ABBOT (see forms below)
Cynthia of Brookfield and Betholomew Chadwick, int. Oct 8, 1802.
Thomas and Sarah Cutler of Palmer District, Nov. 7, 1771. In Palmer District.
ABBOTT (see above and below)
Lydia of Brookfield and Joseph Arnold, Oct. 11, 1792. In Brookfield.
Olive and Nathan Chadwick Jr., May 5, 1793. In Brookfield.
Moses, resident in Western, and Lydia Dareling of Beltchertown, int. Aug. 9, 1786.
[Abbey in int.], Lucy and Luther Moore, Nov. 17, 1828.
ABOUT (see forms above)
Daniel of Brookfield and Jemima Crabtree, int. May 3, 1783.
ADAMS (see Addoms)
Betsee of Becket and Ezekiel Blair, int. Jan. 7, 1797.
Elihu of Brookfield and Sally Lamb, May 3, 1807.
Hannah and Seth Sanford, int. Dec. 27, 1783.
John of Oakeham and Polly Field, June 13, 1803.
Nathaniel and Mary A. Thomas of Braintree, int. Aug. 14, 1824.
ADDOMS (see Adams)
Nathan and Triphene Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. Sept. 18, 1782.
Brigham of Hardwick (s. David and Patty, a. 32) and Sarah Pepper, April 16, 1846.
Everline and Patten Rice, int. Feb. 25, 1832.
Moses and Betsey Bardon of Charleton, int. March 25, 1816.
[Orcut in int.], Silvanus and Anna Arnold, June 19, 1794.
ALEXANDER (see Alexandor, Allexander)
[Mrs. in int.], Alice D. and Seth Chamberlain of Palmer, April 13, 1830.
Lydia and Nathan Hathaway of Brook[field], June 30, 1796.
Sarah of Brimfield and Foster Stoddard, int. March 29, 1829.
Sullivan of Brimfield and Sophia Fairbank, int. March 17, 1832.
ALEXANDOR (see above)
Perez and Alice Drury, int. Nov. 23, 1818.
ALLEN (see Allin)
Abisha S. of Monson and Samuel L. Kezer, int. Dec. 22, 1840.
Abner F. [T. in int.] and Eunice Shepard, Oct. 2, 1839.
Ambrose and Ruby Beeby, April 2, 1835. P.R.
Wid. Catherign of Dudley and Edward Bliss, int. May 5, 1796.
Cornelous and Suanne Cade, Feb. 2, 1797.
Eliza, and Lyman Day, int. March 22, 1823. Certificate written "March" instead of "April" by mistake.
Lucretia and Abner Tyler, int. March 11, 1826.
Lucy and Ambrose Bliss, int. March 29, 1829.
Pardon and Ruth Tyler, April 23, 1812.
Pardon P. (s. Pardon, a. 25) and Lydia A. Greenough of Salem, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
Poley [Polly in int.] of Brookfield and David Shepard, Nov. 27, 1788. In Brookfield.
Samuel L. and Lodisa Walker, May 8, 1839.
Selden H. and Charlotte C. Mullet, int. April 10, 1837.
Susanna of Brookfield and Daniel Blair, Feb. 26, 1791.
Zebadiah of Berre and Eunice Putnam, Feb. 3, 1803.
ALLES (see Allis)
Polly of Sturbridge and Jonathan Glezen, int. Oct. 15, 1785.
ALLEXANDER (see Alexander, Alexandor)
Sally and William Tryon of Brookfield, July 15, 1799.
ALLIN (see Allen)
Jacob of Sturbridge and Lucy Hayward, int. April 8, 1758.
Marcy and Jonathan Barrus, int. April 2, 1768.
ALLIS (see Alles)
Elisha of Hatfield and Mrs. Sarah Cutlor, int. Nov. 10, 1764.
Samuel Jr. of Somers and Olive Makepeace, int. Nov. 22, 1766.
Holmes of Southbridge and Seraph Hodges, int. Oct. 16, 1825.
Cloe M. [?] and Edward Brown, March 17, 1791.
Jane [Jennet in int.] of New Braintree and Isaac Patrick, Nov. 1, 1770. In New Braintree.
ANDREWS (see below)
Lemuel of Ware and Elizebeth Bartlett, Dec. 10, 1829.
Samuel of Ware and Ruth Blackmer, int. March 16, 1782.
ANDRUS (see above)
Lemuel and Sally Gray, int. June 6, 1807.
Peter and Matilda Willard of Barre, int. Jan. 10, 1840.
John of Winsor and Wid. Hannah Cowen, int. June 18, 1774.
ARNAL (see below)
Moses and Caty Smith of Newbraintree, int. March 19, 1811.
[Arnold in int.], Abigail and Shephard Elles of Brookfield, Oct. 8, 1800.
ARNOLD (see forms above)
Anna and Silvanus Alcut, June 19, 1794.
Joseph and Lydia Abbott of Brookfield, Oct. 11, 1792. In Brookfield.
Lucy and Whitman Gilburt of Richmon, int. Nov. 14, 1806.
Oliver and Lucy Gilburt of Brookfield, int. May 9, 1807.
Roby and David Burroughs Jr., April 28, 1814.
Sally and James Ray Blashfield of Brimfield, Dec. 8, 1791.
Thankful and Elihue Chapin of Wardsborough, Vt., Sept 3, 1812.
William H. and Louisa Cummings, Oct. 17, 1831.
Capt. Noah and Mrs. Miriam Porter of Hadley, Feb. 16, 1747. In Hadley.
Prince of Brimfield and Sybil Gilligan, July ----, 1810. [Int. July 4.]
William of Belchertown and Louisa Hitchcock, April 6, 1831.
Josiah and Lusinda Gilburt, int. Nov. 14, 1782.
Aaron of Charlton and Sarah Crabtree, int. May 2, 1781.
BACHELDER (see Batchaler and other spellings)
Lydia and Moses Davis of Brookfield, March 25, 1779. In Brookfield.
Nabby of Smithfield and John Crane, int. Aug. 22, 1812.
Helen M. (d. Cyrus and Lucinda, a. 19) and George A. Drury, July 25, 1849.
Ira and Irena Judd, int. Aug. 7, 1825.
Mrs. Jerusha and William Richardson of Brookfield, int. Jan. 7, 1827.
Jerusia C. and Harrison G. Bartlett, int. May 4, 1844.
Andrew H. and Experience Olds, ---- ----, [18 --]. [Int. June 13, 1819.]
BAILY (see Baley)
John and Bethia Blackmoor, April 18, 1788. In New Braintree. [Int. Aug. 30, 1788.]
Eliza of Brimfield and Daniel Hodges Jr., int. March 11, 1819.
BALEY (see Baily)
Abigail and Daniel Willard, int. June 7, 1777.
[Bayly in int.], Betty and Jonathan Winslow, Dec. 31, 1789.
BALL (see Balls)
Abigail and John Wood, Sept. 18, 1771.
[Pollard in int.], Benjamin and Joanna Sealah, June 27, 1769.
BALLS (see Ball)
Lemuel of Union and Bulah Chidwick, int. June 24, 1810.
BANISTER (see Bannister)
Martha of Brookfield and Henry Chadwick, int. Oct. 31, 1761.
James of Oakham and Martha White, int. Jan. 8, 1774.
BANNISTER (see Banister)
John of Brookfield and Ruth Lammon, Feb. 7, 1771.
Watson and Eliza White of Monson, int. March 18, 1839.
BARDON (see Barton)
Betsey of Charleton and Moses Aldridge, int. March 25, 1810.
BARLET (see Bartlett)
[Bartlett in int.], Sally and Simeon Dwight, Jan. 18, 1813.
Hulda (d. Silas and Louisa, a. 23) and Ira M. Southworth of North Brookfield, March 28, 1849.
[Mrs. in int.], Lovisa and Elliot Barton, Nov. 29, 1832.
Silas and Lavina Fairbank, Oct. 23, 1823. P.R.
BARNES (see Barns)
Persis N. and Sofron Switcher, int. Aug. 28, 1825.
Moses and Mary Wood of Palmer, June 22, 1769. In Palmer.
BARNS (see Barnes)
Asa of Brookfield and Fanny Brown, int. Oct. 4., 1823.
Asa and Marcia Strickland, int. Jan. 4, 1829.
Comfort and Hannah Cwee, int. Sept. 11, 1762.
Eliza W. and Sullivan Cowee, Sept. 16, 1829.
Merriam H. and Simon Switcher, int. Sept. 11, 1824.
Willard and Fanny Hill, Sept. 10, 1829.
Caleb R. and Bathsheba Brownel, March 28, 1830.
BARRET (see Barrett)
Jemima and Harvey Chickering of West Brookfield, int. Sept. 24, 1824.
