Vital Records Of The Town Of Brewster,
Massachusetts, To The End Of The Year 1849.
A Book Of Records Of Births And Deaths, In The Town Of Brewster,
Alphabetically Arranged.
Family Registers, Part 3
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]
[Coder's Note:-- The title indicates that the records are in alphabetical order, but this does not seem to be the case.]
Record of births of Nathaniel and [Second Wife] Nancy Snow's Children:
Sarah E. Snow born Oct. 31, 1822.
Ann H. Snow born Dec. 3d 1824.
George W. Snow born June 6th 1827.
Abby M. Snow born June 29, 1829,
Angeline Snow born Dec. 21, 1831.
Silvester born April 1, 1835.
Malvina born June 24th 1836.
Nathaniel Snow [Senior], Died Feb. 13th 1837.
Meriana first wife of Nathan, died Jan. 5, 1820,
Ann Higgins died May 7 1840.
George W. Snow died Feb. 28th 1836.
Angeline died Nov 26, 1843.
Silvester died April 23, 1836[1835].
Malvina died March 1, 1837.
Record of births of Benjaminmin and Mary Winslow's Children:
Mary Winslow born March 24th 1820,
Lucy Winslow born April 13, 1822.
Benjaminmin Winslow born Dec. 6th 1823.
George Winslow born Nov. 9, 1826.
Bartlett B. Winslow born Sept. 12, 1829,
Frances Winslow born Jan. 6, 1832[1831.]
Josiah Jan. 10, 1835.
Gorham B. March 28, 1840.
Benjaminmin Senior died at Mobile, April 29th 1840.
Benjaminmin died at Sea Nov. 5th 1840.
Record of births of Dean, and Rebecca Winslow's Children:
Abby Winslow born April 1, 1825.
Record of births of Zacheus and Margaret Rogers Children:
Freeman Rogers born Oct. 20, 1808.
Abigail Rogers born May 30, 1811.
Susanah Mayo Rogers born Dec. 15, 1813.
Zacheus Rogers born Sept. 16, 1816.
Susanah Mayo Rogers born June 4, 1818.
Margaret Rogers born Sept. 15, 1820,
Sulivan Rogers born Oct. 10, 1822.
Joseph M. Rogers born March 23, 1825.
Huldah M. Rogers born March 30, 1828.
Susanah M. Rogers died Jan. 23, 1820,
Record of births of Samuel H. and Sophronia Allen's Children:
Joseph W. Allen born June 24th 1828.
Helen M. Allen born June 6th 1831[1830]
Issabella [G.] Allen born March 22d 1832.
Sophronia A. born Nov. 10th 1835.
Samuel H. born July 18th 1838,
John W. born April 18, 1841.
Sophronia Senior Died April 28, 1841.
Record of births of Joshua, and Clarisa Winslow's Children:
Joseph H. Winslow born Jan. 11, 1818.
Joseph H. Winslow born Nov. 21, 1820,
James H. Winslow born March 4, 1822.
Joshua Winslow born Aug. 1, 1824.
Isaac Winslow born Jan. 29, 1827.
James H. Winslow born Jan. 21, 1829,
Joseph H. Winslow died May 29, 1818.
Joseph H. Winslow died July 11, 1821.
James H. Winslow died Feb. 16, 1825.
Joshua Senior died Oct. 26, 1839,
Record of births of Joshua G. and Margaret Bakers Children:
Joshua G. Baker born June 14, 1829,
Barnybas G. Baker born August 29th 1831.
Josiah G. born Nov. 2d 1834.
Eleazar B., born Nov. 2d 1838,
Joshua G., born Jan. 20, 1842.
Josua G. Baker, Died Jan. 19th 1830,
Record of births of Elisha and Deborah Fosters Children:
Elisha Foster born Dec. 4, 1825.
Deborah F Foster born Sept. 21, 1828.
Maria Foster born Oct. 10th 1831.
Nathan F., born Dec. 4th 1833.
Sarah Abba born Dec 22, 1839,
Record of births of Tully and Mercy Fosters Children:-
Sally Crosby Foster born Oct. 1, 1820,
Tully Foster died at Sea June 1829,
Record of births of Robert R. and Mary Crosby's Children:
Mary Elisabeth Crosby born Jan, 30th, 1829,
Julia Crosby born Feb. 14, 1832.
Harriet C. born Nov. 27th 1834.
Elaner Apr. 1, 1839,
Birth of Charles and Mercy Lincoln's Children:
Charles C. Lincoln born Aug. 26th, 1829,
Joshua Lincolm born Feb. 1, 1831.
Mercy Ann, born Oct. 23, 1832.
Charles Henry, born May. 10, 1835.
Lucy Ann, born Nov. 25, 1836.
Allithenia M., born Aug. 22d 1838,
Mercy B., born Aug. 11, 1840.
Louisa D., born April 3, 1842.
Charles Henry died Feb, 19, 1839,
Charles C., died Jan. 24, 1834.
Joshua Lincoln died Nov. 17, 1832.
Births of Francis and Diadame Cahoons Children:
Cordelia [F.] Cahoon born June 26th 1828.
Francis [S.] Cahoon born Jan. 31, 1830,
Julia Ann, M. Cahoon born Aug. 6th 1832.
Ruarne [Ruhamah] born Aug. 30th 1834.
Joseph Henry born June 20th [21] 1837.
George P. born June 1, 1842.
Naom N. born June 23d 1839,
Diadama Cahoon Died 26th August 1858.
Julia Ann M., Died Feb 5th 1888.
Births of Rev'd.. Charles and Mrs. Frances Spear's Children:
Charles Spear born Nov 11th 1830,
Isabella Spear born May 12th 1832.
Births of Francis & Dolly Lows Children:
Chariot Low born July 30 [31] 1820,
Francis Low born May 21, 1824.
Dolly Low died Augus 29, 1829,
Births of Francis & [Second wife] Reliance Lows Children: -
Albert Burrill, born Sept. 26, 1831.
William Low born 18th Aug. 1833.
Births of Benjaminmin F. Berry & Tabitha Berrys Children:
infant Son [George W.] born Oct [26] 1826. Died Nov. 23, 1826.
Mary Desire Berry born May 4th 1828.
Ellen Augusta Berry born April 14th 1830,
Frances Berry born Nov. 16, 1831.
Caroline M. born April 11th 1833.
Benjaminmin F. born Nov. 11, 1836.
Lucetta, born May 26, 1838,
Andrew W. born Nov. 28, 1842.
George W., died Aug. 29, 1829,
Lucetta died August 9th 1838,
Births of Franklin and Sophia Bakers Children:
Sophia Baker born Dec. 2, 1830,
John Franklin born Nov. 5 [18] 1836.
Sophia born Jan. 25, 1839,
Franklin Senior lost at sea, March 1840.
Sophia Senior died Jan. 28, 1839,
Sophia 2d died Feb. 20, 1839,
Sophia died Oct. 8th 1839,
Births of Franklin and Sally Hopkins Children:
Sarah H. Hopkins born Feb. 25th 1831.
Mary Elizabeth Hopkins born Dec. 18th, 1832 [1833]
Franklin born Jan. 22d 1837.
