Marriages, ADAMS to KILMORE
Extracted From Vital Records
of Great Barrington, Massachusetts,
To the year 1850.
Published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record fund.
Boston, Mass.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]
This publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New-England-Historic Genealogical Society, 6 November, 1901, as follows:
Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund, for the sole purhase of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose.
Committee on Publication.
C. B. Tillinghast, Frances Everett Blake, Charles Knowles Bolton, Don Gleason Hill,
Edmund Dana Barbour.
Editor: Henry Ernest Woods.
Stanhope Press.
Boston, U.S.A.
John and Aner Hickox, May 25, 1780.* CR2.
John C. Esq., of N.Y., and Lucy Pynchon, Aug. 13, 1837.* CR2.
Judson and Sarah Ann Kilborn, Apr. 21, 1833.* CR2.
Ralph and Mary Forgison, Apr. 25, 1788.* CR2.
Washington and Laura Seeley, Nov. 7, 1827.*
William and Lucinda Hickox, July 3, 1783.* CR2.
Daniel and Esther Colton, int. June 5, 1762.
David of Cleaveland, O., and Martha E. Whiting, Oct. 11, 1836.*
Horace B. of New York City, and Henrietta Stone, Sept. 12, 1848.*
Rebecca L. and Josiah B. Fairchild, May 28, 1848.*
ANDREWS (also see Andrus)-
Samuel and Lucinda Woodworth, ___ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1816 and Apr. 30, 1817].*
ANDRUS (also see Andrews)-
Orrill and Alva Churchill, July 11, 1805.*
Betsey and Bethuel Seley, June 7, 1802.* PR1.
Betsey and Aaron Stevens, June 15, 1803.*
George and Laura M. Buell, Apr. 28, 1829.*
Horatio and Jerusha Turner, Sept. 24, 1806.*
Elizabeth of Westfield, and John Williams Jr., int. Oct. 7, 1763.
Hannah of Sheffield, and Forbush Wood, Nov. 19, 1788, in Sheffield.*
Levi and Hannah Freeman, Feb. 9, 1825.*
Deborah and Martin Houck, Nov. 20, 1783.* CR2.
Douglass Vernon and Caroline Clark, Dec. 6, 1841.*
Eliza of Egremont, and Peyton R. Wheeler [int. Peyton Randolph Wheeler], Mar. 1, 1800.
Electa and Rufus Townsend, Nov. 19, 1839.*
Hannah and George Harris, Feb. 12, 1823.*
Harry, Lt., and Polly Chapman, Nov. 25, 1813.*
Miles 2d and Mary Day, Jan. 12, 1835.*
Miles 2d and Eleanor Comstock, Feb. 27, 1840.*
Polly and Hugh Comstock, Feb. 23, 1820.*
BACKUS (also see Beckus)-
William H. and Amand Bradley, Apr. 4, 1839.*
James L., Maj., and Susan Wainwright, Nov. 17, 1819.*
Lucy of Egremont and Nathan Benjamin, Nov. 26, 1812.*
Porter A. of Princeton, Ill., and Mary M. Lee, June 6, 1848.*
BAILEY (see Baley)
Eliza C. and Richard Bump, Sept. 16, 1817.*
Nancy and William Hambly, Feb. 28, 1788.* CR2.
Charles M. of Stockbridge, s. Milton and w. of Stockbridge, and Maria L. Van Deusen, Oct. 14, 1849.*
John of W. Stockbridge, and Mrs. Mary Seymour, Dec. 27, 1835.* CR2.
Israel and Mary Ann Wheeler, Nov. 5, 1822.*
Osee and Emelia Turner, May 5, 1813.*
Osee and Rachel Pixley, Sept. 23, 1817.*
Timothy Jr. and Julia Hills, Sept. 5, 1813.*
BARNES (also see Barns)-
Asa Austin and Catharine [Catharine Amelia, CR2] Wheeler, Sept. 21, 1841.*
Elisha M. and Marinda Bristol, Oct. 11, 1826.*
BARNS (also see Barnes)-
Lucy and Samuel Bement Jr., June 6, 1793.* PR2.
Lanson and Bersheba Pixley, Sept. 1, 1825.*
Mary J. and John Warner, May 8, 1845.* CR2.
BARRITT (also see Burritt)-
Eleazer and Sarah Church, int. Apr. 14, 1762.
David, 26, b. Ireland, and Theresa Logan, ____ [rec. Apr. 30, 1847].*
Laura M. and Charles A. Burghardt, negroes, Nov. 12, 1837.* CR2.
Ithael Jr. of Tyringham, and Sally Smith, Nov. 30, 1814.*
William N. and Sarah Brooks, Oct. 25, 1826.*
Charles and Fanny Mansir, Jan. 10, 1821.*
Frances and Moses T. Sanford, Oct. 21, 1817.*
Mary and Charles C. Stanton, Feb. 3, 1811.* PR1.
William and Rachel Teall, March 16, 1774.* CR2.
BECKUS (also see Backus)-
John and Sally Whiting, Apr. 30, 1779.* CR2.