Priscilla and Abraham Mullet of Nevvbraintree, int. Sept. 15, 1824.
BARRETT (see Barret)
Lucy of Brookfield and Solomon Rich, Feb. 28, 1790. In Brookfield.
Rufus of Brookfield and Sally Tyler, Oct. 8, 1789. In Brookfield.
BARROWS (see Barrous, Barrus)
Amos and Hannah Carpenter of Sturbridge, int. Nov. 16, 1793.
Joel and Easter Fay of Brimfield, int. Sept. 3, 1791.
Nancy and John Wornor, int. Oct 24, 1807.
Tomas and Persis Moor, int. Feb. 23, 1788.
BARROWS (see Barrous, Barrus)
Lucius D. [B. in int.] of Milton and Hannah S. Mathews, Nov. 30, 1843.
BARRUS (see Barrous, Barrows)
Deborah and Lemuel Devenport of Lemenster, int. Dec. 11, 1762.
John Jr. and Anna Hascal of Bolton, int. Feb. 9, 1765.
Jonathan and Marcy Allin, int. April 2, 1768.
[Barns in int.], Harvey of Brookfield and Sally Blackmore, Oct. 4, 1810.
[Barton in Spencer V.R.], Jonas of Spencer and Betsey Grey, int. Feb. 27, 1816.
BARTLETT (see Barlet)
Almira of Ware and Joseph W. Patrick, int. Oct. 16, 1824.
Dwight and Lucinda Britton of Easton, int. Aug. 14, 1824.
[Mrs. in int.], Elizabeth and Lemuel Andrews of Ware, Dec. 10, 1829.
Harrison G. and Jerusia C. Bacon, int. May 4, 1844.
BARTON (see Bardon, Barter)
Elliot and Lovisa Barlow, Nov. 29, 1832.
Eunice and Austen Clark, March 3, 1833.
Jane (d. Abia and Felinda, a. 16) and Benjamin Crouch, March 18, 1847.
Maria and Jacob Smith, March 17, 1833.
Stephen R. and Lydia Burlingham of Brookfield, int. Dec. 13, 1843.
BASCOM (see Bascome)
Caleb and Hannah Stone, Oct. 11, 1770.
Caleb and Anna Switcher, Nov. 25, 1790.
Caleb and Betsey Hayward of Brimfield, int. Aug. 16, 1823.
Ira and Hannah Blackmer, April 21, 1821.
Joel and Rebecca Wilcutt, July ----, 1794.
Joshua and Sucy [Lucy?] Stuteson of Hardwick, int. June 30, 1793.
Lydia and Joseph Cutter, Aug. 4, 1785.
Wid. Mary and Joseph Root Esqr. of Mountague, int. Oct. 1, 1782.
Moses and Eunice Read, May 4, 1769.
Nancy and Lewis Wright of Unadilla, N.Y., int. Sept. 11, 1825.
Patty and John Marbel, Dec. 1, 1796.
Peace and Leah Swycher, Oct. 10, 1796.
Samuell and Hannah Gillegen, Oct. 25, 1786.
[Bascom in int.], Seraph and James Williams Jr., Oct. 12, 1823.
BATCHALER (see Bachelder, Bachellor and forms below)
Joseph and Molle Cutler, int. Aug. 25, 1783.
Joseph and Hannah Cutler, July 3, 1788.
Elmira and William H. Sessions, Jan. 27, 1829.
David and Sukey Makepeace, Jan. 29, 1812.
Dote [Doty in int.] and Polly Parry, Oct. 12, 1788.
Reuben and Nabby Wright of Chester, June ----, 1793. m. Chester.
Elisabeth of Greenwich and John Brooks, int. Feb. 23, 1777.
Jemime and James Mills, int. Nov. 8, 1777.
Rev. Stephen and Mrs. Betsy Lovel of Midway, int. July 22, 1791.
Ruby and Ambrose Allen, April 2, 1835. P.R.
Jonathan of Northfield and Sarah Keyes, int. Feb. 3, 1759.
Submit of Northfield and David Keyes, int. July 30, 1757.
Aaron and Mary Cheney Jr., int. July 3, 1773.
John and Hannah White, int. Jan. 27, 1776.
Patty [Polly in int.] and Osee Matthews of Chester, March 7, 1805.
Simson of Oakham and Cloe Miller, int. Nov. 3, 1791.
BELLOSS (see below)
Polly and Henry B. Harbach of Sutton, int. Aug. 26, 1822.
BELLOWS (see above)
Calven and Lydia Foster, July ----, 1794.
Hannah and Josiah Rice of Brookfield, int. Nov. 3, 1800.
[Ballows in int.], John and Judeath Marks, March 14, 1786.
Joseph Jr. and Lucy Bruse, int. April 12, 1801.
Jotham Jr. and Polly Wheler, Aug. 4, 1800.
Wid. Lydia and Johnothan Fairbanks of Athol, int. March 20, 1817.
Sally and Abijah Mills, Jan. 17, 1793.
Tamsen and Asa Goodale of Brookfield, int. Dec. 24, 1785.
Zadock and Lydia Kelly, July 12, 1795.
Celicia of Brookfield and Michael Walch, May 11, 1831.
Charles and Lucinda Read, Feb. 15, 1832.
David A. and Susan M. Gleason, Dec. 2, 1830.
Mary and Thomas Kellard, Dec. 20, 1832.
Jonathan and Betsey Blair of Brookfield, Jan. 10, 1796. In Brookfield.
David E. and Sarah A. Lamb, Nov. 25, 1841.
Edwin and Laura A. Hitchcock, Oct. 16, 1842.
Enoch (s. David and Lucinda, a. 25) and Harriet Lamb, Jan. 9, 1848.
Adaline of Hardwick and Capt. James S. Davis, Jan. 28, 1844. In Hardwick.
Ebenezer of Cambridge, N.Y. and Dorithy Danforth, int. Jan. 12, 1788.
Mary Ann (d. Harrison and Margaret, a. 29) and Shepard Blair, Dec. 22, 1847.
Sophia B. (d. Harrison) and William A. Patrick, April 24 [28 in dup.], 1844.
Mary of Paxton and David Blair Jr., int. March 6, 1766.
BLACKMER (see forms below)
Barnabas and Elizabeth Shaw, int. March 5, 1763.
Betty of South Brimfield and Ebenezer Demasque, int. May 29, 1787.
Betty and Nathan Foster, Jan. 4, 1798.
David and Parmell[--] Sears of Greenwich, int. March 19, 1785.
Hannah and Obidiah Ward of Brimfield, int. Oct. 21, 1797.
Hannah and Ira Bascom, April 21, 1821.
John and Jene Thomson, int. Sept. 17, 1780.
Lemuel and Abigail Bridges of Greanwich, int. April 1, 1785.
Lemuel and V(/) King of Palmer, int. March 25, 1788.
Lusinda and Jarad Miller of Newbrantree, Sept. 12, 1805.
Malinda and Gillum Rice, int. Dec. 4, 1822.
Mary and Archipus Lamon, int. Oct. 14, 1775.
Phine and George W. White, Feb. 21, 1813.
Priscilla and Joshua Walbridge, April 21, 1785.
Roland P. and Ruth Whitney of Waltham, Dec. 7, 1780. In Waltham.
Ruth and Samuell Andrews of Ware, int. March 16, 1782.
Sarah and Archeles Brown of Brimfield, int. June 4, 1779.
Sephen [Stephen in int.] and Jane Brown, Nov. 23, 1758.
Simeon and Elisabeth Pratt, int. Aug. 18, 1754.
Solomon and Jenet Thompson of Palmer, int. July 28, 1754.
Solomon Jr. and Rebeckah Heyford of Ware, int. Jan. 3, 1784.
Willard and Sally King, int. Dec. 22, 1798.
[Blackmer in int.], Bethia and John Baily, April 18, 1788. In New Braintree. [Int. Aug. 30, 1788].
BLACKMORE (see forms above)
[Blackmer in int.], James and Elinor Donly of Brookfield, Dec. 2, 1784.
[Blackmer in int.] Sally and Harvy Bars [Barns in int.] of Brookfield, Oct. 4, 1810.
BLAIR (see Blare)
Abner B. and Hannah Woodworth, int. Feb. 28, 1822.
Allexander of Glascow and Elizebeth Marr, int. Sept. 24, 1762.
Alvah and Caroline F. Clark, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
Alval [Alvah in int.] and Laura Chapin, Dec. 30, 1821. P.R.
Ambrose and Sarah Dunbar of Palmer, int. March 12, 1835.
Anna and William Patrick, June 28, 1769. [Int. March 10, 1770].
Anna and Stephen Lyman of Murreysfield, Oct. 23, 1770.