Amelia born June 2, 1840.
Births of Freeman and Nancy Foster Jr.. Children:
Isabella Foster born Oct. 21, 1831.
Abby Foster born March 12th 1833.
Freeman Foster 3d born June 29, 1835.
Mary F. born Aug. 23, 1840.
Births of Elkana & Sally Bangs Children:
Sarah Freeman Bangs born March 12th 1825.
Elizabeth Jane Bangs born Sept. 18th 1827[1826].
Elkanah Bangs died Dec. 26, 1842.
Births of John and Rebekah Clarks Children:
John Clark [Senior] died August 17, 1830,
John Clark born March 7th 1824.
Robert M. Clark born Oct. 5th 1825.
Births of Frederic & Ann P Freeman Children:
Frederic A. Freeman born Oct. 31, 1831.
Mary A. D. Nov 24, 1839,
Births of Daniel and Prissilla Chases Children:
Rhoda Chase born Sept. 23d 1821.
Nathaniel Chase born Jan.s 6th 1823 [16, 1824]
Lucy Ann Chase born May 23d 1827.
Clarissa Chase born Nov. 6th 1829,
Mary Ann Chase born March 7th 1831 [20, 1832]
Priscilla Jan. 20, 1835]
Melissa born June 24th 1836.
Melissa died Dec. 14, 1838,
Mary Burrill, born in Boston, Sept. 28th 1807.
Births of Geo & Mary Paines Children:
Mary Paine born May 1, 1829,
George C. Paine born Nov. 26th 1834.
Freeman B. Paine, born Aug. 12, 1836.
Mary A. born Oct. 30, 1838,
Reliance Cobb born Oct. 26, 1840.
Henry F. born July 10, 1842.
Benjaminmin B. born Dec. 5, 1843.
Mary Paine Died Oct. 29th 1830,
Births of Sears and Betsy Fosters Children:
Elijah Foster born March 6, 1804.
Tempy M. Foster born Sept. 7th 1805.
Betsy Foster born July 29th 1807.
Hannah Foster born Feb. 19th 1809.
Tempy M. Foster born June 19, 1811.
Sarah C. Foster born Jan. 19th 1812.
Elijah Foster born Jan. 24th 1815.
Sears Foster born August 12th 1816.
Elijah Foster born June 24th 1818.
Isaac C. Foster born August 16th 1820 [1822]
Barna Foster born July 27th 1823 ,[1824]
Thadius Foster born Nov. 7, 1825.
Elijah Foster died Feb. 17th 1810,
Tempy M. Foster died March 18th 1807.
Sears Foster, Senior, lost at Sea, 1834.
Sarah C. Foster died June 27th 1837.
Elijah Foster died March 17th 1815.
Sears Foster died Sept. 20th 1836.
Thadius Foster died Nov. 27th 1827.
Births of Crocker and Tempy Youngs Children:
Thadius Foster Young born May 20th 1830,
Sarah Ann Young born Dec. 31, 1831.
Thaddeus Foster born Jan. 28, 1836.
Thadeus Foster Young died Sept. 4th 1832.
Crocker died March 1840.
Births of Joshua and Mercy Myricks Children:
Mercy C. Myrick born June 30th 1820,
Elizabeth Myrick born Sept. 19th 1823.
Joshua Myrick born March 20th 1827.
Abigal Myrick born Feb. 25, 1830,
Catherin Myrick born December 31st 1831.
Mrs.. Mercy Myrick died Aug. 16th 1834
Bethiah, second wife died.
Polly, third wife died April 24, 1843.
Births of Enock and Huldah Clarks Children:
Enock Clark born March 9th [11] 1829,
Huldah K. Clarck born Sept. 22, 1830,
Enoch Senior died May 5th 1835.
Huldah Senior died May 11th 1835.
Births of Allenn H and Maria Linnells Children:
Allenn H. Linnell born [Harwich] December 11th 1828.
Maria, born July 20th 1836 [22, 1835].
John H, Dec. 14, 1839,
Mary Small born Nov. 14, 1841.
Births of Selvanus and Maryan Bangs' Children:
Maryann Bangs born August 28th 1825.
Olive Bangs born August 24th 1827.
Selvanus Bangs born August 26th 1829,
Lucretia born April 16th [7] 1834.
Mehitable born Aug. 17th 1836.
Silvanus Bangs, Senior, died Nov 24th 1837.
Births of Freeman and Rebecca Crosbys Children:
Mary Crosby born March 15, 1828.
Freeman Crosby born June 9th 1831.
Charles born June 13th 1833.
Rebecca born Nov. 16th 1835.
James Edwin born Feb 11th 1838,
Henry H., born Oct. 20, 1840.
Rebecca Senior Died March 26th 1842.
Mary Died August 15, 1842.
Births of Zoheth and Sarah Snows Children:
Sally Foster Snow born Jan. 26, 1822.
Zoheth Snow born Sept. 29, 1825.
James Crosby Snow born March 26, 1830,
Hannah J. born May 3d 1833.
James Crosby Snow died Sept. 27, 1830,
Births of Godfrey and Reliance Hopkins Children:
Godfrey Hopkins, Feb. [Jan.] 15th 1832.
Charles H. born Feb. [Jan.] 25th 1835.
Edwin born April 16th 1837.
Melissa Ann Jan. 16, 1840.
Louisa O., born Feb. 26, 1842.
Births of Silvanus and Eliza Crosbys Children:
Selvanus Crosby born July 18, 1828.
Polly F. Crosby born Sept. 24th 1832.
Silvanus Senior Died Aug. 12, 1834.
Births of Isaac and Reliance Mayos Children:
Paulina Mayo born Oct. 1st 1802.
Isaac Mayo born Sept. 2d 1803.
Albert Mayo born May 24, 1805.
Paulina Mayo born April 10th 1807.
Reliance Mayo born April 10th 1809
Charlotte Mayo born July 8th 1811
Huldah Baker Mayo born June 20th 1813.
Susanna Mayo born Jan. 27th 1815.
Urial King Mayo born April 30, 1816.
Paulina Mayo died Nov. 15, 1802.
Isaac Mayo died June 15, 1803.
Isaac Mayo Senior died Dec. 18, 1817.
Births of Lue [&] Peda Lincolns Children:
Rebecca C. Lincoln born Jan. 2d 1829,
Nathaniel Lincoln, born Sept. 30, 1834.
Priscilla C., born Sept. 30 [May 23], 1837.
Births of Jonathan F. and Lucinda Crosby's Children:
William Henry Crosby born May 29, 1824.
Rowland Hopkins Crosby born May 19, 1826.
Lucinda Crosby, wife of Jonathan, died.
Jonathan F. Crosby, lost Overboard, Nov 16th 1835.
Births of Freeman and Hannah S. Cobbs Children:
Freeman Cobb Jr.. born Oct. 10th 1830,
Hannah Cobb born April 20th 1831.
Freeman Cobb [Senior] died, Sept. 28th 1833.
Hannah Cobb, died June 4th 1831.
Sabra Ridley was born Provinstown, Feb. 1st 1802.