Daniel W., s. Erastus and Martha, and Harriet Martin, Oct. 28, 1849.*
Erastus and Martha Wilcox, Apr. 26, 1821.*
Harriet E., d. Fabius, and Mark R. Van Deusen, widr., Apr. 21, 1846.*
Mark and Modena Spellmen, Apr. 28, 1842.*
Patience and Dr. Alfred Ely, May 13, 1812.*
Elizabeth and Maurice Pixley, May 8, 1839.*
Samuel Jr. of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., and Lucy Barns, June 6, 1793.* PR2.
BENDICT (also see Benedict)-
Abel of Tyringham, and Betsey Wadsworth, Sept. 4, 1799.*
BENEDICT (also see Bendict)-
Jared of Solon, N.Y., and Anna Stimpson, Aug. 23, 1804.*
Nathan, of Conn., and Lucy Bacon, Nov. 26, 1812.*
William and Abigal Fitch, Oct. 3, 1774.* CR2.
Polly and Benjamin Noble, July 3, 1777.* CR2.
BILL (also see Bills)-
Mary M. of Tyringham, and Larned Wilkinson, June 22, 1836.& CR2.
BILLS (also see Bill)-
Catharine and George Chadwick, Jan. 1, 1844.*
John and Polly Munson, Aug. 25, 1793.* PR2.
Elizabeth Ann and Oliver Warner, May 29, 1822.*
BLIN (also see Blinn)-
Ebenezer and Lucy Porter, Jan. 15, 1793.* PR2.
Hapsy and Seth Hitchcox, May 6, 1804.*
Nancy and Orson Smith, Apr. 12, 1804.*
BLINN (also see Blin)-
Emily and Jesse Smith Jr., Nov. 21, 1813.*
Allin and Phebee Woodworth, Apr. 2, 1797.* PR1.
Elijah of New Milford, and Mary Ann Whiting, Sept. 25, 1792.* CR1.
Fanny and Charles G. Dewey, Apr. 7, 1825.*
Jane and William R. Wing, July 14, 1825.*
Margaret H. and Ezra C. Tickner, Apr. 30, 1834.* CR2.
Moses and Lydia Freman, Aug. 1, 1782.* CR2.
Sabra and James Moulthrop, July 8, 1804.* PR1.
Louisa [Louise, CR2] W. and Frederick S. Day, widr., Feb. 14, 1849.*
Thomas B. and Malona C. Granger, Jan. 19, 1836.*
Ruby and John Sibley, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814, and May 1, 1815].*
Abigial of Lee, and Sylvenus Foot, Oct. 4, 1804.*
Amand of Lee, and William H. Backus, Apr. 4, 1839.*
Dan and Fanny Presby, _____[rec between Apr. 30, 1816, and Apr. 30, 1817].*
Eunice M. and Samuel H. Sears, Oct. 24, 1838.*
Francis [sic] L. and Luther Williams, June 6, 1838.*
Harriet E., 25, dau. Zalmon P. and Eunice, and Edwin H. Clark, Nov. 3, 1847.*
Mark and Clarissa Scott, Nov. 10, 1842.*
Rhoda of Lee, and Andrew Cornish, Oct. 4, 1804.*
Zibe and Abigail Hart, Jan. 8, 1807.* PR1.
Elisabeth and Joseph Gilbert, int. May 7, 1763.
Samuel and Mary Long, int. Oct. 9, 1762.
Alzina and Mark Church, Sept. _, 1837.*
Mary and Moses Burr, May 2, 1838.*
Delia and Levi Ives, Jan. 28, 1841.*
Louisa N. and Ambrose E. Stawter, Sept. 15, 1841.*
Marinda and Elisha M. Barnes, Oct. 11, 1826.*
BRONSON (see Brunson)
Lois of Farmington and Ebenezer Hamlin Jr., int. Dec. 18, 1762.
Sarah and William M. Battle, Oct. 25, 1826.*
Anna of Sheffield, and Isaac Burritt, Aug. 21, 1813.*
Cynthia (see Syntha).
George of Sheffield, and Lovina Tullar, Nov. 26, 1812.*
Philoris and Parish Cobern, Dec. 8, 1774.* CR2.
Samuel and Esther Clark, Feb. 24, 1785, in Sandisfield.*
Syntha of New Marlboro, and Samuel Chapman, Apr. 2, 1795, in New Marlboro.*
Abel and Sarah Hill, int. Jan. 20, 1764.
William C. and Frances Fairchild, Jan. 11, 1821.*
Polly and John Willard Jr., Dec. 13, 1812.*
BUEL (also see Buell)-
Jane E., d. Truman, and Thomas C. Ives, Feb. 9, 1845.*
Julia and John B. Bump, Jan. 4, 1842.*
BUELL (also see Buel)-
Laura M. and George Arnold, Apr. 28, 1829.*
John B. and Julia Buel, Jan. 4, 1842.*
Richard and Eliza C. Baker, Sept. 16, 1817.*
John 2d and Harriet Ann Mirels [Merils], Feb. 22, 1835.* CR2.
Andrew and Catharine Van Deusen, Feb. 16, 1789.* CR2.
Berintha and Festus Ray, Dec. 12, 1805.*
Catharine and John Lester, ____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814, and May 1, 1815].*
Catherine and George Stanley, Mar. 28, 1793.* CR1.
Charles A. and Laura M. Bates, negroes, Nov. 12, 1837.* CR2.
David and Phebe Grinold, June 26, 1834.* CR2.