Anna and Dr. Thomas Brigham of Hartford, Vt, int. March 9, 1794.
Anna and Samuel Stomi [Stone?], Aug. 9, 1796.
Annius [Annas in int.] and Orsimus Gilburt, June 27, 1793.
Dr. Arba of Rome and Welthy More, Jan. 23, 1808.
Benjamin and Olive Frisbe, int. April 18, 1830.
Betsey of Brookfield and Jonathan Bennett, Jan. 10, 1796. In Brookfield.
Daniel and Susanna Allen of Brookfield, int. Feb. 26, 1791.
Daniel and Betsy Moore, April 9, 1801.
David Jr. and Mary Black of Paxton, int. March 6, 1766.
Dorothy and Malchem Henry of Oakham, int Oct. 9, 1762.
Elisabeth and John More Jr. of Rutland, int. July 2, 1774.
Ezekiel and Betsee Adams of Becket, int. Jan. 7, 1797.
Flavia and Horatio Dean, int. Nov. 7, 1835.
Francis and Joanna Hayward, int. Jan. 23, 1768.
Hiram and Susan Mullet, int. July 12, 1834.
James and Molley Watson of Spenser, int. Oct. 26, 1771.
James and Wid. Sarah Robenson of Hardwick, int. March 3, 1805.
James Jr. and Ann Hutchins of Killingly, int. Oct. 24, 1815.
Joel and Polly Loasson, int Aug. ----, 1786.
John and Mary Jossalyn, int. Oct. 17, 1816.
Lydia and Joseph Giels of New Marlborough, int. Dec. 16, 1772.
Martha and John Reed of Liecester, int. Jan. 12, 1745.
Martha and Robert Cunningham of Spencer, int. Nov. 5, 1763.
Mary and Ebenezer Stratton of Williamstown, int. July 4, 1778.
Mary [Poly in int.] and Samuel Boles 2d of Blanford, Sept. 21, 1813.
Mary of Brookfield and Jonathan Bridges, int. Dec. 23, 1820.
Mary Ann and Albert W. Lincoln, Nov. 17, 1841.
Molly and Matthew Brown, int. Dec. 1, 1764.
Orpha and Clark McMaster of Palmer, int. March 4, 1829.
Philip J. and Mary McMaster of Palmer, int. March 28, 1836.
Reuben and Susanna Sheapard, int. April 11, 1778.
Robert and Hannah Hayward, Aug. 14, 1769.
Robert Jr. of Blanford and Hannah Hayward, int. June 8, 1770. [Perhaps same as above].
Roswell and Ann R. Dean, Jan. 11, 1832.
Roswell and Elisabeth T. Fenno of Canton, int. Aug. 3, 1844.
Samuel of Brookfield and Anna Browne, June 9, 1775. In Brookfield.
Sarah and Joseph Glezen, Nov. 26, 1771.
Sarah of Brookfield and Joseph White, June 13, 1793. In Brookfield.
Seth and Hannah Mcallester, Oct. 11, 1787.
Shepard and Selina Foster of Palmer, int. Dec. 28, 1831.
Shepard (s. Reuben and Susanna, a. 47, widr.) and Mary Ann Bishop, Dec. 22, 1847.
Sophia and James Putnam, Jan. 16, 1812.
Thankfull and Thomas Man of New Brantree, int. July 28, 1776.
William and Agniss Marr, int. Nov. 9, 1754.
William Jr. and Miriam Olds of Brookfield, int. Jan. 15, 1791.
Cyrus of Boston and Charlotte Ann Patrick, int. June 15, 1837.
[Wid. in int.] Martha and Jonas Forbes, Aug. 14, 1821.
BLARE (see Blair, Blear)
[Blair in dup.], Rebeka and Francis Brakenridge of Palmer, May 14, 1789. In Palmer.
James Ray of Brimfield and Sally Arnold, Dec. 8, 1791.
BLEAR (see Blair, Blare)
John and Catherine Shaw of Palmer District, Nov. 19, 1771. In Palmer District.
Aaron and Lydia Brigham, int. Dec. 5, 1817.
Abigail and Nathan Blodget, June 7, 1782. In Brimfield.
Alvin B. and Lucy Keep of Monson, int. May 23, 1840.
Ambrose and Lucy Allen, int. March 29, 1829.
Ambrose and Sophia Maynard, May 7, 1843.
Asenath and John Rice of Wilmington, Vt, int. Oct. 18, 1835.
Asenath and James Stebbins of Homer, N.Y., int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Bathsheba and Elisha L. Sprague of Killingly, Ct., Nov. 27, 1833.
Charles and Eliza Damon, April 19, 1832.
Charles (s. Oliver, widr.) and Olive Tucker, March 11, 1845.
Ebenezer and Abigal Parsons of Palmer. April 9, 1771. In Palmer.
Ebenezer and Betsee Neavens, April 3, 1803.
Edward and Wid. Catherign Allen of Dudley, int. May 5, 1796.
Edward Jr. and Hannah Blotchet of Brimfield, int. Nov. 17, 1770.
Elisha (s. Noah and Allice, a. 46) and Harriet Dow, int. April 21, 1846.
Epberim, "Late from Western & now Reside in Carsanove," and Polly Keep, Feb. 7, 1803.
Eunice and Edward Walker [?] of Sturbridge, int. Feb. 1, 1782.
Franklin and Miriam P. Moseley of Westfield, int. Aug. 10, 1833.
Hannah and Joseph Glezen, int. July 14, 1754.
Hannah and Ebenezer Vinting of Wardsboro, Jan. 28, 1789.
Hannah and Nathaniel Walker of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 26, 1837.
[Dea. in int] Isaa and Rebecca Upham of Sturbridge, April 8, 1798. In Sturbridge. [Int. Aug. 4, 1798].
Isaac Jr. and Ruth Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. Nov. 15, 1783.
Jemima and Ebenezer Marsh, int. Aug. 24, 1813.
Jonathan and Polly Bond, Feb. 11, 1794.
Leny [Lyna in int.] and Samuel Tidd, Oct. 10, 1810[?].
Loomis and Wid. Betsy Studly of Leicester, int. April 24, 1807.
Lovisa and Levi Brown, March 26, 1811.
Lucy and Joshua Shaw of Brimfield, int. Oct. 8, 1754.
Lucy and Otis Sessions of Brimfield, May 20, 1830.
Mary and Jonathan Jinnings of Brookfield, int. Jan. 12, 1791.
Mary and Joseph F. Hitchcock, int. Aug. 26, 1837.
Moses and Marey Newell of Sturbridge, Nov. 26, 1772. In Sturbridge.
Moses and Rebeckah Tidd, May 19, 1785.
Moses and Sally Molton of Stafford, int. April 4, 1801.
Olive and Abial Person of West Winsor, May 28, 1811.
Oliver and Betsey Works, April 2, 1801.
Orril and Baxter Bridges, int. April 29, 1820.
Patty and Marcus Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. Jan. 28, 1832.
Phebe and Nathan Tyler of Brookfield, int. Nov. 30, 1797.
Polly and Eli Lincoln, int. July 19, 1807.
Rachel and Joseph Tallmage of Williamstown, int. June 7, 1783.
Ransaler and Maria B. Gilbert of West Brookfield, int. Aug. 27, 1824.
Reuben and Jerusha Warner of Belchertown, Feb. 10, 1779. In Belchertown.
Reuben and Easther Clark, int. May 23, 1807.
Rufus and Levina Drury, April 1, 1829.
Ruth and Peter Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. April 7, 1776.
Ruth and Benjamin Sherman Jr. of Brimfield, int. April 6, 1822.
Samuel and Polly Shepherd [April ?] 12, 1787.
Samuel Jr. and Esther Row of Brimfield, int. June 1, 1755.
Samuel H. and Lucy Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. Jan. 30, 1831.
Samuell [Jr. in int.] and Mary Glezen, Feb. 1, 1759.
Sarah and David Lamson, Nov. 2, 1790.
Solomon and Martha Young of Brimfield, int. Jan. 16, 1762.
Solomon and Margaret Smith of Palmer, Sept. 20, 1790. In Palmer.
Sophia and Reuben Rogers of Palmer, int. Oct. 23, 1825.
Theodosha and Theophilus Knight, int. April 3, 1813.
Timothy of Brimfield and Mrs. Susan Tyler, int. March 23, 1839.
William B. and Charlotte A. Kingsbury of Framingham, int. Feb. 15, 1845.
BLOCKET (see forms below)
[Bloggett in marriage, May 8, P.R.] Hannah and David Burras of Winsor, int. March 12, 1768.
Ruth and Duty Partridge, int. Sept 19, 1772.
BLODGET (see above and below)
Chester and Desire Phelps of Brimfield, int. March 27, 1825.