Births of Barney and Sabra Pains Children:
Silvanus Pain born July 29, 1820, [1821]
Laury Ann Pain born Nov. 17, 1821 [1822]
Susan Pain born Nov. 26, 1826.
Elizabeth Pain born Feb. 18th 1830,
Helen Pain born Feb. 29 [March 8], 1834.
Emily Paine born July 14, 1836.
Sarah T. born Jan. 8th 1841.
William Whitimore Goss was born in Weston, Vermont June 11th 1802.
Births of William W. and Hannah Goss's Children:
William Freeman Myrick Goss born July 4th 1827.
Hannah Jane Goss born Jan. 27th 1829 [Boston]
Betsy Foster Goss born Feb. 25, 1830,
Franklin Goss born July 17 1831.
Loisa F. Goss born Aug. 18th 1834.
Walter Scott Goss born Dec. 31, 1832.
Warren Goss born Aug. 19, 1835.
Mary Goss born July 28, 1837.
Ellen born Apr. 27, 1839,
Ellery born Aug. 17, 1840.
Maria Antionette born Feb. 26, 1842.
Loisa F. Goss died Sept. 14, 1834.
Elra died March 25, 1841.
Births of Obed and Temperance Snows Children:
Mary Nye Snow born May 10, 1824.
Harriet Olivia Snow born May 17, 1829,
Augusta T. Snow born Oct. 19, 1831.
Harriot O. Snow died April 26th 1832.
Births of Josiah and Phebe Wings Children:
Phebe L. Wing born Jan. 17th 1824.
Chariot Wing born Jan. 5th 1826.
Martha Ann Wing born Feb. 15, 1829,
Emily Wing born December 19, 1831.
Births of Joseph C. and Susan B Crosbys Children:
Martha Bangs Crosby born April 14, 1830,
Emily Crosby born Nov 7th 1831.
Sarah born March 27th 1834.
Joseph born Oct. 3d 1836.
Susan B., wife of Joseph C., died Oct. 19th 1836.
Births of Edmund Long & Tabitha Children:
Edmund C. Long, born, Nov 5th 1832.
Albert S. born, Aug. 7th 1835.
Nelson F. born, Sept. 9, 1840.
Births of Joseph and Emeline Nickerson's Children:
Lydia Winslow Nickerson, born Nov. 10, 1828.
Joseph Alexand Nickerson, born June 29th 1831.
Mrs.. Emeline Nickerson died 1834.
an Infant died 1834.
Births of Bela and Almira Berrys Children:
Bela Berry born Sept. [Oct.] 26, 1831.
Bela Senior lost at sea Sept. 1835.
Birth of Moses and Eliza Ann Dillinghams Children:
Ann Eliza Dillingham born Nov. 27, 1827.
Eliza Ann Dillingham born Nov. 3, 1830,
Moses Warren Dillingham born Sept. 18, 1834.
Isaac T. Dillingham, Oct. 6, 1837.
Ann Eliz Dillingham died August 16, 1830,
Isaac T. Died Feb 13, 1838,
Moses Dillingham Senior died Feb. 18, 1843.
Births of Knelmn Jr.. and Nabby L. Winslows Children:
William Henry Winslow born Nov 2d 1831.
Kenelm Winslow Jr.. born June 2d 1834.
Sarah Abby born Oct. 21, 1838,
William H. Winslow died June 18, 1835.
Births of Gilbert and Amanda Winslows Children:-
Chauncy Wilder Winslow born April 28th 1830,
Gilbert Smith Winslow born May 25, 1832.
Edward born Aug. 8th 1834.
Sarah Amanda born July 19th 1838,
Gilbert Winslow died Aug. 25, 1839,
Births of Thomas and Polly Linnells Children:
Allen H. Linnell born Novenbr 12th 1807.
Silvester Linnell born Oct. 21, 1809.
Catherine Linnell born April 27th 1813.
twins Polly and Catherine Linnell twins, Sept. 13, 1815.
Cinthia Small Linnell born August 15, 1817.
Births of Thomas and [Second Wife] Azubah Linnells Children: -
George S. Linnell born August 26th 1822. Twin.
Thomas Linnell born August 26, 1822. Twin.
Azubah Linnell born Sept. 10th 1824.
Births of Thomas and [third Wife] Charlotte Linnells Children:-
Sharlot C. Linnell born August 27th 1826.
George S. Linnell born Sept. 17th 1828.
Polly the Wife of Thomas Linnell died Feb. 14th 1821.
Catherine Linnell died December 27, 1814.
twins Polly and Caherine Linnell twins died July 12 & 15, 1816.
Azuba Linnell the scond wife died March 11th 1825.
George L. [S] died June 23d 1823.
Azubah Linnell died Nov. 20, 1823.
Births of Andrew and Kezia Simons Children:
John W. Simons born Feb. 29th 1829 [28, 1828]
Andrew Simons born 1827 [Sept. 30, 1824.]
Andrew & John W. lost at sea Oct. 1841.
Births Heman and Polly Fosters Children:
Fanny Crosby Foster born March 2d 1825.
Joseph Foster born June 27th 1826.
Heman Foster Jr.. born August 29, 1828.
Samuel T. Foster born Jan. 6, 1831.
Heman Foster [Senior] died in Havana in May 1833.
Polly Foster, wife of Heenan Died June 1, 1834.
Joseph died May 30, 1881.
Samuel Feb. 18, 1882.
Heman died May 13th 1882.
Births of George [W.] and Abigal Higgins Children:
George W. Higgins born April 21, 1829,
John A. Higgins born May 2d 1832.
Thomas Jefferson July 5th 1838,]
Births of Theofilus end Lurana Crosbys Children:
Adela T. Crosby born May 2d 1831.
Theophelus F. Crosby born Aug. 4th 1833.
Lurana Hurd Crosby, born Oct. 20th 1835.
Adela born July 13th 1837.
Marion Wallace born Feb. 3, 1840.
Abbie F. July 13 1847.
Adela T. Crosby died Jan. 28th 1832.
Theo. F. Crosby died Sept. 3, 1834.
Births of Isaac Crosbys and Unice Crosbys Children:
Isaac Crosby born March 7th 1828.
Isaac F. born Oct. 2d 1830,
Matilda P. born March 22d 1837.
Mehitable C. Ryder March 7, 1827. Chatham.
Isaac Francis born Nov. 6, 1843.
Isaac died.
Isaac F., died Jan. 2d 1836.
Births of Bangs and Julia Peppers Children:
Julia Ann Pepper born July 1,[11], 1831.
Charlotte A., born July 30, 1835.
Bangs born Sept. 21, 1837.
Births of Edward and Mary Hopkins Children:
Isaiah Doan Hopkins born Jan. 28, 1831.
Edward F. Hopkins born April 7th 1832 [1833].
Laura Ann, born June 27, 1833 [23, 1834.]
Otis born Feb. 6 [7], 1835.
Charles born Sept. 23, 1836.
Freeman born Jan. 9th 1838,
Caroline S. Sept. 9, 1839,
Harrison born March 22, 1841.
Births of Moses, & Fanny Hopkins Children:
Eliza Ann Hopkins, born, Feb. 6th [Jan. 17,], 1835.