Eleanor and Aaron Day, Apr. 23, 1807.*
Fitie and Amos Church, Mar. 2, 1808.*
Hannah and Oliver Ingersoll, Oct. 6, 1774.* CR2.
Hannah Maria and Peter Race Markham, Dec. 25, 1832.*
Hendrick Jr. and Hannah Spoor, Oct. 7, 1773.* CR2.
Henry and Mary Van Deusen, ____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814, and May 1, 1815].*
Isaack and Mrs. Rachel Harriot Van Deusen, Mar. 27, 1836.* CR2.
Jacob and Margetun Grinuotes [?], May 6, 1830.* CR2.
John 2d and Jerusha Hurlbert, Mar. 28, 1802.* PR1.
Lamber and Fitie Van Deusen, Dec. 14, 1785.* CR2.
Lambert and Mary Houke, Jan. 16, 1783.* CR2.
Lambert 2d and Hannah Van Deusen, Sept. 6, 1807.*
Lonson N. and Catharine Glentz, Feb. 24, 1841.*
Lucinda and Jacob Jackson, Oct. 13, 1841.*
Margaret and Eli Denire, Feb. 23, 1784.* CR2.
Mariah M. and Samuel Van Ness, May 4, 1836.* CR2.
Mary and Henry Knoll, int. Oct. 30, 1761.
Mary and John Gun, Oct. 7, 1773.* CR2.
Martha and Daniel S. Foote, Jan. 2, 1839.*
Moses and Mary Briggs, May 2, 1838.*
BURRITT (also see Barritt)-
Isaac and Anna Brown, Aug. 21, 1813.*
Samuel H. and Maria Augusta Hills, Nov. 15, 1834, in Austerlitz, N.Y.*
Spencer of Stockbridge, and Cynthia E. Seymour, Mar. 4, 1845.*
Huldah and Truman Wheler, Oct. 2, 1771.* CR2.
CAHOON (see Cohoon)
Sabina of New Marlborough, and Stephen Winchester, Feb. 2, 1797.*
Catherine and William Ottara, May 8, 1782.* CR2.
Jesse and Lucy Roberts, Feb. 6, 1772.* CR2.
Lockwood, widr., and Eliza N. Hewens, wid., Oct. 4, 1846.*
CARR (see Car)
Mehitale of Tyringham, and Alfred Foster, Mar. 3, 1796.*
George and Catharine C. Bills, Jan. 1, 1844.*
Harriet E. and Lambert Judd, Oct. 4, 1843.*
William and Chloe Newel, Sept. 13, 1774.* CR2.
Daniel of Egremont, and Abigail Denham, Apr. 9, 1806.*
Hannah and Alexander Showers, Jan. 1, 1842.*
George and Martha Owen, July 30, 1778.* CR2.
Meriah and Jacob Pratt, Mar. 19, 1778, in Lee.*
Harriet A., b. Galesburg, Conn., and Gilbert L. Granger, widr. [dup. omits widr.], Oct. _, 1843.*
Mary and Henry Hicox, June 25, 1840.*
Clarissa and William Cheney, Dec. 28, 1798.*
Esther and Abraham Houck, Jan. 2, 1793.* CR1.
Laura and Harvey Seymour, Mar. 25, 1839.*
Polly and Lt. Harry Avery, Nov. 25, 1813.*
Samuel and Syntha Brown, Apr. 2, 1795, in New Marlboro.*
Susannah and Joseph Edmond, Mar. 25, 1802.*
Ann Maria and Dr. Ira Wright, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814 and May 1, 1815].*
Mary E. and Joel Kilborn, Apr. 2, 1834.*
John and Elizabeth Ives, Oct. 30, 1817.*
John R., s. John, and Abbey C. Smith, Oct. 9, 1845.*
Olive and Sylvester Hulbert, Mar. 2, 1825.*
Samuel J. of Clyde, N.Y., and Cornelia A. Kinney, May 25, 1840.*
William of Hop Brook, and Clarissa Chapman, Dec. 28, 1798.*
Alanson and Sally Pels, Apr. 11, 1821.*
Amos and Fitie Burghardt, Mar. 2, 1808.*
Clarissa and Anson Miller, Apr. 28, 1825.*
David and Eliza G. Hollenbeck, June 6, 1843.* CR2.
John Jr. and Anne Holenbeg, Nov. 2, 1786.* CR2.
Jonathan of Conn., and Fanny Kellogg, May 20, 1812.*
Lydia and Levi Laird, Jan. 13, 1808.*
Mark and Alzina Briggs, Sept. _, 1837.*
Mary and Levy Manville, Jan. 18, 1837.* CR2.
Moses and Elizabeth Lester, Nov. 25, 1813.*
Nancy and Asa Miller, Nov. 19, 1846.* CR2.
Polly and William Lee, Mar. 19, 1807.*
Rhoda M. and William jones, Nov. 31 [sic], 1829.*
Samuel and Fitie Ghoes, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1816 and Apr. 30, 1817].*
Sarah and Eleazer Barritt, int. Apr. 14, 1762.