Elvira and Henry Lyon Jr., Jan. 7, 1830.
Nathan and Abigail Bliss, June 7, 1782. In Brimfield.
[Blodget in int.], Dady of Brimfield and Sally Daniels, May 27, 1805.
Margaret of Stafford and Isaac Tylor, int. May 25, 1760.
[Bloget in int.], Eunice and Josiah Putnam Jr., April 19, 1769. [Int. April 4, 1770.]
BLOTCHET (see forms above)
Hannah of Brimfield and Edward Bliss Jr., int. Nov. 17, 1770.
Lt. John of Beltchertown and Sally Shaw, int. Oct. 10, 1782.
Reuben of Blanford and Sarah Patrick, int. July 11, 1778.
[Boyes in int], Samuel 2d of Blanford and Mary Blair, Sept. 21, 1813.
Lusinda and William Pearce, Sept. 10, 1789.
BOLES (see Bowles)
Joseph and Thankfull Smith, int Dec. 14, 1745.
[Bowles in int.], Thankfull and Hubburt Gould of Brookfield, Jan. 18, 1769.
Abigail of Brimfield and Barnius Olds, int. Nov. 30, 1828.
Betsy of Gilsum, N.H. and Linas Hoar, int. April 6, 1818.
Elijah and Polly Damon, int. Feb. 14, 1793.
Emilius of Palmer and Almina Grayham, int. June 4, 1827.
Jonathan of Sturbridge and Ruth Tylor, int. Jan. 28, 1759.
Lucinda [Cynthy in int.] and Isral Slack of Plainfield, Jan. 16, 1791.
Mary and Edward Bostwick of Long Island, int. June 8, 1787.
Mary T. of Leicester and Hastings Bridges, int. Aug. 6, 1826.
Melinda [Belinda in int.] and Martain Brooks, July 29, 1800.
Naby and David Wicks, July 2, 1794.
Polly and Jonathan Bliss, Feb. 11, 1794.
[Wid. in int.] Polly and William Moore, Nov. 21, 1804.
Sally of Lescester and William Nelson, int. Nov. 29, 1800.
Samuel of Brimfield and Mary Damon, int. Jan. 3, 1824.
William and Cloa Brown, int. Oct. 12, 1800.
Cinthe Salvester of Bridgewater and Ebenezer Cutter, int. June 10, 1797.
Cynthia and Warren Keyes, int. April 13, 1815.
Edward of Long Island and Mary Bond, int. June 8, 1787.
Asahel S. of Boston (s. Royal and Eliza, a. 23) and Lydia A. Cutler, Jan. 5, 1848.
Henry B. (s. Daniel and Sally, a. 25) and Maria S. Tyler, April 27, 1848.
John and Irene Copeland, Dec. 8, 1841.
George and Sally Cutler, Jan. 1, 1793.
Asa of Spencer and Nabby Gilbert, int. Jan. 3, 1791.
Sarah Jane (d. William C. and Sally, a. 21) and John A. Marcy Jr. of Brookfield, June 20, 1848.
Theodore of Spencer (s. Warren and Sophy, a. 26) and Sibbel E. Tainter, May 8, 1845.
Thomas of Newbrantree and Rebecah Miller, Oct. 9, 1811.
BOWLES (see Boles)
Thankfull and John Collis, int. Dec. 20, 1766.
Wealthy M. of Leicester and Daniel A. Hathaway, int. Nov. 25, 1844.
Wid. Olive of Spencer and Chancy Wood, int. Jan. 8, 1819.
Abigail of Southbridge and Sherlock Foster, int. Sept. 18, 1819.
Osgood of Worcester (s. Thomas O. and Mahitable, a. 47, widr.) and Sarah Jane Makepeace, Feb. 9, 1848.
Samuel F. and Jane I. Tayler of Ware, March 17, 1840.
[Breakenridge in dup.], Francis of Palmer and Rebeka Blare, May 14, 1789. In Palmer.
Priscilla of Ware and Dexter Bridges, int. May 24, 1816.
Jonas of Brookfield and Thankfull Whitcomb, June 27, 1771.
Stephen (s. Thomas and Sally, a. 25) and Laura Cummings, Nov. 25, 1845.
Abigail of Palmer and Richard Mably, int. May 4, 1833.
Abigal of Gmenwich and Lemuel Blackmer, int. April 1, 1785.
Arba and Lucia Shepard, March 26, 1834.
Baxter and Orril Bliss, int. April 29, 1820.
Dexter and Priscilla Breckenrige of Ware, int. May 24, 1816.
Elizabeth and Amas D'Wolf of Brimfield, int. March 14, 1822.
Esther and Ivers Lincoln, Jan. 21, 1808.
Hadassah and Bardon Cowee, int. April 21, 1824.
Hasting and Mary T. Bond of Leicester, int. Aug. 6, 1826.
Hosea and Charlotte Wilcott of Brookfield, July 6, 1797.
Jonathan and Mary Blair of Brookfield, int. Dec. 23, 1820.
Lawson and Nancy Tyler, int. March 18, 1836.
Mrs. Mary and David Hoar, May 21, 1829.
Mary E. (d. Luther, a. 18) and Jeremiah Butler of Ellington, Ct., Nov. 27, 1844.
Sally and Ivers Lincoln, April 16, 1811.
Polly and Nathan Durkee, Sept. ----, 1796.
Antiparse of Westborough and Lydia Cutler, int. Sept. 30, 1790.
Frances of Brookfield and Daniel Holt, int. Sept. 16, 1820.
Lydia and Aaron Bliss, int. Dec. 5, 1817.
Dr. Thomas of Hartford, Vermont, and Anna Blair, int. March 9, 1794.
Elizebeth and Jeremiah Hollon [Holton?], int. Dec. 30, 1779.
Isaac of Pitstown, Vt., and Abial Makpees, int. Dec. 22, 1781.
Lucy of Brookfield and Eliot Makepeace, int. Aug. 26, 1779.
Cyntha [of Easton in int.] and Alvan Copeland, July 2, 1820.
Lucinda of Easton and Dwight Bartlett, int. Aug. 14, 1824.
Anna and Medad Kellogg of Brookfield, June 13, 1777. In Brookfield.
[Wid. in int.] Anna and William Collester, July 25, 1832.
Arvilla and Levi S. Crouch, July 2, 1834.
Asa and Darcus Fisk of Willington, int. Oct. 21, 1796.
Benjamon and Esther Fisk of Willington, int. Oct. 19, 1799.
Betsey and Henry Washburn of Brookfield, Sept. 10, 1805.
Betsey and John Strickland, Nov. 26, 1828.
Caleb and Abigal Willard, Jan. 27, 1791.
Caleb and Anna Neavens, April 13, 1801.
Caleb and Wid. Tryphena Tyler, int. March 16, 1777.
Chauncy W. and Elvira Strickland, Dec. 18, 1828.
Cindarilla and Harvey S. Olds of South Brookfield, int. April 10, 1841.
Edward and Thankfull Harding of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 8, 1787.
Elisabeth and John Hayward, int. Aug. 6, 1757.
Harriet Ann and Julius E. Shaw of Monson, int. April 8, 1835.
Isabelle [Isabella in int.] and John Burbank 2d, April 21, 1821.
John and Elisabeth Baxter of Greenwich, int. Feb. 23, 1777.
John and Wid. Martha Johnson of Brooklin, Ct., int. Sept. 30, 1816.
John and Betsey Shaw of Belchertown, int. July 24, 1831.
Josiah (s. John and Betsey, a. 23) and Lucy Cummings, Aug. 9, 1848.
Majina and Larned Stone, March 7, 1833.
Martain and Melinda Bond, July 29, 1800.
Polly and Henry Switcher, int. March 10, 1788.
Prosper and Nancy Marrs, Dec. 30, 1811.
Prosper and Isabella Marrs, April 22, 1818. [1819 in dup.]
Brooks Salvenus and Mary Show of Brimfield, int. Jan. 13, 1781.
Sarah and George Hayward, int. Feb. 9, 1760.
BROWN (see Browne)
Abagail and William Merritt Jr. of Palmer, int. Jan. 13, 1821.
Lt. Abner of Brookfield and Mrs. Mehetible Russell, int. April 26, 1760.
Anna and Joseph Hore Jr. of Brimfield, Feb. 22, 1803.
Archeles of Brimfield and Sarah Blackmer, int. June 4, 1779.
Betholomew [Bartholomew Jr. in int.] of Brimfield and Catherine Patrick, May 4, 1809.
Betsey and John King of Palmer, April 29, 1802.
Calvin B. of Brimfield and Aurelia A. Cutler, Sept. 14, 1835.
[Mrs. in int.] Catharine P. and Ezra Perry Jr. of Brimfield, Oct. 1, 1829.
