The town of Danvers, which, previous to 1855, also included the present town of Peabody was originally a part of Salem, the first grant of land within this territory having been made on July 3, 1632 to Gov. John Endecott. On Mar. 22, 1671-2, this section, known as "The Farms," was set off from Salem and established as "Salem Village" parish. On Jan. 18, 1710, another division was effected, the territory which comprised the southern portion of the present town of Peabody being set off from Salem as the "Middle Precinct." On Feb. 11, 1712, the inhabitants of the eastern part of the Village parish, together with some of Beverly, united in forming the parish known as the "Precinct of Salem and Beverly at Royal Side." The inhabitants in the vicinity of Will's hill were set off from the Village parish, and incorporated June 20, 1728, as the town of Middleton.
On Jan. 28, 1752, the Village and Middle parishes of Salem were established as the district of Danvers, and on June 16, 1757, the district was duly incorporated as the town of Danvers. Objections being made on account of the King's previous mandate that no new towns should be incorporated which would increase the number of representatives to the General Court, the act was disallowed by the Privy Council, Aug. 10, 1759. However, by a general Act passed Aug. 23, 1775, the district became the town of Danvers. On Mar. 17, 1840, the bounds between Danvers and Salem were established.
The population of Danvers at different periods was as follows: -
1765, 2,133.
1776, 2,284.
1790, 2,425.
1800, 2,643.
1810, 3,127.
1820, 3,646.
1830, 4,228.
1840, 5,020.
1850, 8,109.
1905, 9,063.
The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the cemetery inscriptions; and in many private records found in family Bibles. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a wife.
When places other than Danvers and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. In all records the original spelling of names is followed and in the alphabetical arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings.
Joseph Shed, who held the office of town clerk from 1835 to 1853, made a copy of all the vital records from the incorporation of the town, and with additional matter which he gathered by a house to house canvass, arranged the whole in families. In the following pages the original record has been carefully compared with this copy, and the latter discarded, preserving only the variations which appear. The new material recorded by Mr. Shed at that time is treated as original record.
a. ----age
C.R.1.----First Congregational Church records (Salem Village), Danvers.
C.R.2.----South Congregational Church records (Middle Precinct), Peabody.
C.R.3.----First Baptist Church records, Danvers.
C.R.4.----Universalist Church records, Peabody.
C.R.5.----First Unitarian Church records, Peabody.
C.R.6.----Baptist Church records, Peabody.
C.R.7.----Records of the Salem Monthly Meeting, Society of Friends, now in possession of the Lynn Society.
C.R.8.----Records of the Amesbury Monthly Meeting, Society of Friends.
d.--daughter; day; died.
dup.----duplicate entry.
G.R.1.----gravestone record, Wadsworth Cemetery, Summer street, Danvers.
G.R.2.----gravestone record, Nurse private burial ground, off Pine street, Tapleyville.
G.R.3.----gravestone record, Endicott private burial ground, Danversport.
G.R.4.----gravestone record, Preston Street Cemetery, Hathorne.
G.R.5.----gravestone record, Prince private burial ground, Spring street, Danvers.
G.R.6.----gravestone record, Putnam private burial ground, Hathorne.
G.R.7.----gravestone record, Russell private burial ground, Danversport.
G.R.8.----gravestone record, High Street Cemetery, Danvers.
G.R.9.----gravestone record, Holten Street Cemetery, Tapleyville.
G.R.10,----gravestone record, Putnam private burial ground, off Sylvan Street, Danvers.
G.R.11.----gravestone record, Walnut Grove Cemetery, Danvers.
G.R.12.----gravestone record, Jacobs private burial ground, Gardner's Hill.
G.R.13.----gravestone record, Hutchinson private burial ground, off Carleton's Lane, Danvers Centre.
G.R.14.----gravestone record, Tapley and Preston private burial ground, off Dayton Street, Danvers Centre.
G.R.15.----gravestone record, Putnam private burial ground, Locust Street, Putnanwille.
G.R.16.----gravestone record, Swinerton private burial ground, Garden Street, Danvers Centre.
G.R.17.----gravestone record, Single stone on the west side of the railroad, south from the Putnamville station.
G.R.18.----gravestone record, Marsh private burial ground on Jacobs' farm, off Lowell Street, West Peabody, record of unmarked graves furnished by Miss Hannah F. Marsh.
G.R.19.----gravestone record, Jacobs' private burial ground, off Lowell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.20.----gravestone record, Goodale private burial ground, Buxton road, Danvers Centre.
