The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the cemetery inscriptions, and in the private records found in family Bibles and notebooks. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a married woman, and to show variations in the spelling of a name in the same entry.
When places other than Attleborough and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record printed. In all records the original spelling of names is followed, and the various forms of family names have been placed in one alphabetical arrangement.
Oct. 19, 1694, part of Rehoboth called the North Purchase, to be called Attleborough. Sept. 10, 1697, bounds between Attleborough and Rehoboth established. June 26, 1710, "the mile and a half restored" to Attleborough. Feb. 18, 1830, bounds between Attleborough and Wrentham established and part annexed to Wrentham. June 14, 1887, part established as North Attleborough. July 30, 1887, act of June 14, 1887, accepted by the town. Mar. 6, 1888, the acceptance of the act by the town confirmed. June 17, 1914, Attleborough incorporated as the city of Attleboro. Nov. 3, 1914, act of incorporation accepted by the town.
The population of the town of Attleborough at different periods was as follows: -
1765, 1,739
1790, 2,166
1800, 2,480
1810, 2,716
1820, 3,055
1830, 3,215
1840, 3,585
1850, 4,200
1860, 6,066
1870, 6,769
1880, 11,111
1890, 7,577
1900, 11,335
1910, 16,215
1920, 19,731
1930, 21,769
A.--- Attleborough.
a.--- age.
abt.--- about.
b.--- born.
bef. --- before.
bet. --- between.
bp. --- baptized.
bur. --- buried.
Capt. --- Captain.
C.R.1.--- church record, First Congregational Church, Oldtown Section.
C.R.2.--- church record, Second Congregational Church.
certif. --- certificate.
ch.--- child.
chn. --- children.
Co. --- county.
d. --- daughter; day; died.
Dea. --- deacon.
dec. --- deceased.
dup.--- duplicate entry.
Ens. --- ensign.
grandd. --- granddaughter.
grands.--- grandson.
G.R.1.--- gravestone record, Old Kirk Yard Cemetery.
G.R.2.--- gravestone record, Woodlawn Cemetery.
G.R.3.--- gravestone record, Simmons Cemetery.
G.R.4.--- gravestone record, Falls Cemetery, North Attleborough.
G.R.5.--- gravestone record, Mount Hope Cemetery, North Attleborough.
G.R.6.--- gravestone record, Mann Cemetery, North Attleborough.
G.R.7.--- gravestone record, Wilmarth Cemetery, Briggs Corner.
G.R.8.--- gravestone record, Solomon Cemetery.
G.R.9.--- gravestone record, Follett Cemetery.
G.R.10. --- gravestone record, Paine Cemetery, North Attleborough.
G.R.11.--- gravestone record, Woodcock Cemetery, North Attleborough.
G.R.12. --- gravestone record, Hillside Cemetery, Dodgeville.
G.R.13.--- gravestone record, Newell Cemetery, South Attleborough.
G.R.14.--- gravestone record, Dodge Family Cemetery, Dodge.
G.R.15.--- gavestone record, Thayer Cemetery.
G.R.16.--- gravestone record, Catholic Cemetery, Attleborough Falls.
G.R.17.--- gravestone record, single monument at Blackstone, R.I., formerly Attleborough Gore, which was set off to Rhode Island in 1747.
G.R.18.--- gravestone record, Peck Cemetery, Arnold's Mills, R.I., formerly Attleborough Gore.
G.R.19.--- gravestone record, Ballou Cemetery, Cumberland Hills, R.I., formerly Attleborough Gore.
h.—husband; hour.
inf. --- infant.
int. --- intention of marriage.
jr. --- junior.
Lt.--- lieutenant.
m.--- male; married; month.
P.R.1.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Herbert Bliss.
P.R.2.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Luella E. Manchester.
P.R.3.---Bible record in possession of A. B. Cummings.
P.R.4.---Bible and family record in possession of the Attleboro Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
P.R.5.--Bible record in possession of Mrs. Ada G. Keeler.
P.R.6.---Bible record in possession of Miss Ida M. Hayward.
P.R.7.---Bible record in possession of Miss Fanny T. Monroe.
P.R.8.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Paul Prew.
P.R.9.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Julia J. B. Merry.
P.R.10.---Bible record in possession of Mr. Fred L. Torrey.
P.R.11.---Bible record in possession of Mr. Henry D. Butterworth.
P.R.12.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. F. L. Briggs.
P.R.13.---Bible record in possession of Howard Gardner.
P.R.14.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. George O. Dunham.