Cloa and William Bond, int. Oct. 12, 1800.
Edward and Zilpha Smith, int. April 19, 1766.
Edward and Sally Putnam of Brookfield, int. Jan. 26, 1791.
Edward and Cloe M.[?] Amy, March 17, 1791.
Ephram and Philinda Talor, int. March 11, 1814.
Fanny and Asa Barns of Brookfiel, int. Oct. 4, 1823.
Frances and Edwin C. Church of Worcester, Feb. 23, 1830.
Franklin and Olive Clark of Hubbardston, int. Feb. 26, 1820.
Franklin and Betsy Gregory of Rutland, int. Feb. 17, 1821.
Harriet W. of Springfield and Thomas P. Watson, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
James Jr. and Elisabeth Patrick, int. Sept. 19, 1772.
Jane [of Palmer in int.] and Sephen Blackmer, Nov. 23, 1758.
Joel and Abigal Richardson of Midway, int. Jan. 29, 1803.
Levi and Lovisa Bliss, March 26, 1811.
Wid. Margret and Noah Hitchcock of Brimfield, Dec. 20, 1792.
Matthew and Molly Blair, int. Dec. 1, 1764.
[Mrs. in int.], Mercy and William Walker of Hardwick, Feb. 2, 1830.
Polly and Samuel Tidd, int. Aug. 9, 1814.
Ruth of Palmer District and Elijah Dunton, Sept. 29, 1763. In Palmer District.
[Mrs. in int.], Sally and Asa K. Field, Oct. 11, 1798.
Sally of Palmer and Royal Collister, int. Sept. 13, 1823.
Sarah of Brookfield and Peter Rice Jr., int. Nov. 19, 1758.
Thankful of Brookfield and Thomas Whitcomb, int. Aug. 20, 1763.
Thirse and Elijah Lumbard, March 21, 1805.
Thomas of Kingstown, "a place so called," and Jane Cwee, int. Feb. 14, 1744.
Thomas and Betsey Lynds, int. Jan. 15, 1791.
William and Margaret Patrick, Nov. 24, 1768.
Zilpha and Jesse Thayer of New Providence, int. Jan. 23, 1772.
BROWNE (see above)
Anna and Samuel Blair of Brookfield, June 9, 1775. In Brookfield.
Bathsheba and Caleb R. Barnum, March 28, 1830.
Elizabeth F. and Charles A. Flin of Spencer, int. March 7, 1835.
Cimony, living in Western, and Tim Hall, int. Nov. 17, 1794.
Lucy and Joseph Bellows Jr., int. April 12, 1801.
[Bugba in int.], Ebenezer and Lucy Lovejoy of Palmer, Dec. ----, 1799. In Palmer.
Charles of Westboro (s. Zadock and Betsey, a. 23) and Sarah Pond, May 17, 1845.
John of Ware and Mary Whitcomb, int. July 18, 1772.
Asher A. (s. John and Asenath, a. 25) and Mary G. Tucker, Nov. 14, 1845.
Charles and Martha R. Davis of West Brookfield, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
Daniel and Mary Marks, int. May 19, 1764.
Emeline R.[?] and Dr. Lorenzo Warriner, int. March 16, 1838.
George (s. Thomas and Abagail, a. 34, widr.) and Sarah Jane Hitchcock, Aug. 30, 1848.
Harriot and Lewis Moore, May 7, 1820.
Henry (s. Thomas, a. 23) and Abigail Dane, Nov. 30, 1843.
John 2d and Isabelle Brooks, April 21, 1821.
John 2d and Fanny Lathe of Brookfield, June 6, 1832.
William and Elizabeth H. Dane, Dec. 22, 1841.
Lydia of Brookfield and Stephen R. Barton, int. Dec. 13, 1843.
Serrel [Cyriel in int.] of Union and Abigal Glezen, Feb. 24 [1791].
BURRAS (see forms below)
David of Winsor and Hannah Blocket, [Bloggett ?] int. March 12, 1768.
David Jr. and Hulda Glezen of Brookfield, int. Sept. 11, 1802.
BURROUGHS (see forms above)
Abner T. and Mary Rice, Dec. 16, 1827. P.R.
Azubah and Stillman Ellis, Aug. 20, 1829.
Cynthia R. and Levi Combs, June 1, 1830.
David Jr. and Roby Arnold, April 28, 1814.
David [Davice in int.] A. (s. David) and Lydia A. Trobridge, Dec. 28, 1843.
Eunice and Fradrick Carpenter, Nov. 4, 1789.
Hannah and Ebenezer Rich of Wilbraham, Dec. 28, 1803.
Hannah [Hannah A. in int.] and Shubal P. Butterworth, June 28, 1820.
Josiah and Cynthia Clifford of Enfield, int. July 20, 1816.
Josiah and Lovisa Olds, int. June 15, 1823.
Margaret and Isaac Glezen Jr., March 30, 1809.
Mildreth [Mildred in int.] and Columbus Orcutt, Feb. 11, 1830.
Ruth and Isaac Glezen Jr. of Brookfield, int. Dec. 20, 1800.
Sally and John Commings of Brimfield, Nov. 27, 1806.
Samuel R. and Eliza S. Converse of Palmer, int. Nov. 5, 1831.
Tyler and Anne Prat, Dec. 17, 1791.
Wealthy G. and Waldo Converse of Wardsborough, Vt., Sept. 26, 1837.
Submit and John Snow, int. Oct. 16, 1773.
Rev. Sylvester and Anna Hatch of Suthampton, int. Aug. 31, 1806.
Zeruiah of Brimfield and Samuel Willard, int. Jan. 4, 1772.
Jeremiah of Ellington Ct. (s. William, a. 23), and Mary E. Bridges, Nov. 27, 1844.
Orris M. of Palmer and Augustus W. Sawtele, int. April 19, 1840.
Shubal P. [of Brimfield in int.] and Hannah Burroughs, June 28, 1820.
Warren G. (s. Shubael P. and Hannah, a. 23) and Cornelia Combs of Brookfield, int. May 4, 1845.
Mary and Alfred Stebbins of Brimfield, int. Jan. 9, 1830.
Warner of Brimfield and Rebecca Wadkins, Feb. 27, 1833.
Dr. Edmund and Lucy Flint of Reading, Dec. 24, 1797. In Reading.
Joseph of Hubburtstown [Templeton in int.] and Sarah Luce, April 25, 1769.
Richard and Sarah Graham of South Brimfield, int. July 23, 1768.
Suanne and Cornelous Allen, Feb. 2, 1797.
Mathew of East Winsor and Sarah Marr, int. June 26, 1773.
Mary and William Farrell, int. July 2, 1839.
Annah of Brimfield and John Stratton, int. Jan. 10, 1777.
Benjamin and Olivet Wright, int. Sept. 25, 1790.
Calista and David I. Marsh, int. Aug. 17, 1822.
Eliza and Henry Putnam, int. Jan. 8, 1825.
Fradrick and Eunice Burroughs, Nov. 4, 1789.
Hannah of Sturbridge and Amos Barrous, int. Nov. 16, 1793.
Isaac and Sophira Gray, int. May 2, 1816.
Marty and John Davis, Aug. 10, 1788.
Dr. Nelson and Eliza S. Sessions, Jan. 21, 1829.
[Dr. in int.], Nelson and Elizabeth McCray, June 6, 1841.
Sophia and Franklin Drury, Jan. 8, 1826. P.R.
Luther and Ruby Shearer of Palmer, int. Nov. 18, 1837.
Thomas Jefferson and Mary Demmon, int. Jan. 13, 1821.
James F. of Effingham, N.H. (s. Frederick and Lydia G., a. 22), and Caroline C. Walsh, Dec. 29, 1847.
Amos and Lucinda Richmond of New Braintree, Jan. 8, 1797. In New Braintree.
Betholomew and Cynthia Abbot of Brookfield, int. Oct. 8, 1802.
Clarissa and Experience Smith of Granby, May 12, 1836. In Brookfield.
Eliza and Helon Ward, Feb. 17, 1822.
Eunas and Ezra Hathaway, int. April 17, 1790.
Harriet J. (d. Joe and Bethiah, a. 20) and Jacob Putnam, April 15, 1846.
Henry and Martha Banister of Brookfield, int. Oct. 31, 1761.
Joel and Bathiah Tyler, Jan. 17, 1825. P.R.
John and Caty Wright of Brookfield, Oct. 12, 1788. In Brookfield.
Lydia and Amos Hamilton of Brookfield, int. March 1, 1744.
Mary and Seneca Sibley, int. March 14, 1824.
Nathan and Jerusha Glezen, int. June 14, 1761.
Nathan Jr. and Olive Abbott, May 5, 1793. In Brookfield.