Births of William, and Betsy Hopkins Children:
William C. Hopkins born July 17, 1831.
Joseph H. Hopkins, born August 3, 1833.
John Wing Hopkins, born June 1, 1836.
Births of Freeman and Sally Snows Children:
Freeman M. Snow born Oct. 11, 1826.
Sarah A. Snow, born May 31, 1829,
Reuben F., born, Aug. 3, 1832.
Osborn M., born, Aug. 3, 1834.
Melissa, born Oct. 14, 1836.
Amanda, born Aug. 15, 1838,
Joseph W., born Nov. 17, 1840.
Mary D., born Nov. 12, 1843.
Osborn Snow Died Jan. 15, 1844.
Melissa Snow died Jan. 10, 1839,
Joseph W. Snow Died May 15, 1880.
Mary D. Snow Died March 15, 1849.
Births of Moses and Hannah Snows Children:
Elizabeth T. Snow, born Oct. 19, 1829,
Hannah J. Snow born Dec. 19, 1830,
Tamsen S. Snow born Jan. 21st [26] 1832.
Edward born Sept. 5th 1833.
Mercy F., born Aug. 26th [29] 1836.
Bethiah born Aug. 30th [26] 1838,
Clarisa May 30, 1840]
Births of Seth and Eunice Robins Children:
Seth G. Robins Jr.. born Sept. 19th 1827.
Albert Robins born Sept. 29th 1831.
Olive, born Aug. 15, 1833.
Isaiah born Aug. 8th 1835.
Freeman born Sept. 11, 1837.
Births of Phineas and Sally Bakers Children:
Seymore B. Baker, born July 1, 1825.
Watson Baker born June 19, 1827.
Births of Nathan and Eliza Smalls Children:
Margerett Small born March 23, 1806.
Cornelius Small born Dec. 25th 1808.
Phebe Small born May 3d 1812.
Nathan Small born August 29th 1816.
Fanny W. Small born July 1, 1824. [1823]
Godfrey M. Small, born May 24, 1826 [1825]
George A. Small born August 27, 1829 [1827]
Elizabeth Small born August 27, 1831.
Elizabeth died Jan. 1835.
Births of Reuben and Rosa Clarks Children:
Elijah born Feb. 15th 1807 [Harwich]
Eliza A., born Aug. 18, 1809 [Do]
Reuben born Feb. 18th 1818 [Do]
Hiram born Dec. 27th 1821 [Do]
Asa born Jan. 27th 1824 [Do]
Lucy born March 28th 1831 [20, 1830 Brewster]
Gorham born Dec. 24th 1833 [Do]
Rufus born Aug. 25th 1836 [Do]
Darius born Aug. 16th 1838 [Do]
Eliza A. Aug. 29, 1828. Do
William born March 4, 1841 [Do]
Elijah died Dec. 10th 1808.
Lucy Clark drowned Feb. 20, 1844.
Births of Barzilla and Ann Clarks Children:
Isaiah born Jan. 1, 1822 [1823 Dennis]
Benjaminmin [H] Clark born Sept. 10, 1826 [Brewster]
Releafy Clark born Dec. 18, 1828 [Do]
Cinthia Clark born July 25, 1831 [Do]
Emily born Jan. 16 [6] 1833 [Do]
Rosalinda born April 20, 1837. [Do]
Barzilla W. Apr. 3, 1840. Do
Ann H., Nov 4, 1824. Dennis
Isaiah, Died Oct. 1841.
Benjaminmin Died Oct. 1841.
Births of William and Betsey Burges Children:
William H. Burges born Feb. 25, 1829
Lydia Abby born Aug. 9, 1840.
Josiah Foster born.
Susan Foster his wife.
Births of Children of the above.
Susan Foster born Oct. 20th 1829,
Josiah Foster, born Feb. 11th 1833.
John B. [John D.] Foster born April 6, 1835.
Josephine Foster born, Sept. 25, 1835 [1837]
Births, of George & Betsey Wings Children:
Mary Elizabeth Wing born Nov. 23d 1829,
George W. Wing born March 3d 1832.
George W. Wing died April 21, 1832.
Births of Orren & Hannah Sears Children:
Nathan H. Sears born Nov. 28th 1830,
Lorenzo I. Sears born Feb. 27th 1832.
Hannah M. Sears born March 29th 1836.
Louisa, May 7, 1839,
Births of Thomas and Elizabeth Sears Children:
Elizabeth F. Sears born March 17, 1828.
Thomas Sears born March 12, 1830,
Charles Sears born, Oct. 16th 1832.
David H. Sears, born March 16th 1836.
Thomas Jr. Died July 11, 1838,
Births of Anthony and Laura Ann Smalleys Children:
George [D.] Smalley born Aug. 27th 1824.
James Anthony Smalley, Nov. 12th 1826.
Julia F. [Julia A.] Smalley born June 13th 1829,
Nathan F. Smalley born Sept. 18th 1838,
Births of Nathan & Sally Sears Children:
Susan Sears born July 4th 1820,
Susan Sears born Nov. 23d 1821 [1822].
Sally W. Sears born May 12th 1824.
Emeline Sears born Aug. 20th 1827.
Nathan F. Sears, May 12th 1832.
Abraham W. Sears, born Feb 14th 1835.
Deaths of Nathan & Sally Sears Children:
Susan Sears died Feb. 20th 1821.
Emeline Sears died Sept. 24th 1831.
Nathan senior died April 27, 1841.
Births of Nathan and Phebe Robbins Children:
Mary Crosby Robbins born June 16th 1822
Mary Crosby Died March 7, 1842.
Births of Joseph H., and Olive Sears Children:
Joseph Henry Sears born June 8th 1829,
Elisha Freeman Sears born March 28th 1830 [1831]
Keziah H. born Oct 17, 1827.
Ellen born Sept. [Oct.] 10, 1834.
Benjaminmin B. born, Sept. 5, 1836.
Susan O. Oct. 29, 1839,
Keziah died Sept. 28th 1828.
Benjaminmin B., died Sept. 15 1837.
Births of Joshua & Harriot Dillinghams Children:
Joshua S. Dillingham born Feb. 25th 1831.
Harriot Dillingham [Senior] died 1834.
Joshua S. Dillingham died Aug. 28th 1831.
Births of William D., and Lydia Cliffords Children:
Lydia D. Clifford born Sept. 24th 1832.
Births of Isaac & Sarah Dillingham Children:
Joseph H. Dillingham born July 11, 1831.
Sarah Ann Dillingham born, Nov. 11, 1833.
Joseph H. Dillingham died Aug. 29th 1831.
Births of Edmond & Sukey Halls Children:
Samuel Hall born August 21, 1826 [1824].
Susan Hall born June 3d 1831.
Edmund F. Hall, Born July 6th 1837.
Births of Samuel and Betsey Halls Children:
Gideon Hall born Dec 3d 1832. Twin
Isaac Hall born Dec 3d 1832. Twin
Births of George and Lucy Mayo's Children:
Joseph Mayo born July 14th 1829,
Edmond F. Mayo, born Sept. 3d 1831.
George W., born March 24th 1837.
Joseph, March 15, 1840.
Joseph died Aug. 6th 1836.