P.R.15.---Bible record in possession of the Misses Agnes and Edith Balcom.
P.R.16.---Bible record in possession of Miss Louisa Stone.
P.R.17.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Marian P. Carter.
P.R.18.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. James G. Hill.
P.R.19.---Bible record in possession of Jesse Carpenter.
P.R.20.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. David Hawkins.
P.R.21.---Bible record in possession of J. L. Sweet.
P.R.22.---Bible record in possession of Miss Grace A. Savery.
P.R.23.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. W. O. Hewitt.
P.R.24.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Walter Fisher.
P.R.25.---Bible record in possession of Miss Irene Battey.
P.R.26.---Bible record in possession of Miss Edith Barney.
P.R.27.---Bible record in possession of Charles S. Morse.
P.R.28.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Clarence L. Watson.
P.R.29.---Bible record in possession of Miss Augusta P. Gray.
P.R.30.----Bible record in possession of Frank F. Blackinton.
P.R.31.---Bible record in possession of Miss Frances A. Carnes.
P.R.32.---Bible record in possession of Frank W. Carpenter.
P.R.33.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Willard A. Engley.
P.R.34.---Bible record in possession of Frederick E. Babcock.
P.R.35.---Bible record in possession of Frank I. Babcock.
P.R.36.---Bible record in possession of Alfred D. Crosby.
P.R.37.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Elwin A. Potter.
P.R.38.---Bible record in possession of William L. Bushee.
P.R.39.---Bible record in possession of Miss Nettie D. Sadler.
P.R.40.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Albert M. Dunham.
P.R.41.---Bible record in possession of Dr. Charles A. Mooers.
P.R.42.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Frederick G. Mason.
P.R.43.---Bible record in possession of W. F. Barden.
P.R.44.---Bible record in possession of Henry P. Wilmarth.
P.R.45.---Bible record in possession of Herbert S. Cummings.
P.R.46.---records from the Holman-Balcomb Collection deposited at the Attleboro Public Library.
P.R.47.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Albert J. Carpenter.
P.R.48.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Ellen R. Douglas.
P.R.49.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Susan Dunham.
P.R.50.---Bible record in possession of Ralph H. Parmenter.
P.R.51.---Bible record in possession of Edward D. Parmenter.
P.R.52.---Bible record in possession of Miss Nellie G. Perry.
P.R.53.---Bible and family record in possession of Mrs. Edwin L. Libbey.
P.R.54.---Bible record in possession of Percy A. Dean.
P.R.55.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Alice M. Wales.
P.R.56.---Bible record in possession of Elmer W. Atwell.
P.R.57.---Bible record in possession of Walter M. Kendall.
P.R.58.---Bible record in possession of Miss Hattie Holley.
P.R.59.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Albert K. Bowen.
P.R.60.---record from sampler in possession of Mrs. George Cotton, North Attleboro.
P.R.61.---Bible record in possession of Edwin S. Nason of North Attleboro.
P.R.62.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Abner Coit of North Attleboro.
P.R.63.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Edwin H. Cummings of North Attleboro.
P.R.64.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Annie M. Tufts of North Attleboro.
P.R.65.---Bible record in possession of Charles S. Hoisington of North Attleboro.
P.R.66.---Bible record in possession of Miss Cora F. Barden of North Attleboro.
P.R.67.---Bible record in possession of Joseph D. Bacon.
P.R.68.---Bible record in possession of Miss Emma F. Makinson of Attleboro Falls.
P.R.69.---Bible record in possession of Miss Emily L. Barden of North Attleboro.
P.R.70.---genealogical notebook in possession of Miss Alice Stanley of Attleboro Falls.
P.R.71.---records from Carpenter Memorial in possession of Amos R. Carpenter.
P.R.72.---records from Hall Family Records by David B. Hall, page 529.
P.R.73.---genealogical notes collected by Mrs. Marian Pearce Carter.
P.R.74.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. J. Gardner Bartlett of Watertown.
P.R.75.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. E. E. Perrin.
P.R.76.---Bible record in possession of Mrs. Oscar D. Briggs.
P.R.77.---records from loose papers in town vault.
P.R.78.---records from Norton Vital Records.
P.R.79.---private record in possession of New England Historic Genealogical Society, presented to them by Ira B. Peck of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, August 30, 1853.
P.R.80.--private record in possession of New England Historic Genealogical Society, presented to them by Mrs. David Jillson, West Brattleboro, Vermont, August 24, 1889.
P.R.81.---records from Pilgrim Notes and Queries, Volume I.
w.--week; wife.