Sally and Maruerrick Smith of Ware, July 7, 1786.
Solomon and Percies Goulding, March 23, 1800.
Alden B. of Worcester (s. James A. and Susan, a. 24) and Ann M. Lincoln, int. Nov. 30, 1846.
James and Rebeckah Peckard of Oakham, int. Jan. 12, 1806.
Mary and Ebenezer Holbrook, March 31, 1813.
Seth of Palmer and Alice D. Alexander, April 13, 1830.
Nathan of Southbary and Polly Meacham, int. April 6, 1782.
John and Elizabeth Eastey of Sutton, June 8, 1775. In Sutton.
Salmon and Experence Woolcot, int. Jan. 27, 1776.
CHAPIN (see below)
Allen and Nabby Josselyn, Oct. 10, 1810.
Allice A. [Alice Augusta in int.] and Joseph B. Lumbard, Nov. 29, 1838.
Anna of Monsson and Joshua Read, int. Aug. 15, 1790.
Elihue of Wardsborough, Vt., and Thankful Arnold, Sept 3, 1812.
Harriet A. and Daniel A. Hathaway, int. Oct. 21, 1837.
Laura and Alval Blair, Dec. 30, 1821. P.R.
Mary A. of Windham, Vt., and Asahel Fairbank Jr., int. Jan. 3, 1835.
[Chapen in int.], Loring and Clarisey McClintick, Dec. 2, 1806.
CHEANY (see Cheeney, Cheney)
Hannah and Reuben Read Jr., int. April 18, 1779.
Polly of Bolton[?] and Roland Joislen, int. Oct. 1, 1800.
CHEENEY (see Cheany, Cheney)
John Jr. and Mary Shumway of Sturbridge, int. May 5, 1764.
CHENEY (see Cheany, Cheeney)
Wid. Hannah and Joseph Glezen, int. Oct. 8, 1776.
Mary Jr. and Aaron Bell, int. July 3, 1773.
Sarah and Joseph Kassen of Windham, Ct., int. Oct. 17, 1778.
Sarah and Edward Rice of Brookfield, int. Nov. 26, 1763.
Sophronia of Hampton, Ct., and Reuben Read, int. Feb. 8, 1830.
Thomas and Mary Rice of Brookfield, int. March 1, 1760.
Harvey of West Brookfield and Jemima Barret, int. Sept. 24, 1824.
Lucy and Solomon Miles, July ----, 1793.
Nathaniel and Sarah Hancock of Wrenton, int. May 16, 1781.
Ruth (d. Harvey and Jemima, a. 14) and James Pratt, March 31, 1847.
Bulah and Lemuel Balls of Union, int. June 24, 1810.
CHONEE[Corey ?] -
Betsey of Sturbridge and Justice Keyes, int. March 29, 1806.
Edwin C. of Worcester and Frances Brown, Feb. 23, 1830.
Elbert (s. Cephas, b. in West Brookfield, a. 34) and Lucretia Gore of Boston, int. Dec. 8, 1849.
James R. and Mary L. Gates of Rutland, int. April 12, 1845.
S. Augusta (d. Cephas, b. in Hardwick, a. 18) and Charles N. Tyler, int. Dec. 22, 1849.
CLARK (see below)
Austen and Eunice Barton, March 3, 1833.
Caroline F. and Alvah Blair, Oct. 20, 1832.
Easther and Reuben Bliss, int. May 23, 1807.
Olive of Hubbardston and Franklin Brown, int. Feb. 26, 1820.
Thomas and Sally Patrick, int. Sept. 12, 1790.
David of Shortsbury [Shutesbury in int.] and Betsy Patrick, May 3, 1792.
CLERK (see above)
Reubin of Brimfield and Prudence Wood, int. June 9, 1759.
Betsy and Abner Kelly, March 18, 1807.
Cynthia of Enfield and Josiah Burroughs, int. July 20, 1816.
Lewis B. of Springfield (s. Joel and Hannah, a. 27) and Apoliton Taft, Dec. 16, 1845.
CLLINS (see Collins)
Cloea [Chloe Collens in int.] and Joseph Croff of Ware, Sept. 15, 1814.
[Cooley in int.], Dillia and Francis Couff, Jan. 6, 1791.
Mrs. Elizebeth of Plainfield and Rev. Isaac Jone, int. Nov. 15, 1779.
COLISTER (see Collester, Collister)
Huldy and Eli Stricklin, int. Nov. 9, 1816.
Jonas of Oxford and Mary Rich, int. Jan. 12, 1776.
COLLESTER (see Coaster, Collister)
Anna and Ithemer Smith of Brookfield, May 11, 1797.
William and Joanna Glezen, July 10, 1793.
William and Anna Brooks, July 25, 1832.
---- [Collings in int.], Anna [of Brimfield in int.] and Asa Putnam, July 24, 1766.
COLLINS (see Cllins)
Betsy and Snow Shermon of Ware, Jan. 30, 1816.
James and Loes Damon of Ware, int. Feb. 4, 1804.
John and Mary Snow, int. Sept. 8, 1764.
John and Thankfull Bowles, int. Dec. 20, 1766.
John and Loas Smith of South Brimfield, int. March 4, 1769.
Jonas and Betsey Moors of Union, Nov. 30, 1797.
[Collias in int.], Jonathan and Phebe Parker, Nov. 1, 1810.
Thankfull and William Moore of Union, int. Feb. 2, 1798.
COLLISTER (see Colister, Collester)
Candace J. (d. Royal and Sally, a. 22) and John H. Sherburne, Oct. 25, 1848.
Horace and Mary Merrit of Palmer, int. Nov. 24, 1821.
Royal and Sally Brown of Palmer, int. Sept. 13, 1823.
[Colson in int.], Becka of Palmer and William Joylyn, Feb. 1, 1794. In Palmer.
Lucy and John Hitchcock Jr., March 7, 1771.
Clementine of Brookfield and Alexander G. Rich, int. Jan. 6, 1839.
Cornelia of Brookfield (d. Jacob and Ruth, a. 20) and Warren G. Butterworth, int. May 4, 1845.
Daniel and Rebekah Parker of West Brookfield, int. Nov. 18, 1824.
David and Lydia Lincoln, int. March 11, 1837.
[Mrs. in int.], Elizabeth and Jonathan Smith of Beltcher, Nov. 22, 1798.
John Jr. and Eunice Shepard, Dec. 2, 1798.
Levi and Cynthia R. Burroughs, June 1, 1830.
Pamelia and Guy Gleason of Windham, Ct., Dec. 31, 1832.
Ruth and Alvin Leonard of Ware, April 16, 1833.
William and Elizabeth S. Watson of Ware, int. Aug. 30, 1833.
COMINS (see Cummings, Cummings)
Issachar and Dolly Drury, Sept. 4, 1833.
COMMINGS (see Comins, Cummings)
John [John Graham in int.] of Brimfield and Sally Burroughs, Nov. 27, 1806.
Charles of Oakham and Eliza Kelly, March 31, 1829.
Mary [Mary M. in int.] and John Dean of Munson, Nov. 13, 1814.
Eliza S. of Palmer and Samuel R. Burroughs, int. Nov. 5, 1831.
Waldo of Wardsborough, Vt., and Wealthy G. Burroughs, Sept. 26, 1837.
Daniel [Jr. in int.] and Mary Ann Shaw, Nov. 25, 1838.
Alvan and Cyntha Britton, July 2, 1820.
Irene [Irine S. in int.] and John Bosworth, Dec. 8, 1841.
COREY, see Chonee.
Francis and Dillia Coaly, Jan. 6, 1791.
COWEE (see Cwee)
Anna and Thomas Printice, Jan. 12, 1803.
Bardon and Hadassah Bridges, int. April 21, 1824.
Col. Bardon and Dulcena Pepper, Oct. 28, 1828.
Elizabeth (d. Barden and Dulcinae, a. 19) and William W. Davis, Oct. 18, 1848.
John and Lucy Gilbert, Aug. 13, 1794.
Sophia and William Croff, int. April 20, 1811.
Sullivan and Eliza W. Barns, Sept. 16, 1829.
[Capt. in int.] William and Sage Josslyn, July 2, 1795.
William [2d in int.] and Mary Hathaway, May 17, 1827. P.R.
Wid. Hannah and John Ariail of Winsor, int. June 18, 1774.
Thomas of Brookfield and Hannah Rich, int. June 30, 1770.
Adaline B. of Brimfield and John Tyler, int. Jan. 5, 1834.
Elizebeth and John Thomson of Newbritton, int. Oct. 30, 1784.
Jemima and Daniel About of Brookfield, int. May 3, 1783.
John and Abigail Rice, int. March 10, 1754.
John Jr. and Sally Sheapard, int. March 21, 1792.