Births of William & Lydia F. Clarks Children:
Deborah Mantor Clark born Oct. 9, 1832.
William H. July 12, 1839,
Births of Heman & Rebecca Winslows Children:
Henry Winslow born Jan. 17th 1808.
Harriot Winslow born Feb. 14, 1811.
Heman Winslow born Nov 19, 1812.
Heman Winslow Senior died Jan. 19th 1835.
Births of Jeremiah & Phebe Eldridge Children:
Phebe Ann Eldridge born Aug. 1, 1830, [30 1829]
Jeremiah Eldridge born Nov 16th 1832 [Oct. 22 1831]
William H. born July 23d [Dec 24] 1835.
Elisabeth born May 23d 1838,
Alonzo born, May 1840.
Births of Albert & Mary Mayo's Children:
Diannah [T.] Mayo born Aug. 15th [25] 1832.
Alpheus born July 25th [10] 1834.
Mary T., born Sept. 24th 1836.
Albert July 10, 1839,
Births of Isaac and Clarisa Hopkins Children:
Isaac Hopkins born Sept. 7th 1832.
Nathan F. born Nov. 25th 1835.
Births of Mark & Polly Crosby's Children:
Betsy Crosby born May 16th 1823.
Jerusha Crosby born Feb, 19th [9] 1827.
Thaddeus Crosby born March 10th [20] 1830,
Mary C. born July 20th 1833[1831].
Mark E. born July 8th 1835.
Emily born Feb. 25th 1838,
Mark Senior Died March 1840]
Births of John & Betsy Myricks Children:
Mary C. Myrick born Aug. 19[22], 1825.
Melvin Myrick born March 11, 1829,
Adelia Myrick born March 21, 1831.
John H. born Sept. 30th [Aug. 31], 1833.
Melvina born Aug. 10th 1835.
Alpheus born May 14th [10], 1838,
Charles Edwin Feb. 2, 1841.
Joseph A., July 7, 1843.
Melvina, died Dec. 11th 1832.
Adelia died Aug. 14th 1835.
Mary Frances [Mercy] Herd daughter of Francis and Mercy Herd was born April 22d 1832.
Francis Herd died at Sea on a passage from Havanna to Boston, Nov. 6th 1831.
Samuel Myrick was born in Orleans 9th March 1796.
Phebe, his wife, born in Eastham 30th June 1792.
Births of Samuel & Phebe Myricks Children:
Julia Ann Myrick born Aug. 6th 1813.
Samuel Myrick Died Aug. 12, 1843.
Julia Ann Died July 12, 1840.
Births of Solomon and Huldah Freemans Children:
Cordelia Freeman born Feb. 27th 1826.
Olive C. Freeman born June 4th 1827.
Solomon Freeman born [Apr. 9, 1833]
Mary F. born.
Horace, born Aug. 20th 1838,
Mary Frances Died April 5th 1836.
Births of Aquilla & Sabrina Higgins Children:
Abigal Ann Higgins born Oct. 8th 1820,
Lorenzo Higgins born Sept. 9th 1822.
Polly A. Higgins born March 12, 1824.
Mercy Higgins born March 29th 1826.
Births of Benjaminmin C., and Polly Rogers Children:
Benjaminmin Rogers born Aug. 29th 1825.
Hiram Rogers born July 27th 1827.
Isaac H. Rogers born Sept. 18, 1831.
Zoheth born March 19th 1835.
Benjaminmin born June 4, 1841.
Benjaminmin Jr.. Died, Oct. 4, 1841.
Births of Asaph & Phebe Crosbys Children:
Anthony Crosby born Sept. 25th 1817.
Asaph Crosby born July 3d [8] 1819,
George F. Crosby born March 3d 1825.
Births of Joshua & Dinah Clarks Children:
Hannah Paddock Clark born Aug. 9th 1832.
Births of Cornelius and Mercy Smalls Children:
Cornelius Small born May 21, 1832.
Joshua I [Joshua G.] born Nov. 28th 1833 [29, 1834.]
Frederick born March 20th [28] 1837.
James H. March 28, 1839,
Isaac Francis born Feb. 16, 1841.
Isaac Francis born Sept. 26, 1842.
I. Francis died, June 19, 1842. aged 1 year 4 months 3 days.
Isaac Francis died June 8, 1843 aged 1 year 8 months 12 days.
Births of Warren & Esther Nickersons Children:
Matilda Nickerson born Feb 7th 1829 [1828].
Warren Nickerson born Dec. 27th 1831 [1830]
Franklin Nickerson born Aug. 11th [18] 1832.
Mary Frances born 1833 [Oct. 12 1834]
Eliza born [March 15th] 1836.
William Henri born June 8, 1841.
Elnora born Jan. 11, 1844.
Franklin, Died March 15, 1834.
Births of Jeremiah & Sally Newcombs Children:
Alven Newcomb born Sept. 14th 1814.
David Newcomb born Nov. 16th 1816.
Sally Ann Newcomb born May 31, 1820,
Eliza C. Newcomb born Oct. 1, 1822.
Jermiah R. Newcomb born May 7th [29] 1825.
Valentine Newcomb born Feb. 21, 1829,
Emeline Newcomb born Sept. 24, 1827.
James Henry Newcomb born Nov, 4th 1831.
Isaiah F Newcomb born, Aug 26th [25] 1834.
Emeline Newcomb, borm June 25 1836 [1837]
Emeline Newcomb died Feb. 14th 1828.
Jeremiah R. Died 1845].
Births of Elisha & Roxy Howlands Children:
Clarisa Howland born Aug. 5th [15], 1826.
Elory [Elroy] S. Howland born Sept. 4th [15] 1828.
Joshua Howland born July 4th 1831.
Heman Howland born June 5 [25], 1834.
Fanny, born, Oct. 7 [17], 1836.
Charles H. Sept. 4, 1839,
Roxanna born June 6, 1842.
Births of Jeremiah & Aurilla Walkers Children:
Reuben Walker born May 4th 1828.
Seth Walker born March 19th 1831.
James [Jane] Walker born Jan. 22d 1833.
Jeremiah born Nov. 16th 1835.
Mary born Nov. 26th 1837.
Anna, Dec. 10, 1839,
Daniel born Feb. 25, 1843.
Births of David & Betsy Sears Children:
Susannah Wakefield Sears born June 9th 1828.
Births of Charles & Lucinda Parkers Children:
William Chamberlain Parker born Oct 31, 1828.
Lucy Ann Parker born Dec. 27, 1831[1832].
Charles H. Parker born, Dec 29[20], 1834.
George F. born, July 29, 1836.
Mary I., born, Aug. 16, 1838,
Warren born Feb. 9, 1841.
Mahitable, born Aug. 8, 1843.
Births of Samuel & Betsy Robbins Children:
Richard Robbins born May 30th 1829 [1827]
Harriot Robbins born Sept. 22d 1828.
Ann Robbins born Jan. 10th 1832.
Betsey wife of Samuel, Died Nov. 4, 1836.
Births of Alexander & Eunice Robbins Children:
Alexander Robbins born Jan. 19, 1818.
William S. Robbins born Oct. 2d 1819,
Mary Snow Robbins born Sept. 18th 1822.