Alva and Orrill Andrus, July 11, 1805.*
CLARK (also see Clerk)-
Caroline and Douglass Vernon Austin, Dec. 6, 1841.*
Edwin H., 35, of W. Stockbridge, s. Anson and Lydia, and Harriet E. Bradley, Nov. 3, 1847.*
Esther of Sandisfield, and Samuel Brown, Feb. 24, 1785, in Sandisfield.*
CLERK (also see Clark)-
Caleb and Rachel Scribner, Sept. 18, 1779.* CR2.
Parish and Philoris Brown, Dec. 8, 1774.* CR2.
Stephen and Roxey Curtis, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814, and May 1, 1815].*
Benjamin of New Marlborough, and Julia Gorham, July 6, 1834.* CR2.
Esther of Hartford, and Daniel Allen, int. June 4, 1762.
Catherine of Alford, and Henry K. Williams, Apr. 13, 1837.*
COMSTOCK (also see Cumstock)-
Eleanor and Miles Avery 2d, Feb. 27, 1840.*
Electa and Elizur N. Deming, Dec. 31, 1825.*
Hugh and Polly Avery, Feb. 23, 1820.*
Joseph and Nancy Cumstock, May 2, 1802.*
Lucy, Mrs., of Lenox, and Origen Sabin, Mar. 28, 1837.*
Mary M. and Gilbert Van Deusen, Jan. 1, 1846.*
John and Fanny Hulbert, Sept. 1, 1807.*
Nancy and Luther Whiton, May 13, 1813.*
Alanson and Permela Coy, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814 and May 1, 1815].*
Andrew of Lanesborough, and Rhoda Bradley, Oct. 4, 1804.*
Aaron T. of Sandisfield, and Marietta Moultroph, Feb. 9, 1843.*
Henry R. and Eliza B. Hawk, _____ [rec. between Apr. 27, 1818 and Apr. 27, 1819].*
Louisa and Levi Webster, Oct. 17, 1813.*
Permela and Alanson Corbin, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814 and May 1, 1815].*
Whiting and Anna Pelton, Aug. 8, 1804.*
William Jr. and Sally Peirson [int. Pierson], Dec. 31, 1802.
Aaron and Mary Lorinda Kellogg, Oct. 8, 1821.*
Mary and William W. Stillman, Apr. 29, 1823.*
Samuel and Clarissa Wheeler, Sept. 9, 1824.*
Sophia and Martin Van Schoick, June 26, 1828.*
Eunice and Jared Seeley, Apr. 11, 1830.*
Lewis N. of Phelps, N.Y>, and Harriet Manvil, Oct. 18, 1838.*
David and Cornelia Spoor, Mar. 13, 1771.* CR2.
Silvanus of Chatham, N.Y., and Emily Turner, Sept. 9, 1846.* CR2.
CUMSTOCK (also see Comstock)-
Henrietta and Tilla Ralph, Nov. 10, 1808.*
Nancy and Joseph Comstock, May 2, 1802.*
Polly and Alpheus Ray, Dec. 18, 1803.*
Prentice and Polly Ray, June 28, 1804.*
William and Maria Gleson, Mar. 8, 1838.* CR2.
CURTIS (also see Curtiss)-
Barnabas and Lucina Martin, Feb. 17, 1817.*
Mary and Hiram C. Strickland, Oct. 27, 1842.*
Roxey and Stephen Cohoon, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814 and May 1, 1815].*
CURTISS (also see Curtis)-
Julia and John M. Seeley, Mar. 24, 1830.*
Medad and Dinah Tracy, Dec. 23, 1779.* CR2.
Anna of Sheffield, and John Sanford, int. Jan. 1, 1763.
Henry and Anne Devotion, Mar. 10, 1779.* CR2.
Thomas and Lydia Sutton, negroes, May 26, 1784.* CR2.
Aaron of W. Stockbridge, and Eleanor Burghardt, Apr. 23, 1807.*
Charity H. and Francis J. Franklin, Oct. 10, 1844.* CR2.
Elizabeth and George LeHommedieu, Apr. 23, 1840.*
Frederick S., widr., of Peru, Ill., and Louisa [Louise, CR2] W. Bostwock, Feb. 14, 1849.*
Guy and Maria Avery 2d, Jan. 12, 1835.*
William, widr. [dup. omits widr.], and Philancy Russell, Nov. 12, 1843.*
Christina and William H. Moulton, May 28, 1849.*
Elizur and Electa Comstock, Dec. 31, 1825.*
Abigail of Egremont, and Daniel Champion, Apr. 9, 1806.*
Eli and Margaret Burghardt, Feb. 23, 1784.* CR2.
Anne and Henry Davis, Mar. 10, 1779.* CR2.
Betsey and Zina Trowbridge, Sept. 21, 1807.*
Charles G. and Fanny Bolton, Apr. 7, 1825.*
Edmond of Lenox, Berkshire Co., and Betsey King, Jan. 22, 1795.* PR2.
Elisabeth and Thomas Ingersoll, Feb. 28, 1775.* CR2.
Grotius and Maria Fairchilds, Sept. 20, 1809.*
Israel Jr. and Mary Pixley, int. Nov. 4, 1761.
Justin and Melinda Kelcy, June 15, 1820.*
Lydia and William Knapp, Mar. 24, 1806.*
Seymour B. and Caroline H. Rice, May 25, 1843.* CR2.
Thankful and Samuel Wadsworth, int. Sept. 17, 1761.