Sarah and Aaron Axtell of Charlton, int. May 2, 1781.
Susan of Brookfield and Jonas R. Tyler, int. April 10, 1825.
Grace and Thomas Wood [?], int. Feb. 16, 1782.
CRAIN (see below)
Isaac and Thankfull Putnam, int. Aug. 20, 1768.
Mary and Joshua Wood, int. Jan. 21, 1775.
CRANE (see above)
Benjaman and Sarah Weitherbee, "who has lately dwelt at Western," int. Feb. 6, 1762.
Betsey and Solomon Miles, April 13, 1808.
John and Nabby Bachellor of Smithfield, int. Aug. 22, 1812.
John and Jennet Lammon of Rutland, int. May 13, 1758.
[Croft in int.], Joseph of Ware and Cloea Cllins, Sept. 15, 1814.
Sally and John Woolcott of Brookfield, ---- ----, 1788. In Brookfield. [Int. Aug. 3, 1787.]
William and Sophia Cowee, int. April 20, 1811.
Hanson [Harrison in Grafton V.R.] of Grafton (s. Seth and Priscilla, a. 24) and Elizabeth Miller of Holland, April 16, 1849.
William and Rachel Glezen, July 28, 1796.
Susanna of Chester and Luke Hitchcock, int. Dec. 10, 1783.
Benjamin (s. Ephraim and Nabby, a. 26) and Jane Barton, March 18, 1847.
Levi S. and Arvilla Brooks, July 2, 1834.
Mary E. (d. Levi, a. 18) and Roswell Dunham, July 11, 1844.
CULL[----] (see Culler, Cullor, Cutler, Cutlor, Cutter)
[Cutler ?), Dr. William and Rebeckah Cutler, int. Sept. 2, 1780.
CULLER (see Cull, Cullor, Cutler, Cutlor, Cutter)
[Cutler ?] Nathan of Fairmington and Harrah Moore, int. Aug. 6, 1804.
[Cutler ?], Mrs. Bethiah and Jabez Upham of Brookfield, Nov. 28, 1771.
CUMMINGS (see Comins, Commings)
Laura (d. Daniel and Ellen, a. 26) and Stephen Brewer, Nov. 25, 1845.
Louisa and William H. Arnold, Oct. 17, 1831.
Lucy (d. Daniel and Ellen, a. 20) and Josiah Brooks, Aug. 9, 1848.
Mariah and William S. Gilbert of Endfield, Dec. 23, 1841.
Robert of Spencer and Martha Blair, int. Nov. 5, 1763.
Harriot and John R. Sloan, April 28, 1821.
CUTLER (see Cull, Culler, Cullor, Cutlor, Cutter)
Abigal and Daniel Tyler, int. Oct. 8, 1802.
Abigal and Isaac King of Palmer, int. April 3, 1817.
Anna and Semion Dwight, int. Feb. 21, 1784.
Augustus and Almina R. Smith of Granby, int. May 4, 1828.
Augustus and Betcy L. Hall of Spencer, int. Jan. 21, 1836.
Aurelia A. and Calvin B. Brown of Brimfield, Sept. 14, 1835.
Bethiah and Isaac Tyler Jr., March 29 1794.
Eben and Hariat Hathaway, int. Sept. 26, 1840.
Ebenezer and Abigail Stone, April 7, 1768.
Fanny of Brookfield and Jacob Mansfield Esq., int. July 24, 1819.
Hannah and Joseph Batchelder, July 3, 1788.
Capt. Joseph and Wid. Thankful Tyler of Talon, int. Nov. 7, 1794.
Lydia and Antiparse Brigham of Westborough, int. Sept 30, 1790.
Lydia and Clark Paige of Hardwick, int. April 24, 1813.
Lydia A. (d. Newell and Hannah, a. 21) and Asahel S. Bosworth of Boston, Jan. 5, 1848.
Mary and Ezekiel Morrill of Canterbury, N.H., int. Oct. 25, 1823.
Molle and Joseph Batchaler, int. Aug. 25, 1783.
Nathan of Fairmington and Hannah Moors, Sept. 10, 1804.
Newel and Huldah Fairbank, int. Aug. 25, 1821.
Rebeckah and Dr. William Cull[----], int. Sept. 2, 1780.
Sally and George Bournum, Jan. 1, 1793.
Sarah and Danforth Keyes, Dec. 6, 1764.
Sarah of Palmer District and Thomas Abbot, Nov. 7, 1771. In Palmer District.
Thomas and Orrilla Josselyn, May 26, 1811.
Thomas and Mary Stone, int. Aug. 15, 1830.
Thomas F. and Henrietta B. Tucker, int. Jan. 4, 1838.
CUTLOR (see Cull, Culler, Cullor, Cutler, Cutter)
Joseph and Mary Read, int. Aug. 11, 1759.
Mrs. Sarah and Elisha Allis of Hatfield, int. Nov. 10, 1764.
Thomas of Lexington and Abigal Read, int. March 24, 1764.
CUTTER (see Cull, Culler, Cullor, Cutler, Cutlor)
Dr. Calvin of Dover, N.H. (widr., a. 35), and Eunice N. Powers, Dec. 10, 1843.
Charlotte W. and Jasper Merritt, July 9, 1833.
Ebenezer and Cinthe Salvester Bonny of Bridgwater, int. June 10, 1797.
[Cutler in int.], James and Betsy Rich, Dec. 8, 1803.
[Cutler in int.], Joseph and Lydia Bascom, Aug. 4, 1785.
Mary E. and Alberson Watkins, March 18, 1840.
Naby and Daniel Tyler, Jan. 6, 1803.
CWEE (see Cowee)
Mrs. Elizabeth and Dr. Obadiah Wood, int. July 26, 1760.
Hannah and Comfort Barns, int. Sept. 11, 1762.
Jane and Thomas Brown of Kingstown, "a place so called," int. Feb. 14, 1744.
Merriam and Jonathan Danforth, Sept. 13, 1770.
William and Ruth Read, Oct. 16, 1769.
DAMON (see Deamom, Demmon, etc.)
Anna and Nathan Smith of Sturbridge, int. April 10, 1789.
Catharine and Andrew Nelson, int. March 23, 1771.
Eliza and Charles Bliss, April 19, 1832.
George and Mary Tyler, Sept. 1, 1831.
Hannah and John Osburn of Ware, Feb. 2, 1795.
John and Esther Richardson, Jan. 18, 1795.
Jude and Ruth Putnam, Nov. 16, 1768.
Lewis R. and Hannah R. Tripp, Sept. 15, 1841.
Loes of Ware and James Collis, int. Feb. 4, 1804.
Mary and Samuel Bond of Brimfield, int. Jan. 3, 1824.
Orrill M. (d. Pearley and Hannah, a. 21) and Norman Knowlton, Nov. 25, 1846.
Peter and Lydia Putnam, int. Aug. 9, 1766.
Polly and Elijah Bond, int. Feb. 14, 1795.
Col. Samuel of Liscester and Wid. Phebe Rich, April 13, 1794.
Abigail and Henry Burbank, Nov. 30, 1843.
Elizabeth H. and William Burbank, Dec. 22, 1841.
DANFORD (see below) [?] -
[Damon in int.], Bethia and James Tolman of Sharon, Feb. 29, 1808.
DANFORTH (see above)
Asa and Hannah Whelor, int. March 5, 1768.
Dorithy and Ebenezer Billings of Cambridge, N.Y., int. Jan. 12, 1788.
John and Lucy Seelah, Nov. 20, 1769.
Jonathan and Lydia Read, int. Feb. 10, 1759.
Jonathan and Merriam Cwee, Sept. 13, 1770.
Sally and Dady Bloget of Brimfield, May 27, 1805.
Luther [of Brimfield in int.] and Katy Rich, Dec. 28, 1786.
Lydia of Beltchertown and Moses Abbutt, resident in Western, int. Aug. 9, 1786.
DARLING (see above)
Wid. Lois and Silas Smith, int. Feb. 2, 1798.
Nansey and Betholomew Stone, int. June 13, 1801.
DAVENPORT (see Deuenport)
Ariel H. and Lydia L. Maxwell of Brookfield, int. Sept. 1, 1837.
DAVIS (see below)
Abigail and Daniel Kenney Jr. of Sutton, April 29, 1751. In Sutton.
Adaline P. of Northborough and John Patrick, int. Sept. 23, 1837.
Enoch (s. Nathan and Polly, a. 38) and Harriet Ellis, April 14, 1847.
Gideon and Mireoum Marks, int. June 18, 1779.
James S. and Caroline Powers, Nov. 26, 1826. P.R.
Capt. James S. and Adaline Billings of Hardwick, Jan. 28, 1840. In Hardwick.