Eunice S. Robbins born Nov. 7th 1823 [1824].
Abner Robbins born July 14th 1826.
Mercy Robbins born Sept. 5th 1828.
Lot, Sears Robbins born Jan. 9th 1830,
Infant born Aug. 22d 1831. died at the birth.
Abner Robbins born Sept. 24th 1832.
William July 1, 1835.
Cyrus W., Nov 1, 1837.
Emma Smith born Juen 17, 1841]
William S. Robbins drowned Dec. 29, 1832.
Abner Robbins died Dec. 1826.
Births of Nathan & Elizabeth Blacks Children:
John H. Black born 18th Dec. 1823.
David R. Black born 5th July 1824 [1825].
Eliza Ann Black born 22d Jan. 1827.
Hannah Black born 28th Jan. 1829,
Timothy Black born 25th Aug. 1830,
Isaac W. Black born 25th Jan. 1831 [1832].
Priscilla born 21st Nov. 1835 [1834].
Elra born 11th May 1837 [1836].
Desire born Nov 29, 1841.
Sarah born Feb. 15, 1843.
Priscilla Died May 1840.
Births of Hamon & Desire [Hammon & Susan] Tobeys Children:
Sally Tobey born Oct. [Dec.] 12th 1823.
Hamon Tobey born Feb. 1827.
Thomas Howland July 16, 1835.
Births of Benjaminmin & Desire Walkers Children:
Keziah Walker born Aug. 15th 1826.
Benjaminmin Walker born Jan. 26th 1831.
Joseph, July 25, 1833.
Edmond, Nov. 15, 1836.
Kezia, Aug. 31, 1838,
Susannah, Feb. 8, 1841.
Lewis W., June 20, 1843.
Lewis W., Died August 20, 1843.
Births of John & Rhoda Robbins Children:
William Robbins born Feb. 31d 1821 [1822].
Silvanus Robbins born Sept. 23d 1824 [1825].
Polly A. Robbins born Nov. 28th 1826 [1827].
John C. Robbins born July 9th 1829 [13, 1830].
Eliza Ann Robbins born Sept. 12th 1831 [1832].
Clarissa born May 3d 1833 [1834].
Daniel H., born Feb. 3d 1837.
Henry, Oct. 3, 1839,
Rhoda Ann born Sept. 3d 1841.
Births of Children: by his second wife Mahala.
Henry Nelson born December 27, 1843.
Rhoda wife of John, Died Feb. 20, 1842.
Henry Died Feb. 10, 1842.
Births of Solomon & Polly Makers Children:
Samuel Maker born Sept. 1, 1819,
Judith R. Maker, born July 31 [1], 1821.
Seth R., Maker born June 25, 1824 [9, 1825].
Solomon Maker born June 20, 1827.
Sylvester Maker born Dec. 30, 1832 [June 22, 1831].
George S. Maker born June 28 [Jan. 7] 1829,
Polly P. born May 20, 1835 [9, 1834].
Henry born March 27th 1837 [May 8, 1836].
Alonzo Aug. 22, 1839,
Births, of Peter & Sally Woods Children:
Matilda Ann Peck, born in Trenton, N. Jersey, 23d Oct. 1823.
William C. Wood, born in Patuckety 15th [11] March 1828.
Data S. Wood born in Providence 14 April 1830,
Sarah ---- May ----, 1833.
Elvina ---- Nov. ----, 1835.
Births of Elkanah Jr.. and Reliance Bangs's Children: brought from page 33 & continued.
Octavia Bangs, born July 30th 1833.
Rev'd. Caleb Clark, born, at Canaan, N.H., July 4th 1796.
Elcy Bradley, his wife born at Rumney, N.H., Sept. 20th [26] 1803. Married Feb. 28, 1827.
Children of the above:
Samuel B. Clark, born in E. [So] Haverhill, June 3, 1828. Died in Brewster, Feb. 3d 1834.
George D. B. Clark born Pittsfield, June 28th 1830, Died in Brewster Dec. 2, 1833.
Sarah B. Clark born in Brewster, Sept. 15, 1833.
Rev'd. Abraham Norwood born at Gloucester, 28th Dec. 1806.
Ruth S. Penson born in Salisbury 8th Feb. 1808. Marriad 8 Dec. 1829,
Children of the above:
Ruthann born in Biddeford, 10th Sept. 1830,
Penson Norwood born in Brewster, 3 Oct. 1833.
Mary P. Norwood, born Feb. 13th 1834.
Eliza Norwood born March 4, 1837.
Penson Norwood, Died July 10th 1834.
Births of Jonathan F. & Lucinda Crosby's Children:
William H. Crosby born May 29th 1824.
Rowland H. Crosby born May 19, 1826.
Samuel Myrick born in Orleans March 9th 1796.
Phebe, his wife, born in Eastham June 30th 1792.
Children of the above:
Julian Myrick born Aug. 6th 1814.
Nathan & Ruby Gorhams Children:
Elizabeth H. Gorham born Nov. 4, 1833.
Mary L. Gorham born July 20th 1835.
Mary L. Gorham born March 29, 1837 [1835].
Mrs.. Ruby Gorham died July 9 1837.
Mary L. Gorham died April 10th 1836.
Mary L. Gorham died March 31, 1838,
Nathan Gorham lost at Sea Febuary 1842.
Elizabeth H., died in Boston, March 9, 1842.
Solomon P. Snow & Sally's Children:
Sally Snow born June 30, 1836.
Mrs. Sally, wife of Solomon Died, Sept. 30th 1836.
Nathan Crosby Jr.. born Nov. 11, 1793.
Catherine Crosby, born June 28, 1801.
Nathan Jr.. & Catherine Crosbys Children:
Ann P. Crosby born April 4th 1821 [Chatham]
Albert Crosby born Jan. 14th 1823 [Chathan]
Emeline Crosby born Dec. 2, 1824 [Do]
Catherine A. N. born June 3, 1842. Brewster.
Nathan A. born June 17 1845. Brewster.
Rowland Freeman Crosby born April 13th 1799.
Sally, his wife, born in Chatham, Nov. 2, 1803.
Their Children:
Elijah Cobb Crosby born March 5th 1821. [Chatham]
Rowland F. Crosby Jr.. born March 30, 1823. [Do] Died Feb. 17, 1824.
Rowland F Crosby 3d born Aug. 25, 1825. [Do] Died April 17, 1826.
Charles S. Crosby born May 24, 1828. [Do]
Uranus H. Crosby born Aug. 17, 1831. [Do]
Sally [Nickerson Crosby born Sept. 12, 1836. [Brewster]
George & Sarah B. Copelands Children:
George William Copeland born Dec. 27, 1836.
Mary Ann, June 27, 1840.
George W. Copeland died May 17th 1837.
Rev'd. Enoch & Mercy Pratts Children:
Elizabeth F. Pratt Born March 4th 1811.
Mary King Pratt Born Sept. 5, 1813.
Sophia Bigelow Pratt Born May 4, 1818.
Joseph William Pratt Born April 25, 1820,
Enoch Henry Pratt Born Dec 31, 1831.
Sarah Copeland Pratt Born March 14, 1833.