G.R.21.----gravestone record, Pope private burial ground, Pope's Lane, Danvers Centre.
G.R.22.----gravestone record, Needham private burial ground, Goodale Street, West Peabody.
G.R.23.----gravestone record, Larrabee private burial ground, off Lowell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.24.----gravestone record, Flint private burial ground, off Lowell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.25.----gravestone record, Russell new private burial ground, off Russell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.26.----gravestone record, Russell private burial ground, Russell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.27.----gravestone record, Russell old private burial ground, off Russell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.28.----gravestone record, Gardner private burial ground, Birch Street, West Peabody.
G.R.29.----gravestone record, Eli Upton private burial ground, off Birch Street, West Peabody.
G.R.30.----gravestone record, Wilson private burial ground, off Andover Street, Peabody.
G.R.31.----gravestone record, Raddin private burial ground, Lynnfield Street, Peabody.
G.R.32.----gravestone record, Very or Curtis private burial ground, Lynn Street, Peabody.
G.R.33.----gravestone record, Quaker burial ground, Main Street, Peabody.
G.R.34.----gravestone record, Douty private burial ground, Newbury Street, West Peabody.
G.R.35.----gravestone record, Twiss private burial ground, off Lake Street, West Peabody.
G.R.36.----gravestone record, Needham private burial ground, Lynnfield Street, Peabody.
G.R.37.----gravestone record, Brown private burial ground, off Winona Street, West Peabody.
G.R.38.----gravestone record, Oak Grove Cemetery, West Peabody.
G.R.39.----gravestone record, Moulton private burial ground, Newbury Street, West Peabody.
G.R.40----gravestone record, Taylor private burial ground, Newbury Street, West Peabody.
G.R.41.----gravestone record, John Marsh private burial ground, off Lowell Street, West Peabody.
G.R.42.----gravestone record, King Cemetery, and record of tombs furnished by D. Webster King of Boston.
G.R.43.----gravestone record, Newhall private burial ground, Lynnfield Street, records of unmarked graves furnished by Sylvanus L. Newhall.
G.R.44.----gravestone record, Marsh private burial ground at " Pilfershire," West Peabody, records of unmarked graves furnished by Miss Hannah F. Marsh.
G.R.45.----gravestone record, Marsh tomb, West Peabody, records furnished by Sylvanus L. Newhall.
G.R.46.----gravestone record, Felton private burial ground, Prospect Street, West Peabody.
G.R.47.----gravestone record, Amos King private burial ground, Summit Street, West Peabody.
G.R.48.----gravestone record, Main Street Cemetery, Peabody.
G.R.49.----gravestone record, Wilson private burial ground, Liberty street, Peabody.
G.R.50.----gravestone record, Emerson Cemetery, Lynn street, Peabody.
G.R.51.----gravestone record, Single stone on James Marsh farm, West Peabody.
G.R.52.----gravestone record, Monumental Cemetery, Peabody.
G.R.53.----gravestone record, Cedar Grove Cemetery, Peabody.
h.----husband; hour.
int.----intention of marriage.
m.----male; married; month.
N.S.----new style.
O.S.----old style.
P.R.1.----Bible record now in possession of George Shorey of Lynn.
P.R.2.----Bible record now in possession of Robert Ramsdell of Lynn.
P.R.3.----Family record now in possession of the heirs of George Munroe of Lynn.
P.R.4.----Bible record now in possession of Samuel Guilford of Lynn.
P.R.5.----Zaccheus Collins' diary, now in possession of the Essex Institute.
P.R.6.----Famlly record of Bartholomew Brown, now in possession of the Essex Institute.
P.R.7.----Jeremy Hutchinson's record of deaths, now in possession of Mrs. Edward A. Putnam of Danvers.
P.R.8.----Moses Prince's record of deaths, now in possession of Mrs. Edward A. Putnam of Danvers.
P.R.9.----Diary of John Preston, now in possession of Miss Maria Preston of Danvers.
P.R.10.----Extracts from "text books" of Dea. Joseph Seccombe, in the Essex Institute Historical Collections.
P.R.11.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Narcissa Williams of Peabody.
P.R.12.----Bible record now in possession of Warren A. Galeucia of Peabody.
P.R.13.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Edward A. H. Grover of Danvers.
P.R.14.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Edward A. Putnam of Danvers.
P.R.15.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles O. Warner of Peabody.