John and Marcy Carpenter, Aug. 10, 1788.
Jonathan and Phebe Phelps of Belchertown, April 16, 1778. In Belchertown.
Martha of Brookfield and Pardon Keyes, int. April 19, 1812.
Martha R. of West Brookfield and Charles Burbank, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
Moses of Brookfield and Lydia Bachelder, March 25, 1779. In Brookfield.
Pliny and Abigal Field of Oakeham, int. Dec. 10, 1802.
Wid. Rachel and Israel Phelps of Northamton, int. Aug. 24, 1779.
Rebeccah of Northborough and John Patrick Jr., int. Oct. 21, 1820.
Solomon and Anna Hollowell of Spencer, Nov. 20, 1794. In Spencer.
William W. (s. Benjamin and Sarah, a. 23) and Elizabeth Cowee, Oct. 18, 1848.
DAVISS (see above)
Benjaman of South Brimfield and Temperance Smith, int. Oct. 20, 1764.
Elenor and William Sheapard, int. July 5, 1755.
Lydia and Moses Rich of Brookfield, int. Nov. 28, 1754.
Samuel and Martha Sheapard, int. March 26, 1763.
Sarah and Joseph Dunham of Brimfield, int. March 10, 1759.
Anne and Avery P. Taylor of Sturbridge, int. May 20, 1823.
Elizabeth Augusta (d. Lyman and Eliza, a. 23) and Dr. Lorenzo Warriner, March 31, 1847.
Lydia and Benjamin F. Potter, int. March 5, 1819.
Lyman and Eliza Allen, int. March 22, 1823. "Certificate written March' instead of April," by mistake.
DEAMON (see Damon, Demmon, etc.)
Thomas and Abigal Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1804.
Ann R. and Roswell Blair, Jan. 11, 1832.
Horatio and Flavin Blair, int. Nov. 7, 1835.
John of Munson and Mary Conant, Nov. 13, 1814.
Sarah R. ([adopted in int.] d. John and Mary M., a. 19) and Benjamin F. Earle, Dec. 25, 1845.
William P. of Providence, R.I. and Mary F. Hitchcock, July 19, 1843.
Rachael of West Brookfield and Faulkner Hill, int. April 25, 1835.
Gorge and Phebe Paine, int. Feb. 11, 1783.
Ebenezer and Betty Blackmer of South Brimfield, int. May 29, 1787.
DEMMON (see Damon, Deamon, and below)
Mary and Thomas Jefferson Carter, int. Jan. 13, 1821.
DEMON (see above and below)
Edmund and Ester Hubbard of Brimfield, int. Oct. 31, 1761.
Parley and Hannah Read, int. March 22, 1817.
DEMOND (see above)
Abagail B. of Ware and Freeman Gilbert, int. Oct. 22, 1841.
[Damon in int.], Sophia and Levi Lincoln, April 13, 1809.
DEUENPORT (see Davenport)
Lemuel of Lemenster and Deborah Barrus, int. Dec. 11, 1762.
DeWOLF, see D'Wolf.
James and Hope Gorton of Charlton, int. Jan. 17, 1813.
Oliver and Anna Rich, April 15, 1790.
Tryphosa T. of West Brookfield and Royal Rich, int. Oct. 11, 1835.
Patrick and Hannah Hearley, int. July 20, 1839.
Elinor [Ellanor Dorrathy in int.] of Brookfield and James Blackmore, Dec. 2, 1784.
Mary of Monson and Otis Smith, int. April 9, 1831.
Ashal of Brookfield and Julia Goulding, Aug. 18, 1796.
DOW (see below)
Harriet (d. Sewell and Hannah, a. 30) and Elisha Bliss, int. April 21, 1846.
Miraoum and Daniel Russel, int. Oct. 10, 1795.
Sally and Samuell Ezakel Merritt, March 30, 1790.
[Dow in int.], Isaiah Jr. and Jemima Lyon of Holland, March 8, 1790. In Holland.
Luke T. and Eliza A. Foster, Jan. 1, 1834.
Olive [Olivet in int.] of Sturbridge and Jason Gleason, March 9, 1789. In Sturbridge.
Moses of Charlton and Dolly Makepeeace, April 21, 1813.
Alice and Perez Alexandor, int. Nov. 23, 1818.
Amanda and Edwin A. Lincoln of Ashburnham, Sept. 4, 1833.
Betsy of Brimfield and Amos Tyler, int. March 13, 1824.
Clarissa and Theodore L. Washburn of Palmer, April 26, 1835.
Dolly and Issachar Comins, Sept. 4, 1833.
Franklin and Sophia Carpenter, Jan. 8, 1826. P.R.
George A. (s. Franklin and Sophia, a. 22) and Helen M. Bacon, July 25, 1849.
Levina and Rufus Bliss, April 1, 1829.
Winsor (s. Asaph Rice [sic], a. 31) and Ruth E. Hathaway, Dec. 24, 1844.
Lucy of Ware and Danel Tyler, int. Feb. 15, 1813.
DUNBAR (see above)
Patience of Charlton and Leonard Laflin, int. Oct. 16, 1830.
Sarah of Palmer and Ambrose Blair, int. March 12, 1835.
Maria and Asa Spooner of Greenwich, March 31, 1841.
DUNHAM (see below)
Anna and David Watkins, int. April 28, 1813.
David L. (s. Asa and Rory D., a. 23) and Lucy A. Tainter, April 7, 1846.
Elmira (d. Asa, a. 29) and Elijah Lumbard of Brookfield, Oct. 2, 1844.
Joseph of Brimfield and Sarah Daviss, int. March 10, 1759.
Roswell (s. Asa, a. 25) and Mary E. Crouch, July 11, 1844.
Solomon of Brimfield and Polly Farley, int. Dec. 5, 1800.
Wid. Chariot of Brimfield and Elisha Levermore, int. Feb. 11, 1809.
Hannah and Moses Marsh of Ware, int. Aug. 18, 1820.
Hannah and Reuben Parker, int. Sept. 26, 1822.
Lucy and Ephraim Marsh of Sterling, int. Feb. 24, 1821.
Lucy and Lyman Root, int. March 26, 1822.
Elijah and Ruth Brown of Palmer District, Sept. 29, 1763. In Palmer District.
John and Prudence Tylor, int. July 7, 1754.
Mrs. Sarah and Dea. John Gilburt of Brookfield, int. Sept. 24, 1763.
Charity and Adolphus Hodges, int. Sept. 15, 1841.
Nathan L. and Polly Briggs, Sept. 13, 1796.
Mrs. Anna and Asehal Hartheway of Suffield, int. March 28, 1778.
Anna [Nancy in int.] and Isaac More, April 11, 1812.
Henry and Ruth Rich, int. April 2, 1774
Mary and Capt. John Lawton Jr. of Hardwick, int. Dec. 29, 1819.
Mrs. Sally and Pearly Moulton of South Brimfield, int. Aug. 27, 1826.
Sarah and Lt. Timothy Ruggles of Hardwick, int. July 19, 1766.
Semion and Anna Cutler, int. Feb. 21, 1784.
Sibbil and Capt. Elihu Kent of Suffield, int. Dec. 25, 1773.
Simeon and Sibbil ----, Dec. 14, 1743.
Simeon [Jr. in int.] and Sally Barlet, Jan. 18, 1813.
Amas of Brimfield and Elizabeth Bridges, int. March 14, 1822.
Benjamin F. (s. Jacob and Mary, a. 31) and Sarah R. Dean, Dec. 25, 1845.
[Esty in int.], Elizabeth of Sutton and John Chandler, June 8, 1775. In Sutton.
Joseph of Granby and Persis Read, Nov. 7, 1811.
Lt. William of Granby and Tamson Read, Sept 5, 1794.
Sally of New Brantree and John Woods, int. Nov. 3, 1786.
Elizebeth of Hanover and Joseph Ramsdell Jr., int. Nov. 11, 1827.
ELLES (see below)
[Ellis in int.], Shephard of Brookfield and Abigail Arnald, Oct. 8, 1800.
Stillman and Azubah Burroughs, Aug. 20, 1829.
ELLIS (see above)
Elizabeth [Elizabeth B. in int.] and William Lincoln, April 18, 1839.
Harriet (d. Shepard and Abigail, a. 28) and Enoch Davis, April 14, 1847.
Maria and Samuel Tidd, Nov. 3, 1840.
Mary of Brookfield and Josiah Hayward, int. Sept 28, 1822.
Mary R. and Asa E. Felton of Jamaica, Vt., int. Dec. 3, 1836.
Charles Esq. of Winsor Goshen and Rachel Makepeace, int. Feb. 23, 1771.
Guiden of Winsor Goshen and Lydia Makepeace, int. Feb. 1, 1772.