Fredrick Snow Pratt Born Sept. 24, 1836.
Judah & Hannah Berrys Children:
Hannah F. Berry born Nov. 9th 1837.
Hopkins & Hannah Foster's Children:
Mary H. Foster born Sept. 8th 1822.
Hopkins Foster, drounded, in Orleans. By request.
Phenias Baker, born Oct. 25th 1786.
Sally Bangs born Nov. 24, 1788. Marraid Jan. 23, 1816.
Their Children:
Mary Baker born June 22d 1817 [Dennis]
Phenias Baker born Dec 15, 1819, [Do]
Sally B. Baker born Jan. 31, 1822. [Do]
Seymour B. Baker born July 1, 1825. [Brewster]
Watson Baker born June 19, 1825. [1827 Do]
Phenias Baker, lost at sea, Sept. 3d 1837.
Phineas Jr.. lost at Sea March 11, 1845.
Gardner & Harriot Weatherbee's Children:
Freeman F. Weatherbee born July 21st 1830, [Dorchester]
Charlotte M. Weatherbee born August 26, 1833. [Do]
Isaac N. Weatherbee born June 6, 1836. [1835 Do]
Gardner E. Weatherbee born Oct. 31, 1832 [Feb. 10, 1836. Brewster]
Births of Joshua & Olive Snows Children:
Joshua Freeman Jr.. born July 10th 1835.
Births of Elkanah & Mary Winslows Children:
Mary C. Winslow born June 30th 1835.
Joseph Crocker Winslow born May 16, 1838,
Elkanah born Jan. 26, 1841.
Mary Senior died Jan. 29th 1841.
Elkanah Jr.. died March 29, 1841.
Joseph Crocker died Feb. 16, 1842.
Andrew & Sally Newcomb.
Andrew Newcomb Born Dec. 2d 1824 [1823]
Elnathan & Jane Eldridge
Ziba born May 17th 1820 [Pawtucket]
Elnathan born April 22d 1824. [Do]
George S., born August 28th 1826. [Do]
James B., born July 11th 1828. [Do]
Elnathan Senior died 1830
Richard & Mahala Robbins.
Eliza Ann born April 10th 1828.
Samuel F., born July 16th [5] 1830,
Richard H., born Aug. 6th 1832.
Thankful, born Oct. 9th 1834.
Nelson H., born Oct. 10, 1836.
Franklin F., Aug. 3, 1839,
Mahala F., born July 16, 1841.
Richard Senior lost at sea Oct. 1841.
Mahala F. Robbins, died July 19, 1843.
William & Dida Hill.
Elizabeth born 9th Aug. 1837.
Haman [Harmon] & Desire Black.
Thomas born 8th July 1835.
Hatsel & Jerusha S. Crosby.
Ellen P., born Feb. 14th 1836 [1837]
Susan H. June 14, 1839,
Hatsel E., born April 3, 1842.
Ellen P., died Oct. 18th 1840.
Phylander & Bethiah Paine
Watson F., born 9th April 1826 [1827]
Eben & Betsey Paine
Betsey S., born 30th July 1833.
Eben W., born 10th Nov. 1835.
Ebenezer & Rebecca Ellis.
Ebenezer, born Dec. 19th 1829, [Harwich]
Benjaminmin S., born Sept. 8th 1831 [Do]
Rebecca born Aug. 9th 1834 [Do]
Reuben W., born Aug. 31, 1836 [Do]
Cyrus & Lettitia Cahoon.
Lettitia born July 26th 1832 [1833].
Cyrus C., born Oct. 24th 1835.
Cyrenus born Nov. 30, 1837.
Clement, May 29, 1839,
Chester, born June 22, 1841.
Jonathan & Salome Cahoon.
Mary Ann born Dec. 6th 1822.
Jonathan born Jan. 8th 1826.
Sarah Jane born Nov. 9th 1828.
William Henry born May 31, [June 10] 1834.
Salome Ann born July 7, 1830,
Eli E. Feb. 22, 1836.
Franklin, Nov. 22, 1841.
Salome Ann, died Jan. 13th 1836.
Lewis & Lydia Howes.
Lewis born Aug. 25th 1804. [Harwich].
Betsey born July 16th 1808. [Do].
Mercy born Sept. 19th 1810, [Do].
Lewis born Sept. 16th 1812. [Do].
Mercy S., born Dec. 26th 1815. [Do]
Freeman B., born Oct. 26th 1818. [Do]
Barnabas born April 27th 1822.
Lewis died July 29th 1807.
Mercy died Jan. 1, 1811.
Barnabas died June 28, 1823.
Simeon & Ruth Small.
Simeon born Jan. 19th 1823.
George H., born Dec. 6th [11] 1824.
Rebecca born Dec. 17th 1827 [Nov. 6, 1828]
Parilla born Aug. 10th 1820,
Parilla died Dec. 14th 1838,
Nathaniel & Lydia Myrick.
Lydia F., born Feb. 16th 1837.
Laura A. Feb. 1, 1839,
Abner & Salome Cahoon.
Sally Ann born July 9th 1835.[1834]
Matilda Jan. 2, 1838,
Enoch & Irene Crosby Jr..
Thankful J., born Oct. 3d 1837.
Irene, May 26, 1839,
Irena Senior Died Aug. 18, 1841.
Ezekiel & Polly Cahoon.
Ezekiel, born Nov. 14th 1824.
Anthony B., born June 4th 1827.
Elra, May 16th 1830,
Marietta, born Jan. 25th 1834.
Alonzo, born March 20th 1836.
Benjaminmin F., Sept. 3d 1838,
Polly F., April 25, 1841.
----,(no name) Jan. 13, 1844.
Moses & Ruah Small.
George P., born Aug. 4th 1820, [1821]
Louisa born Feb. 25th 1825.
Ruah, wife of Moses Small, Died June 6th 1837.
George P. Small Died Aug. 7, 1844.
James & Sabra Small.
James, born Oct. 8th [13] 1824.
Vienna R., born Feb. 13th 1831.
Marinda born Sept. [Aug.] 14th 1832.
Charles W., born March 30th 1837.
Seth & Tenny Ellis.
Seth C., born Nov. [Oct.] 9th 1838,
Elijah & Abigail Knowles.
Jonathan F., born Sept. 2d [5] 1827. [Orleans]
Elijah E., born Sept. 5th 1829, [Do]
Solomon F., born Oct. 12th 1831 [Do]
Henry born July 20th 1834 [Do]
Alpheus, born Sept. 7th [27] 1836 [Do]
Albert, Dec. 8, 1839, Brewster.
Edmund ---- [H] & Roxanna Crosby.
Ruth, born Dec. 21, 1830, [1829]
Ebenezer, born June 8th [9] 1831.
Edmund born July 9th [8] 1833.
Roxanna, born Nov. 2d [23] 1835.
John, Aug. 23d [3] 1838,
Rebecca Ann born, Feb. 18, 1841.
Dorcas born, March 17, 1844.
John & Hannah Redding.
William H., born July 7th 1808.
Haskell & Fanny Crosby.
Mary S., born Oct. 13th 1831.
Haskell born Aug. 30th 1833.