P.R.16.----Journal kept by Samuel Gardner, 1759, published in the Essex Institute Historical Collections.
P.R.17.----Bible record of Paul Osborn family now in possession of the Peabody Historical Society.
P.R.18.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Abraham C. Osborne of Peabody.
P.R.19.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Mary Ellen Crane of Peabody.
P.R.20.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Calvin P. Osborne of Peabody.
P.R.21.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Hannah Ellen Gave Poor of Peabody.
P.R.22.----Bible record now in possession of the heirs of Samuel Stimpson of Peabody.
P.R.23.----Bible records now in possession of Mrs. Abraham C. Osborne of Peabody.
P.R.24.----Bible records now in possession of Miss Mary Jane Buxton of Peabody.
P.R.25.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Hall of Malden.
P.R.26.----Bible record now in possession of Warren D. King of Peabody.
P.R.27.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Martha M. Hutchinson of Peabody.
P.R.28.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Mary 0. Stevens of Peabody.
P.R.29.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Frank A. Low of Peabody.
P.R.30.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Hannah Marsh of Lynn.
P.R.31.----Bible record now in possession of Charles H. Hooper of Peabody.
P.R.32.----Bible records now in possession of Edward P. Barrett of Peabody.
P.R.33.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Harriet Ellen Larrabee of Peabody.
P.R.34.----Family records now in possession of Sylvanus L. Newhall of Peabody.
P.R.35.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lucy H. Phillips of Peabody.
P.R.36.----Bible record now in possession of Warren Shaw of Peabody.
P.R.37.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Phillips T. Nelson of Peabody.
P.R.38.----Bible record now in possession of Miss May F. Herrick of Lynnfield.
P.R.39.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Albert H. Whidden of Salem.
P.R.40.----Bible record now in possession of Robert Henry Waters of Newburyport.
P.R.41.----Bible record now in possession of Charles F. Bushby of Peabody.
P.R.42.----Family record now in possession of Mrs. Frank Taylor of Peabody.
P.R.43.----Family record now in possession of Miss Fanny Brown of Andover.
P.R.44.----Bible record now in possession of Harrison Whittemore of Dorchester.
P.R.45.----Bible record now in possession of heirs of John E Herrick of Peabody.
P.R.46.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Abram Lummus of Peabody.
P.R.47.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Albert H. Whidden of Peabody.
P.R.48.----Bible record now in possession of Robert Brown of Peabody.
P.R.49.----Bible record now in possession of William C. Browne of Peabody.
P.R.50.----Bible record now in possession of the heirs of Mrs. Martha M. Cutler of Peabody.
P.R.51.----Interleaved almanac of Amos Pope now in the possession of Mrs. Caroline Marsh of Danvers.
P.R.52.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Susan M. Dale of Danvers.
P.R.53.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Harriet Stimpson of Danvers.
P.R.54.----Bible record now in possession of Frank C. Merrill of Peabody.
P.R.55.----Bible record of Mrs. Sally Osgood, now in possession of Frank C. Merrill of Peabody.
P.R.56.----Bible record now in possession of S. Walter Nourse of Peabody.
P.R.57.----Bible records now in possession of Mrs. Ellen M. Dodge of Danvers.
P.R.58.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Mary A. Langley of Danvers.
P.R.59.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Bessie Putnam of Danvers.
P.R.60.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. J. Frank Porter of Danvers.
P.R.61.----Rea diary record furnished by the late Rev. A. P. Putnam, D. D. of Salem.
P.R.62.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles O. Warner of Peabody.
P.R.63.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles O. Warner of Peabody.
P.R.64.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lyman P. Osborn of Peabody.
P.R.65.----Family record now in possession of the Peabody Historical Society.
P.R.66.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Frank Lummus of Peabody.
P.R.67.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Pickering Hart of Peabody.
P.R.68.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Frank E. Farnham of Peabody.
P.R.69.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Sally Wilkinson of Peabody.
P.R.70.----King family notes now in possession of Miss Mary M. Farley of Salem.
P.R.71.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Joseph Forness of Peabody.
P.R.72.----Bible record now in possession of Arthur Fitch Poole of Peabody.
P.R.73.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Sarah Ann Tibbetts of Danvers.
P.R.74.----Bible record now in possession of Charles N. Perley of Danvers.
P.R.75.----Bible record of James Mills now in possession of Peabody Historical Society.
P.R.76.----Bible record now in possession of Miss H. Frances Osborne of Salem.
P.R.77.----Account book of Benjamin Proctor, now in possession of S. Walter Nourse of Peabody.
