT (see forms below)
Martha of Palmer and Daniel D. Lamm, int. Oct. 27, 1817.
MERRIT (see above and below)
Erwin and Livia Hathaway, May 26, 1824.
Isaac and Martha Marr, int. March 18, 1758.
Mary of Palmer and Horace Collister, int. Nov. 24, 1821.
Sally and Ezra Smith, Nov. 20, 1800.
Samuell and Hannah Marr, int. Aug. 25, 1764.
MERRITT (see forms above)
Jasper and Charlotte W. Cutter, July 9, 1833.
Levi and Salora Swift of Ware, int. April 20, 1833.
Martha M. of Palmer and Elam Sherman, Jan. 20, 1842.
Mrs. Ruth and William White Jr., Nov. 25, 1790. In Charlton.
Samuell Ezakel and Sally Dow, March 30, 1790.
William Jr. of Palmer and Abagail Brown, int Jan. 13, 1821.
Charlotte (d. John and Sally, a. 17) and Wallace Holton, Jan. 2, 1849.
MICHEL (see Mitchel)
William of Blanford and Ezebil Wiley, int. March 10, 1759.
Solomon and Lucy Chickering, July ---- -----, 1793.
Solomon and Betsey Crane, April 13, 1808.
MILL (see Mills)
John and Polly Harding, March 12, 1789.
Cloe and Simson Bell of Oakham, int. Nov. 3, 1791.
Elizabeth of Holland (d. James and Nancy, a. 23) and Hamson [Harrison?] Crooker of Grafton, April 16, 1849.
Esther of Holeston and Asa Lincoln, int. Feb. 9, 1788.
Harriet and Israel H. Ross of Brookfield, int. Dec. 2, 1837.
Jarad of Newbrantree and Lusinda Blackmer, Sept. 12, 1805.
Jemima of Holliston and Seth Lincoln, Jr., int. Aug. 15, 1779.
Rebecah and Thomas Bowker of Newbrantree, Oct. 9, 1811.
William C. and Lucy M. Grover, int. May 31, 1840.
MILLS (see Mill)
Abijah and Sally Bellows, Jan. 17, 1783.
Abijah and Sarah C. Livermore, June 12, 1832.
Eliza and Nathan Read, int. Oct. 21, 1820.
Esther and Gideon Hubbart of Leuerett, int. Feb. 2, 1784.
James and Jemime Baxter, int. Nov. 8, 1777.
James of Greenwich and Wid. Sally Mills, int. Dec. 20, 1815.
Nancy and Dwight A. Fosget, int. Aug. 21, 1817.
Rebecca and Dwight Fosget, Nov. 29, 1815.
Sally and Alfred Nelson of Wales, March 23, 1831.
Wid. Sally and James Mills of Greenwich, int. Dec. 20, 1815.
MITCHEL (see Michel)
Sam and Wid. Anna Thomson, both of Sturbridge, Sept. 4, 1793.
Mille of Killingsley and Samuell Grice, int. Dec. 20, 1766.
MOLTON (see Moulton)
Sally of Stafford and Moses Bliss, int. April 4, 1801.
Lowman A. and Louisa Patrick, Feb. 5, 1829.
MOOR (see forms below)
Alexander and Betsey Trim of Palmer, Nov. 8, 1803.
Persis and Tomas Barrowman, int. Feb. 23, 1788.
MOORE (see above and below)
[Moors in int.], Betsy and Daniel Blair, April 9, 1801.
Francis W. of Brookfield (s. Jonathan, a. 23) and Lydia L Newton, Sept. 4, 1844.
Hanah and Nathan Culler of Fairmington, int. Aug. 6, 1804.
Hannah A. (d. Lewis and Harriet, a. 18) and Rev. John H. Moore, Nov. 26, 1846.
John [of Hallowell, Me., in int.] and Mary Lombard, July 2, 1827. P.R.
Rev. John H. (s. John and Mary, a. 27) and Hannah A. Moore, Nov. 26, 1846.
John R. and Elmira Rodgers, June 27, 1829.
Leina [Lana in int.] of Palmer and John Nevins, Nov. 7, 1816.
Lewis and Harriot Burbank, May 7, 1820.
Luther and Lucy Abby, Nov. 17, 1828.
[Moors in int.], Newel and Polly Thomsin, June 15, 1794.
Sally and Gideon Ferril, March 21, 1802.
Sarah of Palmer and Oorin Hitchcock, int. Jan. 1, 1818.
Wealthy B. (d. Lewis and Harriet, a. 27) and Stephen B. Richardson, Nov. 25, 1847.
William of Union and Thankfull Collis, int. Feb. 2, 1798.
William and Polly Bond, Nov. 21, 1804.
MOORS (see above and below)
Betsey of Union and Jonas Collis, Nov. 30, 1797.
Hannah and Nathan Cutler of Fairmington, Sept. 10, 1804.
MORE (see forms above)
[Moore in int.], Isaac [Jr. in int.] and Anna Dwight, April 11, 1812.
John Jr. of Rutland and Elisabeth Blair, int. July 2, 1774.
Nancy and George Hodges, int. April 3, 1815.
[Moore in int.], Welthy and Dr. Arba Blair of Rome, Jan. 23, 1808.
Justin of Brimfield and Sarah Tyler, int. Nov. 30, 1814.
MORGAN (see above)
Eunice M. of Longmeadow and Nathan Switzer, int. Nov. 18, 1833.
Mrs. Lucinda of Brimfield and Leve Reed, int. May 8, 1798.
Nancy of Spencer and Rufus Shaw, int. March 8, 1844.
Ezekiel of Canterbury, N.H., and Mary Cutter, int. Oct. 25, 1823.
Jane S. and James Johnson, int. July 24, 1842.
Lucy O. (d. Prince and Rebecca, a. 26) and Robert Johnson Jr., March 19, 1848.
Prince and Rebecca Olliver of Hardwick, April 4, 1811.
[Marsh in int.], Marcus and Tamer Tyler, Sept. 14, 1797.
Polly and Matthias Rice, May 22, 1794. In Brookfield.
Miriam P. of Westfield and Franklin Bliss, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
MOULTON (see Molton)
Lucy of Brookfield and Libbeus Wood, Jan. 10, 1782. In Brookfield.
Mary M. (d. Robert and Betsey, a. 20) and George W. Lincoln of Brookfield, int. Nov. 22, 1845.
Nathan [of New Braintree in int.] and Sarah Woolcut, March 31, 1821.
Pearly of South Brimfield and Mrs. Sally Dwight, int. Aug. 27, 1826.
Abraham of Newbraintree and Priscilla Barret, int. Sept. 15, 1824.
Charlotte C. and Selden H. Allen, int. April 10, 1837.
James and Salvina Parry, April 24, 1783.
Susan and Hiram Blair, int. July 12, 1834.
Wid. Hannah and John Mundell, ---- ----, [18 ----]. [Int. Aug. 28, 1819].
John and Wid. Hannah Mundell, ---- ----, [18....] [Int. Aug. 28, 1819.]
Calvin of Munson and Sarah Tidd, int. Jan. 3, 1817.
Jenny and James Parker of Brookfield, ---- ----, 1787. In Brookfield. [Int. Sept. 29, 1787.]
Bethiah and Abner Tylor, int. Oct. 15, 1774.
Baxter O. [of Charleston, S.C. in int.] and Mary Hodges, Oct. 19, 1817.