Theodore, 26, s. Grotius and Maria, and Catharine M. Moore, Dec. 12, 1848.*
Louisa and William L. Hollister, June 22, 1837.*
William A. of Austerlitz, N.Y., and Martha C. Litchfield, Nov. 26, 1846.* CR2.
Joseph and Patence Watson, Sept. 7, 1783.* CR2.
Lee S. and Eliza Jane Jackson, Nov. 16, 1842.*
DIXON (see Dickson)
Martha and Elijah D. Stowell, Dec. 1, 1831.*
Nathaniel and Rebecca Notewear, _____ [rec. between Apr. 20, 1812, and Apr. 20, 1813].*
Alonzo and Philena J. Martin, Mar. 20, 1843.*
Sarah and David Walter, Sept. 29, 1785.* CR2.
_____, Lt., and Abigail Orton, Dec. 13, 1770.* CR2.
Charlotte and John M. Hulbert, Apr. 26, 1822.*
DUNHAM (see Denham)
Benjamin F. of Renseller Ville, N.Y., and Lucy Ann Wilcox, Jan. 16, 1834.* CR2.
Jane of Lenox, and George I. Kipp, Apr. 5, 1847.* CR2.
Lucy E. and William R. Robinson, Jan. 17, 1838.*
Joseph of Cheshire, and Susannah Chapman, Mar. 25, 1802.*
Thomas and Mary Jervis, June 15, 1780.* CR2.
Alfred, Dr., of N.Y., and Patience Beckwith, May 13, 1812.*
George P. and Elizabeth Prindle, Feb. 7, 1821.*
Celia of Sheffield, and Sylvester Kellogg, Oct. 22, 1817.*
FAIRCHILD (also see Fairchilds)-
Esther and Allen Henderson, Dec. 30, 1813.*
Frances and William C. Bryant, Jan. 1, 1821.*
Josiah B. of Newtown, Conn., and Rebecca L. Anderson, May 28, 1848.*
FAIRCHILDS (also see Fairchild)-
Maria of Alford, and Grotius Dewey, Sept. 20, 1809.*
Nancy and Levi Humphrey, Mar. 17, 1808.*
Henry C., 30, of Alford, s. Dennis and Rebecca of Alford, and Sarah A. Wharfield, June 19, 1845.*
Marina E. [dup. of Lenox] and Major S. Wilson, widr. [dup. omits widr.], Feb. 18, 1844.
Rhoda and Jesse Warner, Mar. 29, 1778.* CR2.
FERGUSON (see Forgison)
Abigal and William Benjamin, Oct. 3, 1774.* CR2.
Walter of Egremont, and Thankfull Webb, Jan. 11, 1804.* PR1.
John, widr., b. Ireland, and Jane McCann, Oct. 15, 1848.*
FOOT (also see Foote)-
Sylvenus of Lee, and Abigail Bradley, Oct. 4, 1804.*
Thankful and Anthony Stympson, Mar. 28, 1793.* CR1.
FOOTE (also see Foot)-
Daniel S. of New Marlborough, and Martha Burr, Jan. 2, 1839.*
John R. of Sheffield, and Mary Ann Kellogg, Dec. 13, 1836.* CR2.
Eaton and Almira Hart, Mar. 12, 1818.*
Elizabeth of Westfield, dau. Enos, and Heman Laflin Jr., Feb. 28, 1844.*
Salome and Chester Merrill, Sept. 25, 1814, in Richmond.*
William and Polly Hill, May 10, 1801.
Mary and Ralph Adams, Apr. 25, 1788.* CR2.
Alfred of Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N.Y., and Mehitable Castle, Mar. 3, 1796.*
Cornelia A., dau. George I., and Dr. S. Waterman Graves, Nov. 16, 1845.*
Eliza Ann and Jonah A. Hulbert, June 12, 1828.*
Albert Esq. of Wilwaukee (W.T.), and Emily Wilcox, Aug. 11, 1836.*
Francis J. of Hartford, Conn., and Charity H. Day, Oct. 10, 1844.* CR2.
FREEMAN (also see Freman)-
Hannah of Tyringham, and Levi Atwood, Feb. 9, 1825.*
Phebe of New Marlbobo, and Daniel Willard, Apr. 15, 1779, in New Marlboro.*
Rebecca and John Van Deusen, Apr. 18, 1802.*
FREMAN (also see Freeman)-
Cesar and Peggy Hull, Mar. 24, 1783.* CR2.
Lydia and Moses Bond, Aug. 1, 1782.* CR2.
Thomas Jr., b. W. Stockbridge, of W. Stockbridge, s. Thomas of W. Stockbridge, and Susan Hart, Oct. 18, 1844.*
Henry and Martha Jane Gilmore, Mar. 22, 1842.*
William and Polly Remelee, Oct. 18, 1785.* CR2.
Evering and Lambert Houck, July 13, 1786.* CR2.
Fitie and Samuel Church, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1816, and Apr. 30, 1817].*
Caroline A., dau. Joseph, and John H. Soper, Nov. 3, 1847.*
Joseph and Clarissa Wheeler, July 19, 1812.*
Martha L., 24, dau. Joseph and Clarissa, and Erastus F. [Franklin, CR2] Russell, June 1, 1849.*
Pamele and Edward Peirce, Jan. 22, 1807.*
Elias and Sarah Stanton, int. Dec. 3, 1762.