P.R.78.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Albert Whidden of Salem.
P.R.79.----Interleaved almanac of Dr. Joseph Osgood, now in possession of Mrs. Charles S. Osgood of Peabody.
P.R.80.----Extracts from book kept by Benjamin Blanchard and William Jelly of Salem, in memorandum book of Benjamin F. Browne, now in possession of the Essex Institute.
P.R.81.----Interleaved almanacs of Timothy Orne, now in possession of the Essex Institute.
P.R.82.----Interleaved almanacs now in possession of the Essex Institute.
P.R.83.----Diary of Mary Endicott, published in the Salem Press Historical and Genealogical Record.
P.R.84.----Journal of Jonathan Proctor, Louisburg Expedition, published in the Essex Institute Historical Collections.
P.R.85.----Records of the Male Watchers' Society of New Mills, Danvers, now in possession of the Danvers Historical Society.
P.R.86.----Coffin plates now in possession of the Danvers Historical Society.
P.R.87.----Bible record of Frye family among Wheatland papers, now in possession of the Essex Institute.
P.R.88.----Account book of Jeremiah Page in Essex Institute Vital Records Manuscripts.
P.R.89.----Original records in Essex Institute Vital Record Manuscripts.
P.R.90.----Stone Bible record now in possession of William Wright Thompson of Peabody.
P.R.91.----Thompson Bible record now in possession of William Wright Thompson of Peabody.
P.R.92.----Interleaved almanacs now in possession of Andrew Nichols of Danvers.
P.R.93.----Diary of Jonathan Porter in the Perley Derby manuscripts in the Essex Institute.
P.R.94.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Mary P. Wiley of Danvers.
P.R.95.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Harriet E. Preston of Danvers.
P.R.96.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Harriet E. Preston of Danvers.
P.R.97.----Family record now in possession of Miss Mary Hutchinson of Danvers.
P.R.98.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Harriet E. Preston of Danvers.
P.R.99.----Amos Pope's diary now in possession of Mrs. Caroline Marsh of Danvers.
P.R.100----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Harriet E. Preston of Danvers.
P.R.101.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. John H. Burnsville of Danvers.
P.R.102.----Bible record now in possession of Amos W. Fuller of Danvers.
P.R.103.----Bible record now in possession of George Wilkins of Danvers.
P.R.104.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Adaliza A. Forrest of Peabody.
P.R.105.----Bible record now in possession of Henry Russell of Peabody.
P.R.106----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Fairfield of Stoneham.
P.R.107.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Mary Ellen Verry of Danvers.
P.R.108.----Family records now in possession of Mrs. Samuel Tucker of Danvers.
P.R.109.----Family register now in possession of Miss Mary Ellen Verry of Danvers.
P.R.110.----Bible record now in possession of Francis O. Kimball of Danvers.
P.R.111.----Bible record now in possession of Misses Ellen M. and Serena P. Towne of Middleton.
P.R.112.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Mary O. Smith of Danvers.
P.R.113.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Madeline Putnam of Danvers.
P.R.114.----Bible record now in possession of William A. Jacobs of Danvers.
P.R.115.----Family register now in possession of Miss Augusta Copp of Danvers.
P.R.116.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Mary Norton of Danvers.
P.R.117.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Hattie Boyce of Danvers.
P.R.118.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. J. Frank Whipple of Danvers.
P.R.119.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. John W. Porter of Danvers.
P.R.120.----Bible record now in possession of William B. Baker of Danvers.
P.R.121.----Bible record now in possession of Wilbert O. Dwinell of Danvers.
P.R.12,.----Bible record now in possession of John Osborn Cheever of Somerville.
P.R.123.----Family register now in possession of Mrs. Samuel Tucker of Danvers.
P.R.124.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Madeline Putnam of Danvers.
P.R.125.----Bible record now in possession of Miss M. A. Bomer of Danvers.
P.R.126.----Mourning piece now in possession of Mrs. Mary K. Perkins of Danvers.
P.R.127.----Bible record now in possession of John Eveleth of Danvers.
P.R.128.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Nancy Proctor of Danvers.
P.R.129.----Bible record now in possession of Horace Boardman of Danvers.
P.R.130.----Bible record now in possession of Miss Carrie Trask of Danvers.
P.R.131.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles H. Ingalls of Danvers.
P.R.132.----Bible record now in possession of Mrs. William A. Bradstreet of Danvers.
w.----wife; week.