Mary S., born June 23d 1836.
Abigail A. Jan. 1, 1840.
Fanny F., July 16, 1843.
Mary S., died 20th Nov. 1831. [Oct. 13, 1830]
Reuben & Theresa Paine.
Reuben, born Aug. 3d [30] 1834.
Francis H., born March 5th 1838,
Alpheus, born Sept. 24, 1840.
Theresa, wife of Reuben died Feb. 12th 2842.
Thomas & Phebe Chase.
Olive R., born Jan. 10th 1829, [1830]
Ensign H., born May 1, 1834.
Ensign H., died Oct. 15th 1835.
Dean & Zilpah Nickerson.
Rufus K., born June 15th 1827. [1828 Dorchester]
Dean, born April 25th 1830, [Brewster]
Almira K., born Nov. 18th 1831. [1832 Harwich]
William F., born Oct. 18th 1834. [Brewster]
Merriam F., born Aug. 25th 1835. [1836 Do]
George W., born Nov 7th 1837. [Dorchester]
Almenah, born July 2, 1840. Brewster
Silvanus & Polly Cash.
Silvanus, born Dec. 17th 1834. [Sept. 17, 1833]
Eliza B., born Sept. 21, 1836.
Mary E., born Nov. 4th 1838,
Enoch & Bethiah Crosby.
Thomas H. Cobb born March 12th 1823 [Orleans]
Joseph & Hannah Long.
Amanda, born Feb. 25, 1834.
Hannah J., born Feb, 28th 1836.
Malvin born Aug. 23d 1838, [1839]
Mary F., born, Aug. 1843.
Benjaminmin & Hannah Paine.
Ruth F., born Oct. 7th 1833.
Eliza B., born April 13th 1837.
Sarah, born Sept. 6, 1840
Leonard & Clarissa Nickerson.
Mulford, born Nov. 6th 1817. [Orleans]
Leonard, born Aug. 12th 1819, [1818 Do]
Franklin, born Sept. 9th 1824. [Do]
Clarissa, born July 21st 1825 [1826 Do]
Mary Ann born July 12th 1828 [Do]
Hannah, born Jan. 21, 1832. [1833 Do]
Mazeppa born Dec. 13th [20] 1837. [Brewster]
Mulford, Died July 25, 1839,
Benjaminmin & Clarissa Fessenden.
Clarissa, born Sept. 16th 1836 [1837]
Behia, May 11, 1840.
Isaac & Martha Fessenden Jr..-
Isaac 31d., born Aug. 24th 1834.
Martha S., born March 28th 1838,
Thomas & Ruth Hull.
Thomas, born March 12th 1838 [Portland]
Thomas Senior, died 1837.
Bangs & Elmira Eldridge.
Bethiah B., born Sept. 23d 1829,
Barzilla B., born Aug. 22d 1838,
Enoch & Abigail Jones.
Timothy, born Feb. 15th 1834.
Enoch H., born Oct. 21, [24] 1835.
William A., born Sept. 3d 1837.
Benjaminmin F., born Dec. 13, 1839,
Rebecca A., born Oct. 2, 1841.
Allen, born Sept. 25, 1843.
Isaac G. & Betsey Harding.
Charles H. Tailor, born Dec. 21, 1830, [Boston, Son of Mrs.. Hardings former husband.]
Phebe G. born April 30th [8] 1835.
Isaac born, Jan. 14, 1839,
Isaac, died May 4th 1839,
Zebadee & Mercy Small.
Rhoda, born Jan. 14th 1800.
Lucy, born March 2d 1802.
Ziprah, born Feb. 4th 1804.
Mercy, born May 21, 1810,
Zebedee, born May 23d 1812.
Priscilla, born Sept. 15th 1815.
Rhoda, died Jan. 31st 1816.
Zebedee, died March 29th 1816.
Zachariah & Betsey Carswell.
Catharine, born Feb. 27th 1834.
James, born March 14th 1836.
Elizabeth, born April 19, 1838,
Zachariah, died July 28th 1838,
Joseph 2d & Betsey Mayo.
Nathan, born Aug. 12th 1806.
George, born Dec. 13th 1807.
Betsey, born Dec. 15th 1809.
Daniel, born Nov. 13th 1811.
Joseph Mayo 2d Died.
Freeman & Sally Smalley.
Dantford, born Oct. 27th 1817. [Harwich]
Eliza Jane, born April 24th 1820, [Do]
Dantford Freeman, born July 30th 1827. [Do]
Clarissa W., born July 9th 1831. [Do]
Harriot C., born April 21, 1833.
Henry, born May 26th 1835.
Freeman, born April 24th 1824. [Do]
Dantford died Sept. 19th 1820,
Freeman, died Feb. 16, 1826.
Silvanus & Jedidah Perry. [Jedidah Dexter]
Eliza Dexter, born June 14th 1823.
Clark W. Dexter, born July 1st 1826.
James & Eunice Eldridge.
Emily, born Sept. 28th 1828 [Harwich]
Priscilla, born Sept. 11, 1831. [Do]
Eunice Ann born May 21, 1837 [Do]
James & Eunice Forester.
Eliza, born Feb. 11, 1809.
Thomas, born March 16th 1810,
Mary, born July 30th 1811.
John, born March 14th 1813.
Julia Ann, born March 15th 1815.
William, born March 21, 1816.
Lydia, born April 20th 1818.
Esther, born July 30th 1820,
Washington, born June 12th 1823.
Nathaniel Jr.. & Eliza J. Winslow.
Mary Frances, born Feb. 13th 1832.
Eliza, born March 18th 1835.
Emma, born Jan. 23d 1841.
Albert born Jan. 23, 1841.
Emma, Died Feb. 24, 1840.
Jonathan S. & Hnrietta Nickerson.
Jonathan Edwin, born July 6th 1835.
Winslow, born Nov. 27th 1836.
Charles & Betsey Cook.
Phebe Ann, born April 15th 1835.
Charles, born Aug. 28th 1837.
Phebe Ann, Apr. 28, 1840.
Betsey M., Sept. 30, 1842.
Phebe Ann, died 1839,
Jeremiah Mantor & Margaret Clark.
Phebe, born Oct. 20th 1838,
Margarett A., March 15, 1840.
John & Ruth Freeman 3d.
John, born Aug. 23d 1835.
Benjaminmin, born Sept. 18, 1843.
Jesse & Lydia Eldridge.
Clarissa J., born April 29th 1832 [Harwich]
James, born June 9th 1834. [Do]
Julia Ann, born July 9th 1836.
Jesse, born Aug. 1, 1838,
Maryette born Nov. 15, 1841. Brwster
George & Susan Mallard.
George H., born Feb. 20, [2] 1828. [Cambridge]
Adelaide born Aug. 21, 1830 [Do]
William Henry, born March 31, 1833 [Do] Twin.
Susan Emily, born March 31, 1833 [Do] Twin.
Rev. Thomas Conant.
Thomas B., born May 7, 1812. do. Died March 12, 1836.
Ann, born Aug. 3, 1820
[Inside of last cover] Josiah Wing born Ang. 15th 1804. Died 21, Sept. 1824.
Joseph Samson