Jere and Hariot Larkins, Jan. 1, 1834.* CR2.
Joseph and Elisabeth Breck, int. May 7, 1763.
Nelson of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Emeline Stanley, Sept. 7, 1839.*
Martha Jane, and Henry Gaines, Mar. 22, 1842.*
Orville and Marthy Ann Miller, Mar. 17, 1842.*
GIRLING (also see Gurling)-
Susan R. and William B. Saxton, May 29, 1838.* CR2.
GLEASON (see Gleson).
Catharine and Lonson N. Burghardt, Feb. 24, 1841.*
Christopher H. and Electa P. Hollister, Feb. 2, 1841.*
Sophia of New Marlborough, and George Miller, Apr. 19, 1834.* CR2.
Maria and William Cumstock, Mar. 8, 1838.* CR2.
Rhoda of Sharon, and Anthony Hoskins, int. Mar. 25, 1763.
Silas and Lois Sheldon, int. May 7, 1763.
Esther and Robert G. Gurling [? Girling], Mar. 20, 1825.*
Hannah and Morris B. Wilcox, May 8, 1836.* CR2.
Julia and Benjamin Cole, July 6, 1834.* CR2.
Legrand and Betsey Younglove, Apr. 17, 1803.*
Gilbert L., widr., b. Tyringham, s. Thadeus, and Harriet A. Chapin, Oct. _, 1843.*
Malona C. and Thomas B. Bosworth, Jan. 19, 1836.*
Betsey and Egbert Pixley, Nov. 4, 1849.*
Warren G. and Sophia Wilcox, June 20, 1819.*
S. Waterman, Dr., and Cornelia A. Foster, Nov. 16, 1845.*
Phebe and David Burghardt, June 26, 1834.* CR2.
Margetun and Jacob Burghardt, May 6, 1830.* CR2.
John and Mary Burghardt, Oct. 7, 1773.* CR2.
GURLING (also see Girling)-
Robert G. [? Girling] and Esther Gorham, Mar. 20, 1825.*
HALENBECK (also see Holenbeg, Hollenbeck)-
Cate of Egremont, and John Vandeusen, int. June 1, 1762.
Rachel of Egremont, and Coonrod Vandeusen, int. Oct. 29, 1763.
William and Esther Stevens, _____ [rec. between Apr. 27, 1818 and Apr. 27, 1819].*
William and Nancy Baley, Feb. 28, 1788.* CR2.
HAMLEN (also see Hamlin)-
Emeline and Zena Parks, Oct. 5, 1820.*
HAMLIN (also see Hamlen)-
Ebenezer Jr. and Lois Brooks, int. Dec. 18, 1762.
HARDICK (also see Hardwick)-
Martha and Abraham H. Van Hosen, Jan. 1, 1849.*
HARDWICK (also see Hardick)-
Sarah and James King, Sept. 26, 1843.*
Joseph C. of Egremont, and Mary C. Kellog, Oct. 5, 1830.* CR2.
Nancy of Egremont, and Josiah Webb, Mar. 4, 1795.* PR2.
Nicholas of Egremont, and Anna Westover, Mar. 4, 1795.*
Elenor and Amos Olds, Feb. 10, 1803.* PR1.
Lucretia and Abel Sherman, Nov. 26, 1812.*
Oliver and Adaline Peck, Nov. 17, 1848.*
Peter, 25, s. John and Clarissa, and Margaret J. Moon, Sept. 4, 1848.*
Elisha, Capt., and Lydia Kilborn, June 7, 1841.*
George and Hannah Avery, Feb. 12, 1823.*
Abigail and Zibe Bradley, Jan. 8, 1807.* PR1.
Almira and Eaton Ford, Mar. 12, 1818.*
Delia and John Son, Nov. 24, 1842.*
Lucy and Henry Hulbert, Feb. 14, 1813.*
Nancy and Palmer Hulbert, Feb. 14, 1813.*
Sarah Ann and John G. Turner, Mar. 8, 1820.*
Susan, dau. Martin, and Thomas French Jr., Oct. 18, 1844.*
Thirza and Samuel Sherwood, _____ [rec. between Apr. 27, 1818, and Apr. 27, 1819].*
Frances and Henry S. Kilmore, Aug. 12, 1830.* CR2.
HASKINS (see Hoskins)
Benjamin and Christine Perry, Aug. 8, 1782.* CR2.
Mary L., and John Race, Jan. 1, 1839.* CR2.
Catharine and William Ingersoll 3d, Jan. 4, 1814.*
Eliza B. and Henry R. Couch, _____ [rec. between Apr. 27, 1818 and Apr. 27, 1819].*
Daniel and Eunice Sprague, Feb. 14, 1780.* CR2.
Allen and Esther Fairchild, Dec. 30, 1813.*
Eliza N., wid., of W. Stockbridge, and Lockwood Carey, widr., Oct. 4, 1846.*
HICKOX (also see Hicox)-
Aner and John Adams, may 25, 1780.* CR2.
John and Mary Wilson, Dec. 25, 1771.* CR2.
Lucinda and William Adams, July 3, 1783.* CR2.
