THE TOWN OF HEATH, Franklin County, was established February 14, 1785, from a
part of Charlemont and common lands called Green and Walker's Land. Population
by Census: -
1790 (U.S.), 379;
1800 (U.S.), 604;
1810 (U.S.), 917;
1820 (U.S.), 1122;
1830 (U.S.), 1199;
1840 (U.S.), 895;
1850 (U.S.), 803;
1855 (State), 741;
1860 (U.S.), 661;
1865 (State), 642;
1870 (U.S.), 613;
1875 (State), 545;
1880 (U.S.), 560;
1885 (State), 568;
1890 (U.S.), 503;
1895 (State), 476;
1900 (U.S.), 441;
1905 (State), 356;
1910 (U.S.), 346.
1. When places other than Heath and Massachusetts are named in the original
records, they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all items from town records
the original spelling is followed, and no attempt is made to correct errors
appearing in the records. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined,
as items about the same family or individual may be found under different
spellings. 4. A baptism is not printed, if it occurs within one year after the
recorded date of birth of a child of the same name and parents or if it is clear
that the child baptized is identical with the child of the birth record; but
variations found in the baptismal record are added to the birth record. 5. The
birth of a married woman is recorded under her maiden name, if it is known. But
if the maiden name cannot be determined, the entry appears under the husband's
name, with a dash enclosed in brackets, i.e., [ ], to signify that the maiden
name is unknown. If it is not known whether the surname is that of a married or
unmarried woman, ? m. is placed in brackets after the Christian name. 6.
Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item,
i.e., any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of
the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show the difference in the
spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to
enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to separate clauses in
the original text
a. -- age
abt. -- about
6. - born
ho. - baptized
bur. - buried
ch. - child
d.--daughter; day; died
Dea. -- deacon
dec'd- deceased
dup.-duplicate entry
Eld. --Elder
Ens. -- Ensign
h. -- husband
hrs. -- hours
inf. - infant
int. -- publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. -- junior
Lt. - Lieutenant
m.-married; month
min. -- minutes
q.v. -which see; whom see
rec. --recorded
w. -week; wife
Y. - year