Mary and Samuel Smith, June 13, 1771.* CR2.
Sabra and Eli Lyon, Apr. 10, 1777.* CR2.
HICOX (also see Hickox)-
Henry of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mary Chapin, June 25, 1840.*
HILL (also see Hills)-
Caleb and Mary Tyler, Oct. 27, 1776.* CR2.
Mercy and Stephen Hulbert, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1796 and Apr. 1, 1797].*
Polly and William Ford, May 10, 1801.
R. Maria, 20, dau. Rodney and Sarah, and Frederic T. Whiting, Dec. 11, 1849.* [Ruth Maria, and Frederick T. Whiting. CR2].
Sarah and Abel Brunson, int. Jan. 20, 1764.
HILLS (also see Hill)-
Edward and Hulda Whiting, Apr. 23, 1831.* CR2.
Julia and Timothy Barnard Jr., Sept. 5, 1813.*
Maria Augusta of Egremont, and Samuel H. Burt, Nov. 15, 1834, in Austerlitz, N.Y.*
Daniel and Harriet Woodworth, May 12, 1824.*
David and Sarah Swan, May 2, 1799.
Julia and John Smith, May 16, 1805.*
Seth and Hapsy Blin, May 6, 1804.*
Clement of W. Stockbridge, and Hannah M. Ives, Jan. 7, 1844.*
Lovina and Isaac S. Van Deusen, _____ [rec. between Apr. 29, 1819, and Apr. 29, 1820].*
HOLENBEG (also see Halenbeck, Hollenbeck)-
Anne and John Church Jr., Nov. 2, 1786.* CR2.
HOLLENBECK (also see Halenbeck, Holenbeg)-
Achsah M. of Egremont, and David H. Truman, June 17, 1847.* CR2.
Andrew of Egremont, and Lois [int. Louis] Ransom, Jan. 21, 1796.
Cornelia of Egremont, and Abraham Race, Nov. 12, 1799.*
Eliza Ann and William Van Deusen, Apr. 22, 1824, in Egremont.*
Eliza G. and David Church, June 6, 1843.* CR2.
John V. and Miranda C. Wheeler, Mar. 17, 1841.*
Sarah and Albert Tinker, Jan. 12, 1832.* CR2.
Egbert, b. Salisbury, Conn., s. ____ of Salisbury, and Helen M. Wilcox, Apr. 8, 1846.*
Electa P. of Tyringham, and Christopher H. Glentz, Feb. 4, 1841.*
William L. and Louisa Dibble, June 22, 1837.*
Elisabeth of Sheffield, and Gideon King, May 22, 1783, in New Marlboro.
Appelona Frank and Jesse Hopkins, Aug. 6, 1805.* PR2.
James and Sarah Spoor, Mar. 1, 1810.*
Jemima and Stephan Sibley, Feb. 23, 1785.* CR2.
Jesse of Henderson, N.Y., and Appelona Frank Hopkins, Aug. 6, 1805.* PR2.
Keziah and Augustus Thompson, Nov. 25, 1795.* PR2.
Margarett and Philorus [?] Williams, negroes, Sept. 4, 1841.* CR2.
Mary N. and Norman Kellogg, Sept. 14, 1823.*
Nancy and Caleb Stanley, Sept. 3, 1815.*
Anthony and Rhoda Goodrich, int. Mar. 25, 1763.
HOUCK (also see Houke)-
Abraham and Esther Chapman, Jan. 3, 1793.* CR1.
Hannah and John J. Van Deusen, Feb. 25, 1789.* CR2.
Isaac and Fitie Van Deusen, Mar. 16, 1785.* CR2.
Lambert and Evering Ganje, July 13, 1786.* CR2.
Martin and Deborah Austin, Nov. 20, 1783.* CR2.
HOUKE (also see Houck)-
Mary and Lambert Burghardt, Jan. 16, 1783.* CR2.
Selden of Glastonbury, Conn., and Mary Kinne, Sept. 10, 1838.*
Elijah N. and Julia Seley, Mar. 19, 1835.* CR2.
Sarah and Nathaniel Lee, Dec. 20, 1763.
Hardy of Columbus, N.Y., and Lucretia Hyde, Dec. 22, 1806.*
Betsey and Reuben King, June 6, 1799.
HULBERT (also see Hurlburt)-
Fanny and John Connor, Sept. 1, 1807.*
Hannah and Edward P. Woodworth, Oct. 15, 1823.*
Henry and Lucy Hart, Feb. 14, 1813.*
Jerusha and John Burghardt 2d, Mar. 28, 1802.* PR1.
John M. and Charlotte Dresser, Apr. 26, 1822.*
Josiah A. and Eliza Ann Foster, June 12, 1828.*
Palmer and Nancy Hart, Feb. 14, 1813.*
Stephen and Mercy Hill, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1796, and Apr. 1, 1797].*
Sylvester and Olive Chatfield, Mar. 2, 1825.*
Charles of Lee, and Anna Taylor, June 22, 1814.* PR1.
Peggy and Cesar Freeman, Mar. 24, 1783.* CR2.
Electa and John Sherman, _____ [rec. between Apr. 29, 1815 and Apr. 29, 1816].*
Levi and Nancy Fargo, Mar. 17, 1808.*
Mercy and Ansel Ray, Mar. 1, 1809.*
Henry J. of N. Lee, and Mary Smith, Feb. 3, 1840.*
HURLBURT (also see Hulbert)-
Elizabeth and Isaac Hurlburt, Feb. 8, 1776.* CR2.
Isaac and Elizabeth Hurlburt, Feb. 8, 1776.* CR2.
Elisabeth and Beriah Thomas, int. Mar. 19, 1763.
Esther and John R. Seers, Oct. 16, 1838.*
Levi W., 23, b. New Marlboro, s. Levi, and Harriet C. Newman, Sept. 17, 1845.*
Lucretia of Lenox, and Hardy Hubby, Dec. 22, 1806.*
Gesia and Isaac Van Deusen 3d, Dec. 2, 1804.*
Lovice and William Schermerhorn, Sept. 24, 1774.* CR2.
Oliver and Hannah Burghardt, Oct. 6, 1774.* CR2.
Thomas and Elisabeth Dewey, Feb. 28, 1775.* CR2.
Thomas, Capt., and Mercy Smith, wid., May 26, 1785.* CR2.
William 3d and Catharine Hawk, Jan. 4, 1814.*
Alma C. and Benoni C. Wells, Apr. 17, 1821.*
Anne Maria and Philo Parks, May 29, 1816.*
Elizabeth and John Chatfield, Oct. 30, 1817.*
Hannah M. and Clement Holcomb, Jan. 7, 1844.*
Juliel and William Warner, Sept. 9, 1838.*
Levi and Delia Bristol, Jan. 28, 1841.*
Mary and Cladius Wheeler, Jan. 27, 1825.*
Nancy and Solomon Pitkin, Oct. 7, 1820.*
Thomas C., s. Joel, and Jane E. Buel, Feb. 9, 1845.*
Betsey, mulatto, and Isaac Miller [int. Millar], mulatto, Oct. 18, 1803.
Alpha and Chloe King, Feb. 17, 1814.*
Eliza Jane and Lee S. Dikeman, Nov. 16, 1842.*
Jacob of Egremont, and Lucinda Burghardt, Oct. 13, 1841.*
JARVIS (also see Jervis)-
Alvah and Rachel Bradley, Sept. 12, 1813.*
JERVIS (also see Jarvis)-
Mary and Thomas Edson, June 15, 1780.* CR2.
Ira and Cynthia Willard, _____ [rec. between Apr. 30, 1814, and May 1, 1815].*
William and Nabby Wilson, Nov. 2, 1820.*
Vienna of Egremont, and William N. Race, May 24, 1809.*
Elenor and Levi Ormsby, May 13, 1793.* PR2.
Joseph and Thankful Wright, Apr. 9, 1764, in Springfield.*
Lydia and Leverett Winchel, Oct. 25, 1814.*
William Jr. and Molly Sackett, Sept. 25, 1782.* CR2.
William of Salisbury, Conn., and Rhoda M. Church, Nov. 31 [sic], 1829.*
JOYNER (see Joiner)
Lambert, b. Tyringham, of Tyringham, and Harriet E. Chadwick, Oct. 4, 1843.*
Melinda and Justin Dewey, June 15, 1820.*
KELLOG (also see Kellogg)-
Mary Anne of Sheffield, and John R. Forbes, Dec. 13, 1836.* CR2.
Mary E. and Joseph C. Hare, Oct. 5, 1830.* CR2.
KELLOGG (also see Kellog)-
Aaron and Bernice W. Kellogg, June 17, 1818.*
Alfred S. and Sarah E. Southworth, May 6, 1845.* CR2.
Bernice W. and Aaron Kellogg, June 17, 1818.*
Charles and Laurinda Wheeler, Mar. 30, 1803.
Diadamia of Sheffield, and Oliver Younglove, May 16, 1805.*
Ezra and Polly Whiting, Apr. 30, 1779.* CR2.
Fanny of Sheffield, and Jonathan Church, May 20, 1812.*
Henry and Lucy Riley, Apr. 16, 1805.*
John Jr. and Hopy Stillman, May 6, 1817.*
Lorenzo and Sabrina Loring, Jan. 6, 1824.*
Lydia Ann and William Sherwood, Aug. 21, 1816.*
Martin D. and Sally Prindle, Nov. 2, 1820.*
Mary Lorinda and Aaron Crippen, Oct. 8, 1821.*
Norman and Mary Shears, Nov. 26, 1812.*
Norman and Mary N. Hopkins, Sept. 14, 1823.*
Sylvester of Sheffield, and Celia Ensign, Oct. 22, 1817.*
Clarissa and John Sibley, May 16, 1828.*
Elijah of Lee, and Lydia Tooley, Jan. 3, 1799, in Lee.*
Esther of Washington, and Jacob Tooley, May 22, 1799, in Washington.*
Joel and Mary E. Chappell, Apr. 2, 1834.*
Levi and Kezia Pope, July 6, 1826.*
Lydia and Capt. Elisha Harris, June 7, 1841.*
Mercy and Albert Phillips, Sept. 10, 1838.*
Russell and Harriet Seeley, Jan. 4, 1826.*
Sarah Ann and Judson Adams, Apr. 21, 1833.* CR2.
Henry S. and Frances Harvey, Aug. 12, 1830.* CR2.